Dancing in the blood…again

| February 15, 2023


Well, as I write this it has barely been hours since a shooter walked onto the Michigan State University campus in Lansing, MI. Sadly, Monday he killed three and injured 5 more before killing himself. (These assholes always get it backwards – wouldn’t it be nice if they killed themselves FIRST?)  Just because I don’t believe in providing internet hits/fame to jerks like this, I will describe him as a 43-year old black male with no ties to the university. Notably:

The suspected perpetrator of the Monday mass shooting at Michigan State University had a 2019 felony weapons charge against him dismissed under a former county prosecutor decried for her lenient prosecution approach, according to reports.

XXXXXX XXXXX (deleted – Ed.), 43, allegedly shot and killed three Michigan State University students, injuring five others before ultimately killing himself, according to police. He had pleaded guilty in October 2019 to misdemeanor possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, with prosecutors dismissing an initial felony charge of carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit, Ingham County court records cited by The Detroit News Show. Daily Caller

At this point no one knows what, if any, motivation he may have had, only that when confronted by police who were searching specifically for him (following a citizen’s tip recognizing him from video)  he took what used to be called “the coward’s way out.”

No word on what exactly he used – I have seen some claiming (without any shred of supporting info) that he used a revolver, although what little footage they have released indicates merely that it was a handgun. Not that that stops anyone: the Michigan Dem politicians and Joe Biden have already both gone on record. We need tougher gun laws! We need to ban assault weapons!

House Majority Whip State Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, put out a statement which boasted an opening line of “f**k your thoughts and prayers” and went on to demand “common sense gun reform” and blame the shooting on past “inaction.”

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, another Democratic darling, took the opportunity to smear her political opponents as people who don’t care about children. “You either care about protecting kids or you don’t,” Rep. Slotkin said. Newsweek

Biden himself is calling yet again for an assault weapon ban. Yahoo  Seems his senile old self just does that out of conditioned reflex…he considers his failed Clinton assault weapon ban as his hallmark achievement, and I guess he wants to recapture his ‘glory days’ when he thought he was a mover and shaker?

Geez, people, it’d be nice if you would let the bodies cool before trying to exploit their deaths, especially when your party’s lenient-on-crime policies makes you at least partially culpable.



Category: Biden, Crime, Guns

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Anna Puma

So a Known Lone Wolf

way to go criminal prosecution system. The blood is on your hands.


Yes, another dangerous person with mental problems/disorders is just another “catch & release” that goes on to commit more violent crimes.
The “prosecutors” that turn these animals loose should be held responsible. If there was accountability on their end, they’d do more to put these walking nightmares away. Nothing will happen and 3 families will grieve for the lost young ones. Rinse and repeat.


Reminds me of George Floyd. If prosecutors would have kept his sorry ass locked up he might still be alive and a police officer not put in prison.

Steve Cadre

Why put up a pic of an AR at top of article, if a pistol was the murder weapon used?

That just makes people more against AR’s, when it fact, it was a pistol, possibly an old revolver even, used in the crime.

Name edited to protect PII.


You really missed the point of the article, didn’t you.


Reeding kompreehenshun R hard.


I’d say visual impact, Steve. Don’t think a pic of an AR is going to sway anyone one way or the other.


With all due respect to Sam Colt, the AR is simply a sexier weapon. If I need to see any hardware without some pretty young thing handling it (that there’s no pretty young thing in that pic is a much less defensible question), I’d rather see Stoner’s Black Betty.

Hack Stone

What we need is common sense District Attorneys who will prosecute criminals under existing laws, not plea bargain down charges to misdemeanors.

Hack Stone

Well, Hack Stone seems to have cracked the code. The only time recently that his posts actually get posted is when he is on a military installation. Today’s being Joint Base Andrews. Hack will be going cubicle to cubicle trying to sell outdated and overpriced Red Hat and Y3K software to the gubmint.


I have never figured out why these so-called prosecutors always seem to plea deal away the gun charges. They are so easy to prove. You call the cop to the stand who arrested the thug. You show him the confiscated firearm and you ask him to tell the jury where he found it in relation to the defendant. Eazy peazy.

Hack Stone

They like the metrics of closing cases. The Prosecutor doesn’t want to waste time with a trial, he has more important things to do, like do the bidding of George Soros.


“Gun” is usually the worst penalty, right? What is the first thing counsel for the defendant will ask to be dropped, in exchange for a plea? And the prosecuter just needs the W, any W, yes? And ThuggyFreelance just wants to get back to his trade asap, yes?


Oh, and since most to all of the participants vote Donk, actually solving gun misuse is not an objective. Banning them is the objective.

Because that ban opens up prosecuting a new pool of “crooks”, those that otherwise have no chargeable offenses.

Arguably, anything that actually reduces any crime goes against the system.

The revolving door is designed in. It powers the process.

USMC Steve

What we need is more socialist democrat control…


Got somethin’ for ’em:


Helicopter rides?

Air Pinochet: Who says you need a left wing to fly?


Once again, the Left calls for taking guns…
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Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m empathetic to the tragedy when random violence kills people in the United States. I’m disheartened that we raise so many children who possess zero moral integrity and believe they have a right to take things from others up to and including their lives.

However that does not make me a monster simply because I will resist any and all attempts to continually erode my personal liberties in the name of some greater good. This nation is not a totalitarian European bullshit society where the government dictates the rights of the people and all things are granted by the government.

This nation is built on the concept the individual should be protected from being compelled to suffer under the will of the majority. This nation’s freedom is thus noisy, uncomfortable, and dangerous at various times in our history.

I would wish it is ever so.

To those who believe I don’t care because I refuse to surrender my rights, know that I don’t give a single fuck about your beliefs.


You are not alone in your beliefs.


