11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

| December 21, 2018

There has been a lot of discussion behind the scenes about if we should post this.  It’s not really military in nature but it is an indication of how twisted the Libtarded can become if left unsupervised.  I figured it needs to be out there in Google land what many of us actually think about it.

An 11-year-old boy known as “Desmond Is Amazing” danced on stage at a New York gay bar while grown men tossed dollar bills at him.

“The pre-adolescent boy, dressed in drag to imitate singer Gwen Stefani, pranced around the stage at Brooklyn’s 3 Dollar Bill, an LGBT bar described as ‘queer owned & operated,’ and ‘Brooklyn’s Premiere Queer Bar & Performance Venue,’” LifeSiteNews reports.

For reasons that suddenly make sense, the bar enforces a strict ban on cell phone usage.

One Yelp reviewer wrote that the bar makes you “put your phone into a locked magnet pouch at the door, so it can’t be used while there. You can slip it into your pocket but can’t get in the pouch.”

Another explained it this way: “The club put our phones in these locked sleeves, which we could [carry] around the club.”

The first to report this about the sexual exploitation of this child was a YouTuber named Yosef Ozia, who connected all these dots based on the Yelp reviews:

WARNING: some may find this very disturbing.

As you can see in the video, this 11-year-old boy is dressed in drag and prancing around wearing a tank top as grown men cheer and throw money.

In even creepier news, “Desmond Is Amazing” has been celebrated by the establishment media.

The Daily Beast and NBC News have both gushed over what can only be described as the sexual exploitation of a child.

According to LifeSite, “ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ (GMA) recently devoted a segment to the boy during which his cross-dressing was celebrated as an example of individuality, and his parents were praised for their support of his drag hobby.”

The Daily Wire reports that this exploitation has been going on for years: “When Desmond was just six years old, he was featured in a music video with drag queen and Season Six winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Jinkx Monsoon. As a fourth-grader, the child was used to advance the LGBT agenda, giving a speech at New York City’s Pride in 2017.”

According to Desmond’s biography, he came out as a homosexual — when he was born:

Desmond was born in June 2007, during NYC Pride Week, at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan. As he tells it, this means that he “is a member of the Village People by default”. He has also claimed that he “came out of the closet when he was born”. Desmond has a loving family and lives in New York City with his father, mother, and many pets. He also has an older sister. Desmond’s nickname at home is Desi.

In this same write up, though, Desmond’s parents claim they are just letting him do what he wants — that a therapist told them this is healthy. In other words, if he enjoys dressing like a girl, being an LGBT icon, and performing in drag, let him.

But it also says this [emphasis added]:

Although he wants everyone to express themselves as genuinely as possible, he is concerned about the growing trend of young teen and child drag performers to dress or act overly sexy or provocatively, much like their adult counterparts. He feels that it sends the wrong message about all young drag performers and results in added aggression, bullying, and hatred, not only from society, but from within the LGBTQ community itself. Although an often controversial topic, he would personally like to see more young people discovering a drag style that speaks to their personal truth, but is at the same time, more age appropriate.

So, in public, Desmond is presented as a child just doing what he loves but in a healthy way that is not “overly sexual” or “provocative,”  in a manner that is “age appropriate.”

But at gay bars where your phone’s recording devices are disabled upon entry, 11-year-old Desmond’s parents have him dancing around on stage in a tank top while grown men hoot, holler, and throw money.

According to my watch, the Second Coming is already ten minutes late.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNCFollow his Facebook Page here.

Somebody try to explain why this kind of thing should not be treated as child abuse, grooming a victim, sexual exploitation of a child and some form of child pornography.

Source: Nolte: 11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, I hate hippies, Liberals suck, Libertines suck, Shitbags, WTF?, YGBSM!!

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” Somebody try to explain why this kind of thing should not be treated as child abuse, grooming a victim, sexual exploitation of a child and some form of child pornography.”


Yep. Parents should go to jail and the kid should be taken away.


Maybe Commissar (Social Justice Warrior) can explain this to us, using empriric data and other things?

I’m in agreement, ChipNASA… absolutely sickening.


Lars was probably in the crowd…


He was the one throwing quarters….


Pennies, Lars doesn’t make Quarter tip money


Yeah, this is totally and completely child abuse. Not to mention pedophilia. That the left embraces this crap shows they are morally deprived.

2/17 Air Cav

“WARNING: some may find this very disturbing.” I did not need a warning. The story alone turned my stomach–and I only read your intro and the fist two paragraphs. Sick f’ers.


Man I’m with you. I won’t click on the link. I heard about this shit on a podcast in the middle of the host’s rant and I didn’t believe it. I heard the man say it was happening, that an 11 year old boy was dancing at a gay bar in drag and men were throwing money and I absolutely didn’t believe it.

But now it’s here on trusty TAH and not just in cuckoo tinfoil-hat podcast land. I can’t fucking believe it.

