Cuomo; if you want to protect the innocent, stay out of NY

| January 17, 2016


The Washington Times reports that the legacy governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, in a radio interview the other day, warned conservatives away from the state;

“[Conservatives’] problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

Way to dig in on mass killings of the the unborn and denying the law abiding citizens of New York the ability to protect themselves from the rising crime rate there. So much for what Ted Cruz called “New York values” the other night.

Category: Libertines suck

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Climb to Glory

Him saying that being pro life is a negative says a lot about him. He’s an asshole just like his old man. Even Ed Koch thought they were a couple of asswipes. He should pry his ass away from NYC and Albany more. He’d find out what all New Yorkers are about. Eat shit, Legacy Gov. You’re just a a common street thug in an expensive monkey suit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just another lowlife politician that ought to spend eternity in hell chained to Helen Thomas, Jane Fonda and my ex-wife when his time comes.


API….give him the Full Monty. Include my ex on that chain line. Never thought I’d dislike anyone this much! He’d had a lot less suffering if he chained himself to concrete boots and took a dive into the Hudson River.

A Proud Infidel®™

Cuomo can tailgate a platoon of linebacker-sized Outlaw Bikers on a moped with the horn stuck on for all I care!

MSG Eric

Until visiting Upstate NY, I didn’t realize how truly different the rest of the state is from NY City.

He’s a spoiled rich kid who had everything he wanted growing up. He’s just a cheaper Bloomberg who thinks everyone should think what he thinks they should.

And of course, he’s a hypocrite because he has rules for “peasants” of NY that he and his ilk don’t have to follow.


Exactly. There’s New York City, and there’s the rest of the state. The difference between them is as great as the difference between night and day.


We have the same problem between the Great State of Illinois and the Liberal Paradise State of Chicago.

Dave Hardin

If all you ultra right wing Gun Nutz confined yourselves to your bunkers, the world would be a more peaceful place.

If you God fearing, Bible thumping, loons would stop roaming the streets of New York in the wee hours of the mornings blazing away at your fellow citizens, gun violence would not exist in New York.

MSG Eric

Don’t forget that while ultra conservatives are on the streets of NY, they are handing out crack to kids too…

Dave Hardin

Exactly, they don’t need extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon and anti-gay selling assault weapons to toddlers in every back alley of New York.


Correct. Another group already has the back alley gun franchise for NYC. They’d would be quite upset about any competition.

Old Trooper

I kick puppies

Silentium Est Aureum

I like puppies.

Just can’t eat a whole one.


They shrink up some if you microwave ’em live…


I grew up in NY and leaving it was the best thing I ever did. Happiness is NYC in the rear view mirror.

The people in NYC are just a bunch of condescending, arrogant a-holes.

MSG Eric

Amazing how much they have in common with people from Los Angeles being 3000 miles away.

Though people in LA are also more interested in “What do you do and how can it help me get famous?” than in NYC I think.


“Yo, you talkin’ to me”?


I’ve got no problem abiding by his wishes and spending my money elsewhere. In fact, I’ll boycott any business based in his state and let them know their governor told me I was not welcome. What a shithole.


I wanted to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and the 9-11 Memorial, but I have no trouble abiding by his wishes. There are places that would welcome my money, glad to see that New York state doesn’t need it.


Well, the Gov can go sit and spin on a cactus for all I care.


Another great reason for all gun manufacturers and sellers to vacate the state for more friendly confines…
Like Texas, and while they are at it, I hope they bring those employees down with them. We got lots of room for like minded people here…



Old Trooper

Cuomo is a dumbass. He blusters on from the bully pulpit, but he’s so stupid he would lose a head to head debate with Forrest Gump.


Ted Cruz was wrong. New York has no values…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m not from New York, and I think the Cuomos are some serious assholes, but I am thinking Ted Cruz and those who mock “New York Values” ought to rethink that just a little bit…

It’s my understanding that 343 firefighters were a prime example of what “New York values” are at their best under the most terrible of circumstances on that September 11th morning.

The esteemed senator from Texas can go fuck himself if he thinks the best way to the presidency is to tell us that some of our citizens values aren’t worth what his are by geographical region only….

How insulted would Cruz and a host of others have been if Trump had said Cruz exemplifies “Texas Values” ?

There would have been so much crying in Texas the floodwaters would have risen again.

Fuck Ted Cruz for being a mealy mouthed shit bag with a decided lack of understanding of what our nation is supposed to be.

Sure there are dumbass liberals in New York, in Massachusetts, and guess some live in the south too motherfucker…but you don’t hear me disparaging the entire south.

How about we talk about how all of us who believe in an America where integrity and honesty matter regardless of where we live should be working together instead of insulting the states where we might think it’s acceptable to do so.

I’m from Massachusetts, there’s a lot about my state that pisses me off, but just like every other state in the union there’s a lot of great Americans who live here.


Governors can lose their jobs, too, just like everyone else.

Just ’cause this pinhead is a squawking chicken, does not mean the rest of the population is like that, does it? No, it does not.

Unfortunately, one very large city can influence an entire state’s political structure. Now, where else have we seen that? Hmmm…. Equally unfortunately, for people like this vaguely awake twit, people do get tired of this crap, especially when the city is rapidly deteriorating in every possible way.

Silentium Est Aureum

Apparently, conservatives need to stay out of NY, but it’s perfectly okay for those flatlander assholes to fuck up the rest of New England, half the South, etc.

Good to know.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed, I see it here every day in Massachusetts…most of western Massachusetts is a normal area with folks who hunt and fish and own firearms…we have a few small communities doing their best to imitate the likes of liberal entities across the nation by passing idiotic resolutions condemning this or that but accomplishing nothing.

We’ve even one town here that believes the laws of man can overtake the laws of physics, in that traffic must stop for any pedestrian who steps into a crosswalk regardless of right of way. Apparently some of these townfolk believe your automobile has instant stop and often step in front of cars…it doesn’t always work out so well for the pedestrians. Sort of a thinning of the herd if you will.

A Proud Infidel®™

AMEN TO THAT, it would be very nice if liberals would just stay put in the locales they have rendered unlivable instead of infesting and infecting other locations!


Another ex-New Yorker here, from upstate, glad to be gone. Still a lot of good friends stuck up in the rust belt suffering from the Dems’ destructive taxes, policies and business regulations.


Much NY bashing goin’ on here.

Truth be told, most of the state is red. The down state NYC area, Albany, Buffalo and Rochcester welfare class seems to keep the DEMs around.

However, you don’t have to look very far back in time when the REPs ruled. Pataki, Guiliani and list is much longer.

Please, don’t confuse a liberal and open NYC with the entire state.

Look at the red and blue map and you will see, it is no different than your state, the more free stuff offered by DEMs, the more welfare takers there will be, thus more blue.

But what do I know …

PS: I know very few people here in NY and NYC who are happy with Coumo and de Blasio … And I know many good people in NY with sound values. Values that can be emmulated.