Ditto. Surrender your right of self-defense for government provided security/safety, and soon you will have neither.


Apologies and a ht 2 Ol’ Ben, but many of us think as you do VOV. You nailed it. And these thoughts are reason #69 that so many of us have that barren field.

Other than the gunz grabbers using this to call for more control of gunz, this story will go poof soon since the type of weapon and the usual suspect is not featured here. They would have been much happier if it had of been a drugged up, whyte boi, MAGA, crazed Veteran, screaming “TRUMP WON!!”, as he blazed away, taking out innocent women and children that are POC.

Control of We, The People.


Speaking of white boi, that little shitbag in NY just got life without parole today…and now the feds get their turn. Not sure if DP is on the table, but this is one time I wouldn’t mind seeing it used.


DP definitely should be used. Why burden any taxpayers with the upkeep of vermin for 40-50 years just to watch them wither away slowly. If there is no way an individual will ever be a future use to society, exterminate them with extreme prejudice.


First damn words out of his mouth! I was so pissed.


The way our justice system works is to plea down felonies to lesser charges. This is why it is broken.

The offender was shown holding a thick black handgun, unknown type. Like the overwhelming majority of US gun deaths he used a handgun. The so called “assault weapon” still only being used definitively in about 3% of gun murders. “Mass shooters” of course still make up about 1% of firearm deaths or less than 3% of murders. At least according to the most recent FBI study released the other day.


And because this individual was able to plea down his previous gun charge he was able to go purhcase a new one, despite his father stating he was mentally unstable. His father had stated he was going to dark places and knew he had a gun, but made no effort to get his son some help…and to have his firearms at least temporarily held from him. There are due process means to help someone, that would have prevented this tragedy, no need for RED FLAG laws which avoid due process. But we make it so hard in this country to do the right thing!

Last edited 1 year ago by MIRanger

I saw the Michigan State Procecutor, who claims he is gun owner himslef, call for RED FLAG laws…which only in this case it actually might have helped.
I had previously read a story which interviewed the father of the individual (yes the 43yr old was living at his parents) say that he knew he had a gun, and was shooting it in the back yard. Everytime he asked him about it he denied it, but the father found casings in the grass (probably an automatic). The father said if he had found the gun he would have thrown it away….not a good solution (IMO).
I am not a fan of RED FLAG laws, but for once at least the idiots are proposing solutions to the identified problem instead of just trying to round up everyone’s means of protecting themselves.


The father could have reported his concern to the police, since I bet the shooter was prohibited from possessing firearms as a condition of his probation. But he accepted the son’s statement he didn’t have any guns.


A couple of neighbors were interviewed by local media, and both said they had seen and heard the guy shooting in his backyard. The house was within the city limits of East Lansing, Mi.and I’m sure that, like any other city in Michigan, the discharge of a firearm is prohibited, within the city. Strange that no one bothered to call the po-po while this waste of skin was firing his weapon during the day or evening.


The Clinton semi-AR was quickly circumvented by the manufacturers. By removing bayonet lugs and flash suppressors, US companies continued selling these popular rifles. I legally bought a two lowers and two uppers during the so-called “ban.”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Years ago, I owned a Sturmgewerhr Semi AR-15 and AR-180 I added in the Sturm because it means storm which to storm a position can also mean assault. I never hear anyone mention an AR-180.


It was the ultimate in “feel good” legislation. Let’s ban certain cosmetic features and pat ourselves on the back because we showed our constituents that we “did something”. You truly can fool some of the people all of the time.


One of the worst semi-random mass shooters of all time used a Ruger Rifle Model 44 and a Colt .38 five-shot revolver. The M44 has 4-round magazine and looks as harmless as grand dad’s old hunting rifle. No AWB would have prevented it.


“Assault weapon” is ” anything not yet prohibited”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I heard on the Joe Paggs show or Lars Larsen Radio show that the perp wasn’t white so you most likely will not hear the story from the liberal Lame stream media. I NEVER watch cnn or msnbc so I don’t know if they stopped mentioning it after they found out that the story doesn’t fit their narrative that it wasn’t a white maga President Trump supporter.


None of the MSM would show his mug. They did not want to show another mass shooter (four or more people shot) that was non-White, cuz according to them all mass shooters are white males.

AW1 Rod

Here he is:


Black dude. White victims. No AR-15 platform.

Doesn’t fit the narrative, so ZERO non-stop outrage and reporting. Just crickets.


Apparently, the former DA was a Soros selected Prog who wants Black males to be able to illegally carry firearms with impunity. Racial “equity” demands that Blacks not be incarcerated for their gun crimes.


Why can’t progressives just legislate morality? That would put evil out of existence. Sarc/off


No half measures!

Outlaw crime now!


“To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.”
–Will Durant


He’s basically saying that we’re bad people because we don’t accept the premise that banning “assault rifles” will prevent crazy people from doing crazy things.

Hack Stone

Looks like our team has a new applicant. Hack Stone votes an emphatic NO! She wants to defund the police, she can live, and die, with the consequences.


A Proud Infidel®™

Each and every time the idiot pols FAIL to take into account the multiple existing Laws broken in the commission of that crime. WTF good are laws if they aren’t enforced?


And, these shootings took place in, horrors, a Gun Free Zone.

RGR 4-78

A GFZ is nothing more than a government mandated killing field where lawful U.S. Citizens are devested of their second amendment rights.


The Left sure likes killing fields.


Scary part is, in 25 states he would gave been within his legal rights to carry without a permit.
Was his record somehow involved with his decision, or if he was just a general dirtbag, we’ll never know.

tom reynolds

Would it have been racist to prosecute him? I have to wonder what kind of drugs they had him on. Does his online handler know if he was taking them or not? Have they erased his and their online presence yet? Asking for a friend…