I’m left on a lot of shit, but the establishment left’s total unequivocal acceptance of anything was destined to lead to this kind of bullshit. The faggots got some political power and now the pedophiles are coming behind them with the same playbook. They’ll say they’re born that way, that it’s nobody’s business as long as it’s safe, that it’s not wrong as along as it’s consensual, and then they’ll be just as established and protected as the other scumbags.


They’ve been doing it for years. I remember when the left got “gay rights” established in the US. The argument against it was that groups like NAMBLA would be sure to follow. The righteous indignation of the left was explosive. No, that wouldn’t happen, they said. Yet past practice at the gay pride parade in San Francisco, and now this shows the lie the left fed the country. There appears to have always been a subset in the LGBT community who have accepted, and even practiced, the sexual exploitation of children.


Not just the parents. The bar owners should be prosecuted also, along with whoever the creep was who promoted it.

A Proud Infidel®™️

It’s very difficult at the least to get more fucked up than that, I concur with ChipNASA.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I meant to add much, much more…none of it very gracious, however in the spirit of the season I will add simply this; anyone involved in this exploitation should get a small caliber round behind their ear into their brain pan so no more are exploited. Trafficking a child should be a death penalty situation.

A Proud Infidel®™️

IMHO they’re not even worth the price of a small caliber round, I’d just tag them behind the ear with a sharp ice pick or a small diameter Phillips Screwdriver.

Dennis - not chevy

‘and if he tried to kiss an 11 year old girl the left would be screaming.

Jus Bill

Damned right. Let this sink in:
This little head case is “performing” in a place where it’s not even old enough to order a soft drink at the bar.

The parents should be thoroughly whipped, and the therapist flayed. That kid is scarred for life.


Yes, very true. But we’re all supposed to know that the NAMBLA bunch, those men who like little boys, aren’t homosexual. That’s what the LGBT community likes to tell us.



Something IDC SARC would NOT hit.


There is something in this article I would hit, the parents, bar owners, and promoter…repeatedly…with a baseball bat.


It looks like child trafficking to me, in addition to all the other things going on. In addition to the wig, he’s wearing false eyelashes and made up to look like a girl.

No, it is not okay.


I thought it was Bradly Manning working for its new G.I Bill.


Well I’m the culprit who originally submitted this for posting and for more reasons than it’s clearly child abuse on its face. I’m not homophobic–I don’t give a rat’s ass what adults do to, for and with each other, preferably in a private setting. But one of my big beefs with queers is their loud denials of proselytizing callow youth when the evidence is everywhere that they do: gay scoutmasters, homosexual priests, youth activities directors, sports coaches, anywhere that provides them with a reason to be close to susceptible youth.

Some of you older veterans may remember when homosexuals were largely still in the closet how they used to hang out in the bus and railway stations trying to pick up young servicemen when buses and trains were Uncle’s preferred form of travel for enlisted personnel. Hitchhiking in uniform, which was within regulations then, was also fraught with risk as well. They weren’t content to contain their homosexuality within their own community, they had to prey on straight youth.

Major media has tried it’s damned best to convince us this link between male homosexuality and pedophilia is a myth but the evidence is everywhere and this incident is another example. Don’t kid yourselves, if they thought they could get away with it these pedophiles would have that little boy and others putting on live sex shows for their sick entertainment.

Forest Green

…”live sex shows…”

I’m sure they are doing just that somewhere here in the US. These freaks don’t want to travel to Thailand to satisfy their sick fucking lifestyle.


And I’ll fess up that I had Poe’s link to this yesterday, crafted a post, and then spiked it after discussion with some of the usual suspects. I couldn’t bring myself to even post a pic of the child in drag. Honestly felt it too explosive a topic for here, and I was/am deeply disturbed about how supposedly mature adults can exploit a child in this manner, and get accolades from the Main Stream Media.

The parents should be neutered, and the child removed into a safe environment.

I told Poe my misgivings, and why I spiked my own post from his link. I was straight up, and I hope there’s no ill feelings.

That Dave chose to post this doesn’t surprise me- I think it’s an important story, but I felt TAH was not the venue for it to be told.

I made a decision, and I’ll stand by it. Heh, I may be wrong, but I’ll not go against my morals, and will always explain why.


Blur the face of the kid, would be my suggestion and request.




AW1Ed consulted us and we had similar misgivings. He had a post, scheduled to post today, when he discovered that he wasn’t the only one with his misgivings. The general consensus, among us “usual suspects”, was to pull it. He needed that confirmation from the rest of us before getting rid of his post on this topic.

This is a learning process, and Dave advanced a good point above.


Hey guys, no hard feelings–we just happened to disagree. I think Dave and I share more of a “Damn the torpedoes!” attitude than most folks. Frankly, I don’t think there is any topic that is inherently taboo for a bunch of adult readers many of whom have experienced combat and seen some of the worst humanity has to offer.

