Former Soviet citizen confronts occupiers

| October 25, 2011

Country Singer sends us a video taken by a former Soviet citizen who makes a couple of occupiers on Wall Street uncomfortable. you’ll be happy to know that North Koreans are better off than South Koreans and that Che Guevara wasn’t a mass murderer at all;

When this Russian guy tells them that he lived in the USSR for 29 years, they tell him that he doesn’t know anything about socialism, and that he doesn’t know what capitalism is.

I guess if you can be that intellectually dishonest with yourself, ignore your lying eyes, you can believe anything. But I’m not surprised in the least, because I used to confront these useful idiots in DC, mostly those koolaid-drinking arrogant pathetic morons from the Bethesda chapter of MoveOn. They’re just so willfully ignorant that you want to choke the living shit oot of them.

With ignorant fucks like these, is it any wonder we have Obama for president? By the way, dipshits, did you know that the first thing that Lenin did after he took over Russia was execute the Socialists?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, I hate hippies, Libertines suck

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That was the best thing I’ve seen all day…

CI Roller Dude

Don’t they understand that the commie concept is a failure? When I was in West Berlin and got to travel into the East…it SUCKED! Who whould want that kind of grey life?

Doc Bailey

did they call him a racist? WOW


That is an example of Obama’s base. Dedicated democrats who were taught by socialists union teachers and professors. They have probably never had a real job in their lives. And they vote and reproduce. God help us all.


It’s not “willful ignorance.”

It is a paid subscription to Evil.

It is the Evil of Walter Duranty telling Americans how great Stalin and the USSR were as millions of kulaks and dissenters were systematically starved to death.

It is the Evil of millions of Germans who lived next to the death camps and marveled at the new lampshades being produced.

These people want Americans to die by the tens of millions. They want to reduce the global population from 7 billion to only a few select (elite) populations.

Screw willful ignorance. That’s an 8th grader who refuses to study for a quiz. This is Evil.

Doc Bailey

@5 “Evil Flourishes when good men do nothing”


I am no longer willing to speak with reservation about those Americans who support Obama or his anti-capitalist, anti-Constitution agenda. They are now to be regarded and called what they are: the enemy. And why not? What do you call those who would radically change our way of life? For decades these people were called communist subversives, fellow travelers, and Marxists. They were understood to be anathema to freedom-loving people and the free market. Now we call some of them fellow Americans, cabinet secretaries, Supreme Court justices, congressmen and congresswomen, and president. Placating the enemy and ascribing underserved good intentions to their dangerous acts must cease. If what they envision for the USA is to be, I want none of it. But I have hope. It begins with recognizing the enemy.


The workers in North Korea are paid decent wages?


Yes, S.G. – they get to watch Dear Leader eat.


There is also this. It’s like the “adult baby” nonsense from the other thread. The one thing I see in common in all of these cretins is the desire for someone else to take over, make the decisions, and take care of them from cradle to grave without them having to stretch a braincell or lift a finger. They want to tiptoe through the tulips while someone else takes out the trash. They don’t have any idea who that “someone” could or would be — as long as it’s not them.

They make me tired and sick.

AW1 Tim

I wish Olga would take a drive by of these imbeciles. I’d pay good money to watch her take them down a few pegs.

Knowing Olga, she’d like as not have them begging for mercy and cursing the day they were born before she was through.. 🙂


Good Lord, that’s a real head shaker.

What can one say? You can only lead a horse to water … 🙁


It’s very nice to see that some people are finally coming to the realization of what is coming down the trail. 2-17 & DaveO? You nailed it to the wall, my friends. For years now I’ve thought it was just me that was seeing this coming at us and recognized it for what it is, nothing short of pure evil.


In Soviet Russia, bank robs YOU! Hahahaha gotta love Yakov Smirnoff! More power to our Russian friend!!!


I kinda want to buy Tovarish Comrade a couple shots of Vodka and hear more of what he has to say

Laughing Wolf

Tim, I’m with you. I would just about pay real money to watch Olga take them on. She would have them crying and begging for mercy in no time, and doubt they would get the latter from her.


I’d like to say that I’m surprised, but I’m not. I saw the same signs and arguments in Amherst, MA (home of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst College, and Hampshire College) circa 1993. Then again, it’s the same town that flies the UN and Puerto Rico flags, but not the US flag.