Kokesh arrested in Philly

| May 19, 2013

Several of you have sent us links to the news that attention monger Adam Kokesh has been arrested….again. This time at a rally in Philadelphia for the legalization of marijuana. Of course, you probably remember that Kokesh is planning to march on the District of Colombia on July 4th with loaded rifles. At his Facebook page, the hippies are convinced that his arrest yesterday were some kind of conspiracy between the DC & Philly cops to prevent the march.

I almost didn’t write about Kokesh this time because this is an obvious attempt at some measure of notoriety to boost his numbers at the ill-considered plan to march on DC, in fact everything he does is to pump up his idiot minions. We’ve been following Kokesh since the birth of this blog through his days with Iraq Veterans Against the War, his brief stint on Russia TV, his failed congressional campaign, his “Footloose” remake at the Jefferson Memorial. This one is his biggest attention whore move, though. Nearly every major newspaper in the country has covered Kokesh since he announced his march on DC a few weeks ago. Most of them have come to us for background on him. Thanks for not linking to us, you jerks.

Even the Washington Post, which gushed over Kokesh during his anti-war days, has turned on him in this latest venture.

But who goes to pot rally and doesn’t expect to be arrested? It’s an illegal drug, for Pete’s sake. You can argue whether it should be legal or not, but it’s illegal now, so you’re going to be arrested for engaging in consuming the drug. The hippies claim that Kokesh didn’t have any pot on him when he was arrested, but in the video at the Facebook link you can clearly hear him urging people to fire up their doobies as the cops move through the crowd.

Of course, I lay all of this at the feet of the District of Colombia’s judicial system. Kokesh has been arrested countless times in the District and the judges have all let him off scot-free. He was arrested for putting anti-war posters up in a national park despite police warnings, he scaled barriers to keep protesters off of Capitol grounds.

Kokesh put up racist, anti-Muslim posters on George Washington University campus and signed the posters with the name of a conservative student organization. The University president vowed that he would make arrests and take action against the conservative students, until Kokesh admitted that he had done it, and then the entire matter was dropped.

No judge has the testicular fortitude to actually punish Kokesh, and like a child, he ups the ante everytime, but the government won’t set boundaries for him. So I hope they’re pleased with the creature that they’ve created with their gutless reaction to the man.

Category: Libertines suck

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The real question is: does Kokesh keep a scrapbook of his exploits, especially the ‘catch-and-release’ parts?

Now, if I could just get a candid shot of him and Slick Willy sharing a joint…..


Does anyone else find the Washington Post article hilarious. If Medea Benjamin is calling you a narcissistic that is only looking for media attention that’s pretty bad, but I guess she is an expert on that.


Squash him like the bug that he is.


@$ 😉


The hippies claim that Kokesh didn’t have any pot on him when he was arrested, but in the video at the Facebook link you can clearly hear him urging people to fire up their doobies as the cops move through the crowd.

Which makes him even a bigger turd, IMO. Get others to do the shit you don’t have the balls to do yourself.

Then again, it IS Kokesh.

Green Thumb

I hope he will be giving butt sex to BH Austin.

AW1 Tim

Medea Benjamin turned on him? Man, THAT’s gonna leave a mark somewhere. Maybe some bacteria as well.

As Daniel says, SHE certainly knows what a narcissist is.

Doc Bailey

What a Mah-ROON

B Woodman

Well, if there were any individuals with intentions of going with Kokesh on the DC guns march, that’s probably dissolved like salt in the water now.

A Proud Infidel

DAMN, what a douchenozzle!!


My friend and his father, a well-respected Central PA defense attorney, spoke at this rally for the decriminalization of weed and were genuinely upset by Kokesh’s stunt and the others pulled in getting themselves arrested.

It turned what started off as a genteel and intelligent argument for legalization, which I’m honestly ambivalent about, and gave plenty of ammunition to the people who oppose it.

Is there a cause that Kokesh can’t taint with his attention-whore menses?


There it is, Kokesh has The Menses Touch. That should be a thing.