Tasteless maybe, but not taboo…


Some of us would argue that posting the pic of the kid is also exploitive. Certainly not to the degree that the parents are doing, but on the continuum.

Dave Hardin

You can not see this Child’s face. One would have to scrap off all the French Whore makeup they put on him.

Since they already disguised him like some kind of freak sex toy…his actual looks are protected.

A Proud Infidel®™️

IMHO it’s every bit as sick as the “Bacha Bazi” practiced in Asscanistan.


Good post Poe, the only part I’d argue is the false term “homophobic” the left likes this term, since it literally means “afraid of gays”.. most of us who think that “lifestyle ” is sick and twisted are not the least bit “afraid” of them, we just see it for the sickness that it is.. big difference, and as usual, the left wants us to ignore the facts..


Yeah, I’ve long had a problem with ‘phobic’ and ‘phobia’ being attached to words. I’m not afraid of any group of people or any lifestyle but I do believe certain lifestyles are repulsive. The article says this has been going on since the age of 7? Please, the parents are destroying this kid. Despicable. We are truly doomed. We are too far gone to recover.

BTW, who is the fruitcake in the chicken outfit in the crowd in the front on the left?


Very true. The evidence is on full display every year at the San Francisco ‘gay pride’ parade where little boys are sexualized and put on display for the enjoyment of the twisted fucks in attendance. But by denying any link the gay rights groups can set themselves above the rest of us, making themselves moral arbiters of what is right and wrong. If you disagree with them then you are just a narrow-minded, semi-literate, bigoted homophobe.

This was all made clear to me almost 25 years ago. After a ten year old boy was molested and murdered by a creep who lived two doors down, I became involved with a group who helped write and pass ‘Zachary’s Law’ in Indiana. I got into an argument with a few members of a local gay rights group when I said that men who preyed on boys were homosexual. They were livid. They agreed that men who preyed on girls were hetero, I pointed out that by their own logic men who preyed on boys were homosexual. They screamed and cried, denying any connection. They didn’t want anything tainting their ‘gay lifestyle.’ But when the Indiana NAMBLA chapter stepped forward to fight the law, and even tried to get ‘man-boy love’ legalized in Indiana, the gay rights groups were silent. That told me all I needed to know.

2/17 Air Cav

“Hitchhiking in uniform, which was within regulations then, was also fraught with risk as well.” There used to be a bench outside of Fort Campbell’s main gate with a sign that said something on the order of ‘These servicemen need a ride.’ I had forgotten about that until I saw the line I quoted.


Cav do you go back far enough that you were in B Troop, 17th Cav in the Command and Control Battalion of the 101st? The Cav troopers were in the old WWII wooden barracks just like we (101st MP Detachment) were. Best thing about the location was it was only a short block from the infamous Jinmachi Club where the ladies used to come in by the car load on Fridays and Saturdays.

Ah, memories…

2/17 Air Cav

We were in the “bird cage” with D Troop and HHT in the brick buildings on one side of the green and the others on the other side. Let’s see. Motor pool was behind the brick buildings and supply on the other end. The heliport was a ride-to affair on a game reserve and was nothing at all what I learned is there today. The heliport was nothing but locking pads on a vast field on which also stood old weapons bunkers. We were, to say the least, isolated. It was no problem getting to the main post but, once tanked up, it was a helluva task to get back. Like you said, “Ah, memories…”

Forest Green

What drugs are the parents on and how much have they been forcing on this child? I just don’t have the words….


They claim they’re just letting him be himself and free, but it’s clear they’ve encouraged this. He probably put a dress on when he was four and they fawned over how he was a little queen and how he’s brave and fierce. It’s standard conditioning, he just does what brings him positive attention.

He’ll be screwed up for the rest of his life. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he’s a late teen suicide. Here’s hoping he can get away from that toxic environment and get in with some people who will support him in a healthier way.

Love how the article says he says “he came out of the closet when he was born.” This is another example of the overt sexualization of this child. One cannot be straight or gay until you go through puberty and start to find the opposite (or same) gender sexually attractive.

Jus Bill

Not “sexualization;” it’s pure exploitation and child abuse IMO.

A Proud Infidel®™

“He’ll be screwed up for the rest of his life. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he’s a late teen suicide. Here’s hoping he can get away from that toxic environment and get in with some people who will support him in a healthier way.”

I wholeheartedly agree with the third part of what you said and unfortunately I agree with the first couple of sentences, the “parents” are using that young boy as a stage prop in promoting sickness and perversity!


Child exploitation is just wrong without regard for the gender of the child being exploited or of those doing the exploiting. It is no more complicated than that.

Age of consent matters for cases such as this. No wonder we have so many self-absorbed, confused kids out there. Sick people breeding sick children.


