More dancing in victim’s blood

| January 26, 2023


In a sad Lunar New Year (LNY) headline, 11 people were killed in a mass shooting at a LNY dance out in California. Not surprisingly, the usual suspects are dancing in the blood of the victims to push their political aims regardless of the facts.

Multiple sources cited in the LA Times decry the terrible anti-Asian hatred of the shooting… it’s worth noting that the perp (who killed himself before arrest) was Huu Can Tran, a 72 year old Asian who was well known as a regular patron of the hall where the shooting took place.  Speculation is that he was unhappy at not being invited to the LNY event.

Rep. Judy Chu, D-CA, represents the area where the shooting occurred and immediately called for tighter controls on “assault weapons” despite the murder weapon being a semi-automatic pistol. (It has, however, been referred to as an “assault pistol”.  Yahoo  Reportedly the gun was a semi-auto Mac-10. Ugly, inaccurate, but it accepts a detachable magazine.)

Biden, meanwhile, has called on Congress to pass an assault weapons ban. Sen. Feinstein, California’s Senator from Senility, has once again submitted yet another assault weapons bill Yahoo II

Ned Lamont, CT governor, wants to ban open carry in the state. Obviously East Coast open carry must have caused the California shootings?

The governor has proposed investing $2.5 million into community violence intervention programs, along with banning the open carrying of firearms in public, limiting handgun purchases to one per month, and updating the state’s ban on “ghost guns.”

Lamont seeks to discourage straw purchases and the illegal flow of ghost guns, the release said, while also continuing to allow gun owners to exercise concealed carry with a permit, with the exception of some locations. Washington Examiners

And in a grim follow-up, seven more Asian and Hispanic were killed by a “disgruntled ex-worker”, 67 year-old Chunli Zhao,  in Half Moon Bay, just south of San Francisco.

The 67-year-old gunman who went on a killing spree in Half Moon Bay had legally purchased his firearm, had no prior contact with local law enforcement and was an employee of one of farms he targeted.  CBS News

The weapon in this case was identified as a semi-automated handgun. Nice proof-reading, guys.

I always wonder at the motivation of these idiots (the shooters, not the pols. We KNOW what they want.)  Pretty sure an invitation to next year’s dance, or getting rehired, are off the table.  Two older Asian guys…are crime demographics changing?

Category: Crime, Guns, Politics

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Both pistols in the dance hall shootings were clones. A Corbray Mac-10, which has been illegal forever in California and a Norinco Tokarev clone which I believe might still be legal there.

There was some discussion that the Mac may have had a modified trigger making it FA. This would be illegal of course, making it double illegal in Cali. They are pretty shitty guns but were popular in bad 80s action flicks and on Miami Vice. Arnold famously carried one in the original Terminator.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

Might have had one of those goofy back-n-forth double triggers, where it fires on both pull and release.

Or he just ran it like it was stolen.


Of cheesy ’80s action movie infamy:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

“Check newspapers for listings!” A whut?


You mean a submarine gun with no buttstock and a 4-6 inch barrel is not accurate. Here is my shocked face. 😜


Spray ‘n pray…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I heard a leo on the radio call the handgun an assault handgun. What an A-Hole


A whut gun?


Are submarine guns different than tanker guns? Did the Air Force have an airplane variant as well?

The gun in the “A Soldier” flick almost looked like a mini-Uzi not a Mac-10 or Bren-10. I always remember Snakeyes from G.I.Joe carried twin Mac-10s


MAC-10 on the ski jump shot, just because they could.


The Duke had one in McQ.


Made it look cool.
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

The Duke made everything look cool


I should actually be multicultural here…
El Duque.

His second wife, Pilar, was Mexican. Us folks of Mexican descent love us some Marion Michael Morrison. Dude was a good friend of Pedro Armendariz, who starred in the Cavalry movies that Wayne did in the late ‘40s early’50s.

A Proud Infidel®™

Since the gun used in that shooting is already illegal to own or possess in the PRoC, I assume we’ll soon hear libtard pols screech for warrantless searches of homes in blatant violation of the 4th Amendment.

Forest Bondurant

The LA County Sheriff (Luna) said the type of gun used was an “assault pistol”.


With the flamethrower, chainsaw bayonet and the thing that goes up… no doubt on his politics, comrade!

