The pony-tailed one needs a military blogger

| June 19, 2013

LGF's blunder2
LGF's blunder

The above picture was sent to us by one of our old blogging friends and it’s the post headline and photo from Little Green Footballs (yeah, I know, I had forgotten about them, too) and the guy in the hat is supposed to remind us of the Confederate South, somehow. But, just like everything else The Pony-Tailed One writes about the military, he’s just wrong. The rest of us recognize it as a Stetson, still worn in some cases by cavalry troops today. The line that was edited by Charles Johnson as a result of him being corrected by his commenters, before I could get there and get a screen shot of it, was that this gentleman was dressed as a Confederate General. No, a US Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel.

Back in the good old days, I used to help ol’ Chuck out on his military issues, but now, since he’s thrown us under the bus and decided that Janet Napolitano is right in her agency’s assessment of veterans, I get to sit back, point and laugh at his ignorance. Charles, stay in your lane.

ADDED: Our friend got a screenshot before I missed it;


And Charles still thinks that it’s Confederate;

LGF double down on the stupid

Category: Bloggers, Libertines suck

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@21–when has the left ever called out their own when they do stupid/criminal shit?

Look no farther than Congress for prime examples of such. Fuck up, move up.

Just A Vet

Interesting article that may address the Nazi references at the TEA Party Rally.

John Robert Mallernee

@ # 50

Sorry, Chief.

I said I wasn’t very smart.

Now, you have proof.

If you want more proof, there might be eighty or a hundred of them.

John Robert Mallernee

A proven proofreading prof may proffer proof proving reproval of approbation approval.

Is that sufficient proof, or do you require eighty proofs or a hundred proofs?

Hardee, har, har!

Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!


What was the topic again? Hats?? Perfectly good symbols the Nazis managed to screw up for everyone???

It’s all sooooo confusing!


Maybe Shermata can inform Charlie in between bouts of fellating each other that Larouche was a DEMOCRAT.