Nathan Larson lowers bar for politics

| June 2, 2018

Virginia Libertarian congressional candidate, Nathan Larson, operates on the fringe of political issues, and he hopes that the rest of Virginia voters do, too. According to the Washington Post;

Nathan Larson lives with his parents, and spends most of his waking hours on the Internet in between intermittent work as an accountant. And it’s mostly there that he’s developed some views that put him on the extreme fringes of society.

He believes in instituting a patriarchal system, with women under the authority of men; he supports abolishing age restrictions for marriage and laws against marital rape; he believes that white supremacy is a “system that works,” that Hitler was a “good thing for Germany,” and that incest should be legalized, at least in the context of marriage. And at one point in a conversation with The Post, he seemed to express admiration for the system run by the Taliban in Afghanistan, noting that the country’s birthrate fell as a consequence of increased opportunities for women after the United States’ more than decade-long intervention.

According to the Post, Larson threatened in a letter to the Secret Service to kill either President Bush or President Obama. He served 16 months for that. When his wife committed suicide, he was denied custody of his daughter because of his sexual proclivities – thanks to ex-governor Carpetbagger McAuliffe, Larson, as a felon, can vote and run for office. Larson operated at least two websites for pedophiles – both are defunct.

Suiped or Suicidal Pedophiles, was a site and self-described organization created to lobby for pedophiles and other convicted or potential sex offenders to be able to kill themselves at clinics legally, according to cached images.

According to a cached image, Incelocalypse was created to “serve as both headquarters and casual hangout for the hardest core of the hardcore incels,” the small but vocal community of “involuntary celibates” online who rage against feminism and a system of female empowerment that has deprived them of sexual gratification, an Internet subculture that has begun to draw some attention by mainstream media outlets.

Category: Libertines suck

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He said the goal of his candidacy was to try to “build a movement”.

He certainly succeeded in that goal.
Hope he can pass it when the time comes.


I see what you did there. Very nice …


He did, I can smell it from here!


He did, I can smell it from here! for limabeans comment!

2/17 Air Cav

He’s 37 and l Lives w/ his mommmy and daddy. No wonder. Aside from agency work, who would hire him? True, there’s always the Federal gov’t. They don’t seem to care who they hire or retain.


I’m kinda wondering about the legality of a convicted felon working as an accountant.

Hack Stone

Since Governor McAuliffe pardoned him, isn’t it a moot point?


I don’t think the Governor of Virginia has the authority to pardon anyone for a Federal felony conviction. And it’s my understanding that Larson’s felony conviction was a Federal one, not a conviction in VA state court.

Further, it’s my understanding that what McAuliffe did – at least originally – was not a pardon. Instead, he issued a blanket executive order restoring voting rights in the state of Virginia for felons who’d completed their sentences. When challenged in court on that (McAuliffe lost), he then started “autopenning” individual executive orders restoring voting rights for such individuals. I don’t believe he issued an actual pardon to anyone.

I’d ask that one of our lawyer commenters who’s familiar with the McAuliffe incident to correct me if I’m wrong here.


Not one of the TAH lawyer types, but if memory serves, you are correct. The infamous McAuliffe restored the voting rights of Virginia felons, and that was about all he could do.

2/17 Air Cav

It appears not to be a problem, Hondo. A cursory look at account certification shows no criminal history element. However, it also appears that if a candidate for licensure has a criminal history, the question is whether the crime relates to the nature of accounting, such as fraud,embezzlement, and the like. Another aspect of this whole matter is whether this sick SOB would be permitted to take a seat in Congress if he were ever elected. My guess is no, he would not.


Oh, this guy Larsen is a real piece of work.

Accordin to a Fox News article posted by AnotherPat in comments to a different article, this guy once posted online articles titled “Advantages of Father-Daughter Incest” and “The Justifiability of an Incel’s Kidnapping a Girl and Keeping Her as His Rape-Slave for Sex and Babymaking.”

This guy is sick. Seriously sick.


bet he’ll get votes!


And hopefully the authorities who monitor child molesters will background check everyone who votes for him.

2/17 Air Cav

sj: Your statement allows me to bring up (again) one of my favorite voting stories. It comes from West Virginia where, in 2012, a fellow serving a 17 ½ year prison term in Texas for extortion filed for the primary that year as a Democrat. That was you-know-who’s bid for a 2nd term. The inmate, one Keith Judd, took 41% of the votes cast! (No one knew Judd but, that year, Satan himself would have gotten at least 40% against what’s-his-name.)


In full agreement with you, Hondo… he’s seriously screwed up in the head.

Perry Gaskill

It makes you wonder why Larson is running for a pissant congressional seat. With all that pervy talent, he could be Mayor of San Francisco…


Any scum who feels incest is OK should be seriously beaten with a hammer. Pay special attention to the knees, ankles and elbows. There is nothing sicker than incest. For good measure, I would include anyone who forces sex on a child. I could easily see this guy in prison. He would be very popular as he should be. Scum, just scum.

Terry Gilmartin

Bestiality might be sicker than incest…. i mean, yea i’m sure bilking your sister is pretty effed, but how is that worse than banging a dog?


What. The. Actual. FUCK???

Seriously, how does this fucker breathe free air?

And an extreme “ista”. Jonn and I had some experiences with those clowns way back when.

Dude just needs to remove himself from the gene pool most ricky-tick.


Hmmm. Assisted suicides for pedophiles may be a movement I could support. Sounds cheaper than incarceration and all that other silliness.


Just as long as they don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up.


I’m with ya. I’ve long supported castration for sex offenders. Seems to be the only thing that works.


For male pedophiles, I’d say a full “package-ectomy” would be preferable. Far less chance of seeing a repeat offender that way.