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Yup. Definitely one on them White Asian UltraMAGA rabid Trump supporters. The fact they had some grievance strictly personal to them is irrelevant.


And a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time!

Don’t shoot your eye out!


As someone who grew up and lives in The Region, I say….

Well played, sir

Well played.



One of my favorite movies, even outside of Christmas. Nice to know that there is a fellow “Traveler” out there.


The original Mac design was full auto suppressed pistol.


Yup. In both .45ACP and 9mm. MAC-11 is in .380ACP.


I would like to know where the shooter acquired this pistol, whether semi or full auto. In commiefornia, all full auto firearms are illegal to purchase or possess. Also, none of Ingram’s creations are legal to acquire, even if semi-auto.


Probably an ’80s leftover from when they were more available.8


Nope, it was a more modern clone that was never legal in the state.


Damn, he couldn’t get a better piece?


According to the Monterey Park popo, the gun is a semi-auto Mac-10 in 9mm. A pic of it shows it had a homemade suppressor attached to it. The Leo admitted that the gun is illegal both federally for the suppressor and is illegal to acquire in Commiefornia. He speculated that the shooter may have acquired this formerly legal Mac-10 pistol long before they became illegal to sell in the state.


Looks like a fun gun to shoot. But was he hitting anything?


Well, he managed to hit twenty people with it. But he was shooting into a crowd.


YEah, as soon as I heard that I assumed it was some kind of brainwashing thing: Lets get the least violent demographic to start using these AR-pistols with braces to support the Presidents initiative to ban pistol braces! They haven’t really been use in any crimes yet, so we need something to support the made up statistics


I don’t know, based on the demographics of the shooters, it seems that Asian hate might be at the root of it… ooh, wait, you mean that Asian hate doesn’t mean it’s angry Asians doing the shooting??? Damn, I can’t keep this lefty crap straight


Nah, it is because no one asked him to the dance.

USMC Steve

Sounds like we need more Kalifornia control.


Amazingly (not), the network news is avoiding throwing into the mix the shooting that left six dead in the rural town of Goshen, CA on January 16th. One would think that these six added to eighteen would make the message even more powerful. Why haven’t they added these six? In my opinion there are two reasons. First, the Goshen executions were almost certainly a cartel hit. Rural CA is the contraband warehouse for the cities. Mentioning cartels risks bringing up the open southern border. Second, the victims were Hispanic. Too much melanin in the skin. Asian’s are the new political hot hand.


Yep, that was a cartel hit. As the left continues it’s war on the police and it’s strong support of illegal drugs these will get much worse until we are like Mexico.


“he was unhappy at not being invited”

Some gals are just too ugly to get asked to the dance.


Fightin’ words these days:
comment image


Scott Adams had a take that I think is probably right on*. He said that the amount of mass shootings will continue to increase because males (especially young ones) have been denigrated by our society for decades. As males (to take the age aspect out) are devalued and prospects for dating go down, women don’t want children, and are continuously are told you are toxic, they will eventually have more of a ‘I just don’t give a damn’ attitude. That’s the sort of thing that could lead someone to think some form of “if I go out, I will make the world notice me”. Not many people would ever get to that point (i.e. the point of mass murder), but it just takes a few, right? It sure sounds like the situation we have. The solution? Stop listening to liberals and conceal and carry.
*From yesterday’s podcast

Last edited 1 year ago by FuzeVT

Nope. It is nearly always drugs and or mental illness.


Ok, but there are lots of people on drugs and or are mentally ill. The ones that do the shootings are typically younger white males (last two in California being recent outliers). The fact that they usually are drug addled mental cases isn’t disputed.


Maybe you need a visit to Shotcago and a few other large D-rat run cities if you think the more than four victims shootings are “typically younger white males.”


Ok, yes. I get that point, too. According to the News media those killings don’t exist. They of course should be noticed and addressed but for reason I don’t think I need to go into on this forum, they have no desire to address that because it would be. . . uncomfortable for them. What I am talking about (and Scott’s point to which I was reacting) are the big mass murder episodes that they do talk about that are typically younger white males (e.g. Columbine, Uvalde, Oxford HS).
Why are you guys making this so hard?!


Why are you guys making this so hard?!

