Hippies threaten to hold courts hostage (fixed the link)

| October 17, 2011

The lawyers for the more than 800 hippies who’ve been arrested in the “Occupy Wall Street” theaterics have threatened to clog the New York City courts if charges aren’t dropped immediately, according to the New York Post;

“I’d like to suggest to the DA’s office the appropriate way to deal with these cases is outright dismissal,” said defense lawyer Martin Stolar.

“The leverage is, we take them all to trial.”

Stolar and other members of the civil rights-focused National Lawyers Guild plan to meet today with prosecutors from Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.’s office to lay out their position.

Oh, good, the National Lawyers Guild…that’s the same organization that opposed US entry into World War II against the Nazis…until Germany invaded their beloved Joe Stalin’s Soviet Union. new york should try each and every one of the filthy beasts if they ever want this shit to stop. how many times have DC courts let Adam Kokesh and Dan Choi free to repeat their sociopath behavior?

More recently, they’ve been the support network of james M. branum who gets his military clients tossed in jail for minor offenses…and need I remind you that he was also that Abdo dude’s lawyer, until Abdo was arrested for attempting to bomb a restaurant in Fort Hood.

It’s their duty to the rule of law to prosecute these criminals to the fullest extent of the law, but expediency will win out. Like everything else today, it’ll be up to regular people, the REAL 99% to put an end to this childish horseshit. Just like we have to track down and shame the military phonies because the FBI and the courts won’t fulfill their sworn duties.

The Mayor of New York is tougher on trans-fats and salt than he is on criminals in his city.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: I hate hippies, Legal, Libertines suck, Occupy

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You know, it is never a wise idea to threaten a New Yorker with anything…. Just ask OBL

Army Sergeant

Link takes me to the Strandlof post.


Hey AS, how are things these days?

Doc Bailey

Its not really surprising. If a DA were to actually try every minor offense (like Choi) they’d never get to things like murderers. Kind why everyone settles out of court when their being sued.

Sadly the act of “saving myself from a greater headache” has in reality lead to more headaches than one can imagine.


“the civil rights-focused National Lawyers Guild” – my ass. They are an anti-American focused group. They are also very bad lawyers. Note to the DA – take them to trial. That is your job. Besides, I bet if you take one to trial, the rest will fold like wet noodles.

Bubblehead Ray

I agree with Susan, especially if the Judge revokes the first one’s bail and makes him/her sit in jail for “attempting to hold the Court hostage”. Too bad they’ll fold. Bloomberg is gutless unless your over salting your fries.


Try them, them let them know that the max sentence will be imposed. I like the idea of revoking their bail, at least then they would have to shower.


It seems to me that the powers that be are simply keeping their heads down and hoping the weather will put an end to the Occupier’s displays. The authorities don’t want to turn it ugly for fear of the political backlash. They appear to be waiting for Mother Nature to play the heavy.


Hmm, called this one back at the beginning of these posts.


This is the first legitimate tactic I have seen with this “protest.” However, 800 is pretty small. Imposing max sentences or upping the charges for more jail time will only result in turning them into martyers.

I would get a building or a series of trailers close to the site and process and arraign them there. Conduct the trial and dispose of them as quickly as possible. (A few hours for each) and then dump them back out on the street. Message reads: Waste our time, we waste yours.


Right out of Cloward-Piven. Not a surprise.


It’s actually straight out of Birmingham minus the strategy. Mass arrest is a tactic, not a strategy in and of itself.

Cloward-Piven sought to overwhelm the welfare system necessitating an improved system. (Clearly these people never met a human services worker or they would have known that the system was already overwhelmed.) Thus usuing soft power to call notice to what they veiwed as a great injustice.

OWS, on the otherhand is a so-called “grass roots” movement with no clearly stated purpose or goal. Mass arrest and the threat of mass prosecution has been used as a tactic. Yet, to do what remains clear. Where is the strategy?