My wife wonders why I don’t want our girls to get into dance. I’ve seen how they dress little girls in revealing outfits and put gobs of makeup on them. Makes them look like street walkers.


Has modern society really advanced? One thing comes to my mind…(apologizes ahead of time to the non believers).

In the last days..

2 Timothy 3:1-5
Isaiah 5:20




Roger That!


Im done with this planet.


So, the LGBTABCXYZ crowd is also the pedo crowd? This is my shocked face.


That abuse of that child is one more example of why flogging should be returned to the judicial system.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Along with the use of Pillories and Chain Gangs!

5th/77th FA

I agree and ditto every above post on this thread. WTF & YGBFSM & SMH…oh and just…DAMN

I’ll just leave this; scaffolding, rope, parents, club patrons, politicians that allow this to happen, news media promoting it. Some assembly and a little time required.

A Proud Infidel®™️

THAT would be one very busy set of Gallows.

1. Rope.
2. Tree or Gallows.
3. Pedophile.

Some assembly required.


They tried to lock up a SF team leader and his team sergeant for dispatching a child raping Afghani.
They really want this country to go to hell.
They won’t be happy until Rome f*ing burns.

Mr. Pete

How sad America has become


This is too stupid, to my estimation, to be included on TAH. Were it not for the perversity of media, this sordid stuff would never come to mind or attention.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment Tally, as this is just pure filth, and the mongrels should be shot; as a great man once said, the standard you walk past is the standard you accept. Reports such as this need exposure. Hunt these scum to the ends of the Earth and purge them from the planet.

The Other Whitey

Disgusting, disturbing, appalling, and horrifying. If anyone, anywhere, for any reason, acted that way towards my son or my daughters…well, suffice it to say that violence would ensue. That anyone would voluntarily put their child into that, and encourage it, turns my stomach.

VOV is right, trafficking children should get an automatic death penalty. I will only add that incineration should be the method of execution.

Doc Savage

I just thew up in my mouth….


This kid never had a chance.

charles w

How are the parents not in jail? Oh, it’s ok they’re democrats….. But let’s put the guy who won’t bake the cake in jail.


Can’t defend this


Of course not- it’s indefensible.


Fuck those ‘ Who are born a NAMbLA man’ This is Western Bacha boy shit. Those sick paedos deserve the rope, likely the kid’s mother too.

The Other Whitey

Rope hell, they deserve the pyre.


Wonder who gets the money? Let me guess, it goes into a college fund for the, uh, whatever.

Just An Old Dog

If this was an 11 Year old GIRL dancing for men, everyone involved with it would be under the jail….


Ain’t it the frigging truth!

What wonders liberal thinking has brought to our world…


According to DSM 5 he is a girl. Sex wise a male but gender wise a female. It is all explained in “Transgender Mental Health”
by Eric Yarbrough.
Philias are no longer a “disorder” unless certain conditions are met. Cross dressing is no longer a disorder. Fetishism is no longer a disorder. And guess what’s next.

It is sickening what the shrinks have been up to. The DSM codifies the leftist thinking. It is their bible just as the AMA is now the anti gun barking dog along with the CDC.


One caveat: “Unless the confused/transitioning/whatever person supports Trump.” In cases where the subject expresses any conservative or libertarian leanings, that person has committed a capitol offense.

Dave Hardin

Exactly the point.


It’s a medical fact that transgender people, male or female have one of the highest rates of suicide of any subgroup of people.
This is a worldwide issue and should be dealt with by calling it what it is, child sexual exploitation and nothing else.
Transvestite’s go through their entire lives hating themselves and there is no amount of research that will support anything other than plain child sexual abuse and exploitation…
The entire staff at GMA should be hauled in and questioned about why they thought that it would be a cute thing to show such such tragedy on their show.
Then lock up the producer and the idiot that authorized this shit…
Makes me sick to my stomach.
Oh, and I understand why VOV or Poe wouldn’t want to post this, but from my chair I am glad that TAH stays on top of the shit that goes down these days as normal human behavior and that we are all pretty much on the same level of thinking for the cure to such horseshit behavior by adults as they sexually exploit a child…
Shoot the parents and send the kid to intensive therapy for the rest of his life.
There are some things in life that are not OK and should never be tolerated, this is one of them…


Very true! A 40%+ suicide rate in any community should raise a huge red flag. But leftist gay politics shuts down any opposition.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66, ARNG 75-77

I just shook my head after reading the post and kept my blood pressure down to a Zillion over zero point dipstick.

John Chalus

This is absolutely a crime. He should be removed from his family. This is child abuse plain and simple. I would think that regardless of what this kid performs as it would be illegal for an underage person to be in an establishment that serves alcohol.


We’ve come so far … unfortunately in the wrong direction. I want to go back to the 50s when this was considered what it truly is: child abuse.