Merry Christmas to all you Epstein fans

| December 20, 2023

We all should know Jeffrey Epstein – the famous pedophile who flew the “Lolita Express” to his own personal Fantasy Island, got busted, and Arkanicided suicided in his New York jail cell. His client buddy list has been rumored to have included many top political figures. Dems like to point to Trump’s name (although I believe I read he flew only once and reputedly repudiated Epstein thereafter) and according to Epstein’s his former pilot, ex-President Clinton flew with him almost 30 times – gotta wonder what kind of frequent flyers perks THAT earned.

A federal judge in New York has ordered a vast unsealing of court documents in early 2024 that will make public the names of scores of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates.

The documents are part of a settled civil lawsuit alleging Epstein’s one-time paramour Ghislaine Maxwell facilitated the sexual abuse of Virginia Giuffre. Terms of the 2017 settlement were not disclosed.

Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence after she was convicted of sex trafficking and procuring girls for Epstein, who died by suicide in 2019 in a Manhattan jail while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges.

ABC News

There are according to the article at least 150 names on the list. Some are not necessarily clients, but it should be interesting to see who tries to have release of the list blocked.

The documents may not make clear why a certain individual became associated with Giuffre’s lawsuit, but more than 150 people are expected to be identified in hundreds of files that may expose more about Epstein’s sex trafficking of women and girls in New York, New Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and elsewhere. Some of the names may simply have been included in depositions, email or legal documents.

I suspect we will never see the entire list… but right now there are some really well connected people sweating and probably pulling every legal string to try and keep their association with Epstein  private. Me, I like the “shining a light on cockroaches” idea. Let the fun begin.

Category: 2024 Election, Crime, Libertines suck

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Slow Joe

I expect to see a list of Republicans that were associated with Epstein. The Dems will be scrubbed off the list.

And how come nobody ever accused Obama of sexual misconduct?

I am starting to suspect the drowned chef was dating more than one Obama….

USMC Steve

The mere fact that he is married to the Chick with a Dick is evidence of sexual deviancy on their part.


I’ve got to ask – do you really think Michelle Obama is a dude? I’ve heard people say it, but never know if they’re serious or not.


I’ll say she’s mannish, probably not a man. There’s absolutely no doubt that she and her husband are both products of racial privilege, constructed by the Chicago political machine out of whole cloth, intended to win elections to act on behalf of their political masters.


The ugly daughters are the image of their woeful parents. I don’t think that she has a Y chromosome.

Were it true, someone, SOMEONE, in her extended family would have rolled over on the opportunity to turn their information into cash.

It’s amazing what Satan can do with his willing supplicants. Valerie has been their sponsor from the beginnings.


I’m figuring the same thing!


I suspect there would be very powerful people on that list, if fully released. Their names won’t be on it because if those names see the light of day, the person releasing them wouldn’t see daylight again.

Last edited 8 months ago by STSC(SW/SS)

“Pizza and hotdog” parties, $30,000 wayfair cabinets, big tech facilitating trafficking of minors, blackmail-as-currency in that dank and sullied swamp on the Potomac…

And they have the gaul to kill anyone that gets close (coughcoughSethRichcough) or attack We the People when were dare to think for ourselves.

If you think for one second any material that comes out will lead to anything resembling justice, well sweet summer child, it ain’t.

The They will make us pay for their mistakes, again.

Andy knew(see:vid). Soros knows. The FiB knows.

And yet, here we are, stuck in the middle…


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Don’t forget:
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Although we will never know, it will be interesting to find out who lawyers up. But common sense should also tell us that these are wealthy and powerful people who already have lawyers working on it.

Who knows, there may be a rash of rich, powerful and famous people checking themselves out. Maybe they will start naming names before they are suicided.


“The Epsteins were hung by the chimney with care…”


“Deck the halls with hanging pedos…”

RGR 4-78

”In hopes that Saint Hillary wouldn’t pull to tight the wire.”


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They should all do a long stretch if you catch my drift.

Last edited 8 months ago by 26Limabeans
Veritas Omnia Vincit

Time for the yearly reminder that like my Christmas lights, Epstein didn’t hang himself…


I expect the media to focus on Donald Trump and his dealings with Epstein or maybe Harvey Weinstein but ignore anyone else on the list.


Are these otherwise intelligent people really that damned dumb?

Da’ plane, Da’plane!

Surely there is/was something more motivating than adolescent fantasies. There is a LOT of money and valued connections involved in this story.

While it is fine to stigmatize the sordid and depraved players who were operating on Epstein’s intellectual level, there just has to be more to it.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMO so far Epstein’s list has been guarded by the current administration with more zeal than they have guarded TOP SECRET Military information.


Leaking military info doesn’t cut off the flow of rich people’s money to them.