Something to do with integrity.


Ok, but you have noticed how I have ceded each point people are bringing up but those points weren’t related the point I was making. The were close to what my topic was (same major theme of shootings) but wasn’t on the topic that I was commenting on. C’mon, Man!! I don’t got that much hair left and you’re making me pull it out!


So it’s 2023, we have had five mass shootings. Of those the shooter was AsianX2, Black X1, Latino (Suspected)X1, White X1. The white guy was 42 years old.

2023 also disagrees with you.


AAAIIIIIGGGHHH!!!! Have I said that non-whites don’t shoot people in mass quantities?! No!!!


5 shootings in a row and none of them match your narrative is my point.


No, blacks are way over represented. Whites may commit more (or not) mass shootings but per capita it isn’t even close.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

The White male shootings make the news, not that they are larger or more extreme, because it fits their narrative. There will always be young people that blame the world for their problems, not themselves. The problem is the schools are exaccerbating the problem by feeding their psychosis…maybe girls don’t like you because you are some other gender…pick one!

Skivvy Stacker

None of which matches up with the recent study by the National Institute of Justice on mass shootings between 1966 and 2019…


You’re going to have to excerpt the study to which you are referring. The link you provide is to the main site I’m not really wanting to have to dig through it looking for it. I actually wasn’t going to go to the site at all (but then relented) since I am immediately likely to discount any group with the word “Justice” in title and doubly so for any government agency with “Justice” in the title.


According to the National Institute of Justice/The Violence project study, the demographics of shooters were 97.7% male, with an average age of 34.1 years, 52.3% white, 20.9% black, 8.1% Latino, 6.4% Asian, 4.2% middle eastern, and 1.8% native American.

Whites make up 60% of the US population, Blacks 13% and 18.9%.

Here is the real kicker, which is why when some white kid goes full retard and shoots up a school it is all so shocking. Homicide in the population offenders are 45% black with 90% of their victims being also black.


Not really too concerned about stats from nearly 60 years ago. 30 years, sure, that is the last generation.


Except that stats from 60 years ago would show that mass shootings didn’t happen with anywhere near the frequency back then and there were plenty of fully-semi-auto-assault gunnery weapons out there back then, too.


Societal decay and lack of self-control lately may have something to do with it.


Love the deep bass voice.


This is all fake news! Everybody knows that all mass shootings are carried out by crazy whyte bois…that are drugged up veterans suffering from the PTSofD… using legally obtained scary black rifles.

It all boils down to proper home training of your weaponry. Teach them at an early age to stay in their place, be it a corner, gunz rack/safe/ closet, or hanging over the mantle and they will not go around shooting peeples. Maybe you should take the gunz out into the fresh air more often, maybe a boat ride or something.


If only we had more laws in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening!
Elect me and I will go to Washington D.C. to make millions of dollars by trading on insider information, and propose a bill to restrict your rights to defend yourself from anyone breaking the law.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The governor has proposed investing $2.5 million into community violence intervention programs, …”

And like all politicians of his ilk, I wonder how much financial kickback he plans to get from that?

OH and while we’re at it, how many people have been shot in Chicago this past week? Yeah, that place with all of the Gun Laws any commie lib pol would ever want.

Last edited 1 year ago by A Proud Infidel®™
Green Thumb


Amateur Historian

Assault Pistol???

My IQ is currently being shot by Assault Stupidity right now.


We Are Speechless…

“Tyre Nichols Case: 5 Former Memphis Police Officers Charged With Second-Degree Murder”




Its been out there for a while but doesn’t follow the narrative so it hasn’t been getting much play. The video is supposed to be absolutely brutal so everyone has been waiting for it to drop.


The video will be released to the public after 6:00 pm Friday.


Exactly. 5 black cops beating a black guy to death? Naaah, not enough of a story.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

It doesn’t fit the party’s agenda, Comrade Citizen!


Left/libtards still insist “racism”:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

This is what happens when standards are lowered to attract more people. I spent 27 years on a P.D. and never once kicked anyone, jumped on them while they were being controlled by another officer, hit or kicked anyone while they were handcuffed or anything else.
Releasing this video on a Friday night is really good planning./S I’m surprised that the prosecutor and P.D. didn’t wait until May or June so they had warmer weather.