RSSLibertines suck

Merry Christmas to all you Epstein fans

| December 20, 2023 | 22 Comments
Merry Christmas to all you Epstein fans

We all should know Jeffrey Epstein – the famous pedophile who flew the “Lolita Express” to his own personal Fantasy Island, got busted, and Arkanicided suicided in his New York jail cell. His client buddy list has been rumored to have included many top political figures. Dems like to point to Trump’s name (although I […]

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11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

| December 21, 2018 | 75 Comments
11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

There has been a lot of discussion behind the scenes about if we should post this.  It’s not really military in nature but it is an indication of how twisted the Libtarded can become if left unsupervised.  I figured it needs to be out there in Google land what many of us actually think about it. […]

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Nathan Larson lowers bar for politics

| June 2, 2018 | 64 Comments
Nathan Larson lowers bar for politics

Virginia Libertarian congressional candidate, Nathan Larson, operates on the fringe of political issues, and he hopes that the rest of Virginia voters do, too. According to the Washington Post; Nathan Larson lives with his parents, and spends most of his waking hours on the Internet in between intermittent work as an accountant. And it’s mostly […]

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Cuomo; if you want to protect the innocent, stay out of NY

| January 17, 2016 | 31 Comments
Cuomo; if you want to protect the innocent, stay out of NY

The Washington Times reports that the legacy governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, in a radio interview the other day, warned conservatives away from the state; “[Conservatives’] problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who […]

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The pony-tailed one needs a military blogger

| June 19, 2013 | 57 Comments
The pony-tailed one needs a military blogger

The above picture was sent to us by one of our old blogging friends and it’s the post headline and photo from Little Green Footballs (yeah, I know, I had forgotten about them, too) and the guy in the hat is supposed to remind us of the Confederate South, somehow. But, just like everything else […]

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Kokesh arrested in Philly

| May 19, 2013 | 13 Comments
Kokesh arrested in Philly

Several of you have sent us links to the news that attention monger Adam Kokesh has been arrested….again. This time at a rally in Philadelphia for the legalization of marijuana. Of course, you probably remember that Kokesh is planning to march on the District of Colombia on July 4th with loaded rifles. At his Facebook […]

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Former Soviet citizen confronts occupiers

| October 25, 2011 | 17 Comments
Former Soviet citizen confronts occupiers

Country Singer sends us a video taken by a former Soviet citizen who makes a couple of occupiers on Wall Street uncomfortable. you’ll be happy to know that North Koreans are better off than South Koreans and that Che Guevara wasn’t a mass murderer at all; When this Russian guy tells them that he lived […]

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Hippies threaten to hold courts hostage (fixed the link)

| October 17, 2011 | 12 Comments
Hippies threaten to hold courts hostage (fixed the link)

The lawyers for the more than 800 hippies who’ve been arrested in the “Occupy Wall Street” theaterics have threatened to clog the New York City courts if charges aren’t dropped immediately, according to the New York Post; “I’d like to suggest to the DA’s office the appropriate way to deal with these cases is outright […]

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