Amen, I’m all over that. Although if someone like him gets near any of my kids/grandkids, the suicide will be immediate, assisted, and definite. I don’t care who pardoned him.




doesn’t sound like any libertarian I have known, but the Libertarian Party would run a dead skunk.

Jon The Mechanic

So will Democrats and Republicans.

Decent people will buy tar, feathers, and a rail.

Jon The Mechanic

Rope, tree, this asshole.

Some assembly required.


Why didn’t he leave his rag on his head when the picture was taken? Some of his possible followers are not going to be happy until he promotes goat love, no matter how young the goat is, including newborn. Still living at home with his parents…does he still beat his mother? When he has a nose bleed, my bet is he sticks a big Tampon up there and proudly walks around town letting the rest of it hang out thinking people will feel sorry for him. Might well still live at home because he really loves his father…you know, in an anal kind of way. Doesn’t appear qualified to be a door greeter at Wal Mart, but could fill the same role at Nasty Bob’s Bath House For Pervs. Likely the only customer for E D supplies which help when it comes to getting it up for possums and other road kill. His balls must be awfully big to support some of his views, like the size of B B’s. Dumb ass is an insult to every child molester on the face of the earth. He makes them look almost human. Has a set of hand cuffs for securing homeless winos to the cot he sleeps on while he has his way. Claims he is the only one to have had oral with HRC that really enjoyed that smell of spoiled tuna. About the nicest thing I can say about him is that his parents were both nice guys. His closest friend sleeps with him…it’s an inflatable party turd, all greasy and having the odor he so dearly loves. I’d vote for the guy….if my home were a mental instiution.


Can’t believe he’s a Libertarian. Seems like the Democrats would’ve snapped this guy up real quick

cc senor

I don’t keep up with progressive sociology terms so I’m often left bewildered by articles I read on the internet. I’ve just recently learned what cis means and now I know what an incel is, more or less. Ignorance was such bliss.


I was blissfully unaware of what a Dutch Rudder is, until I came here and had to look it up.

Yuk. Some things are best left unlearned.


“Some things are best left unlearned.”

Amen Brother. I learned my lesson when the term Blue Waffle was posted.


I got that one too.
Used four gallons of eye bleach and still can’t get it out of my head…


Dammit. That one was almost gone. Thanks, dickweeds.

2/17 Air Cav

Crushed pool chlorine tabs and snorted it for a week. At one point, I forgot my name and address. The one thing I didn’t forget was THAT picture.


I’m gonna kill you, Sparks. I just had to look up blue waffle. Holy Mother of Christ. I’ll die with that image on my mind.


The Stranger

Or how about DON’T LOOK IT UP!!!!

2/17 Air Cav

Me too. Likewise Lemon Party. DO NOT GOOGLE LEMON PARTY. I was warned. I disregarded the warning. I have nightmares to this day.

charles w

Enough gentlemen. Now my computer has some kind of virus.

A Proud infidel®™

Incel = Junk Male


Yeah, you can tell how much he likes women by the things he says about us.

Someone please lock him in a room with the lock on the outside and send him food in edible containers.

At least, we know about this sewer slime. If you poured salt on him, would he act like a garden slug and dry up?


Grrrr. I want to jump through the screen and wipe that swarmy smirk off his face with my fist, encased in knuckle dusters

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

All I can say is amazing. Was this poststory changed from an earlier post this morning?? Looks a little different.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Belay my last above comment about an earlier post of the same story. I noticed the story on my home page instead of the TAH site when I turned on the computer. Looks like another senior moment. Please give me a thousand pardons for my error and let the God’s of senior moments forgive me also.


Been there, done that on another story recently. Had misspelled my own email address and it appeared to be blocked. Tried to remember what I said in the original and added some to the re-post. And then today I make an ass out of myself by failing to comprehend another’s post. The only good thing I can say about getting up there in age is you forget what you said and did five minutes later. Meanwhile I’m gonna have to look up my name and email address before I can even post this.


Wonder if he is a Realtor. They can be kind of scummy.


Just imagine the property description; “Situated in a lovely neighborhood that is close to an elementary school. Great place to raise your daughter-wife.”

The Other Whitey

Wow, this guy’s a real winner!

And here I’ve been getting increasingly annoyed at being bombarded by ads of Gavin Newsom bragging about all the reasons why I sure as hell won’t vote for his ass. This asshole out-douches Newsom!


And that takes some serious doing.


I’m afraid we’ll be stuck with Newsom, though my vote will be for a Republican.

What a smarmy man he is; and to think he used to be married to Kimberly Guilfoyle (former Victoria’s Secret model and Asst. Dist. Attorney)!


What kind of parents enable this creature by letting him live there?


He doesn’t interview well at all. He comes across as being stupid, kind of dim witted.


Thought the exact same thing, HMC Ret…👍



I had to turn off my phone and rip the battery out, I felt my IQ dropping that rapidly.

And I ain’t got that many points to spare.


If you ever wanted to know what a human being without a single redeeming quality looks like, now you do

Green Thumb

This assclown lowers his pants for kids.

Its about time he lowered them for his cellmate.



We can pray that his is only fantasy and that he isn’t actually out there practicing his perversions. Those custody transcripts would make for some interesting reading.

A Proud infidel®™

I’d like to see him go to prison, end up in General Population and let say, The Latin Kings get rid of him.


Yeah, he should probably just die.


Yeah, he really should… slowly and painfully.


Feed the lad to MS-13. When they’re done ‘feeding’ roast ‘em all with jellied.
Problem solved, problem staying solved.

Radar Tech

Just a quick fact check: The State Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Virginia voted on March 26, 2017 to expel Nathan Larson as a member of the party. The motion to expel passed unanimously.