Midweek Open Thread

| March 27, 2019

If you could hold the Mueller Report up to your ear, you can hear the sound of Hillary losing again (r/The_Donald/Getty Images)

Where did they go? Until last week, there seemed to be a good number of people posting “Mueller Time” memes and posts on social media. They were pretty sure that President Trump’s goose was cooked, it was just a matter of time.

I logged onto Facebook on Monday, and found “Russia Collusion” style memes, but with a different message. The tables have turned.

In the meantime, enjoy your midweek open thread. 

Category: Open thread, Politics

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5th/77th FA


5th/77th FA

Another FIRST for the King of Battle. Just a practice FIRST for the upcoming down and dirty fight for the Coveted FIRST on the TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread. You know that this one will be the fight of the year. The situation will be critical in that I am trying to make a very spirited attempt to get the 3 pete. It may be my only chance for awhile in that I am supposed to report back for duty on or about next Thursday 4 Apr. They are going to put me off the payroll anyhow, so what the hell.

A FIRST on the upcoming Friday WOT may give me a chance to tie ChipNASA’s record 4 for 4. An honor worth shooting for.

If Mueller is looking for gainful employment, maybe he can finally start an investigation of the Bitch of Benghazi and her minions. Just saying.










Come on, Navy…show us your stuff!




Maybe later- ChipNASA just gave me a drive-by, Mason has a VF post for me to look over, I put Perry Gaskill’s post to pop at 1830 TAH Time, and that daily FGS isn’t going to post itself tomorrow.

Think I’m done for the day.

BlueCord Dad

2nd. Such as it is😎


3rd, in case anyone is wondering.


4th because fkck you.


Just An Old Dog

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0EcbyIF9QM I served with this guy in the Early 90s… He’s full of shit. Put Scotty on him. He needs to get called out.


Guy is troweling it on thick.


Not often the photographer at boot camp can really capture that mouth breather look so well. Bravo!


Just An Old Dog:

Was he a Marine and a Soldier?

How is he BSing?

Thank You for sharing that link.

Just An Old Dog

Can’t speak to the Soldier Claim. He was in my unit in 1992. I distinctly remember him as being a bit off and cocky. I was a SSgt and he was a PFC or LCpl 0811 and I was FDC Ops Chief so I didn’t deal with him. Our unit wasn’t involved in Desert Shield and when we deployed to Desert Storm we didn’t get there until June of 91… well after the cease fire and we never set foot in Kuwait or Iraq.
In addition he wasn’t even with us,, he’s not in out cruise book.
I left the Battery in the fall of 92 and they later had a non eventful deployment to Somalia.
Here’s some of his story. “Today we introduce you to Richard McKinney! Born in Hollywood, Ca., Richard grew up in Cincinnati, Oh., where his teenage years were filled with poor decisions. Richard tells us, “I was a very troubled teen, and was involved in both the selling and using drugs which led to me running away from home. After not graduating high school, I joined the Marine Corps in 1986 until being discharged in 1993. I then joined the Army in 1995 and was medically retired in 2013 after being injured in Iraq, in 2006.”

Although he was born in 1968 and May have joined in 86 I don’t see it happening. Like I said he was a PFC.. Maybe LCPl when I knew him in 92… I cant see him being a 6 year PFC.
He also claims he got the boot from the Corps because of his temper. I’m thinking he Joined in 91 and got booted from the Corps They maybe did some time in Army Reserves at most . He would have been in his mid 30s when GWOT kicked off, sort of long in the tooth to be learning to be a sniper.

5th/77th FA

Not sure what was more full of B/S, the video or the FIRST group of comments after the video.

Got to go with Just an Old Dog on this one. Something ain’t right.

I don’t have near the exposure to the mooselims as you DS & GWOT troops, but my limited experience back in the early ’70s told me they were murderous pieces of trash from hell that would do whatever needed to advance their “religion of peace.”

They are pissed at the whole world ’cause they can’t eat bacon…or drink whiskey. Phuque heem.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, that mouth-breathing doughnut guzzler needs a good checking out, I lasted maybe 45 seconds to a minute into his verbal diarrhea before I had to shut it off from feeling my IQ points plummet as I watched that. He said the first time he got shot at he looked at his watch and thought… JEEZUS H Christ on a brokedick bamboo raft stuck up Shit Creek without a paddle or rudder, I’m sure we’ll soon see that mouth-breathing Buffet Assault Commando featured here!

Daisy Cutter

And sho’ nuff it happened!


Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

8th down the line.

chooee lee

So….to those who have been or are currently serving in the US Navy: What do you think of this new policy? “Sailors Will No Longer Need 12 Years of Good Conduct to Sport Gold Stripes” https://www.military.com/kitup/2019/03/25/sailors-will-no-longer-need-12-years-good-conduct-sport-gold-stripes.html “The Navy is rescinding its long-standing tradition requiring sailors to have 12 years of blemish-free conduct to rate gold stripes, officials announced Monday.” “Soon, it won’t be so easy to spot enlisted sailors who’ve gotten into some trouble in the past. Starting June 1, sailors with less-than-perfect records will no longer be required to wear red service stripes and rating badges on their uniforms in place of gold.” “All enlisted Sailors with 12 cumulative years of naval active or active reserve service are authorized to wear gold rating badges, and gold service stripes in lieu of red rating badges and stripes,” Navy-wide administrative 075/19 states.” “The message was signed by Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. Robert Burke. Lt. j.g. Stuart Phillips, a spokesman for Burke’s office, said senior-enlisted feedback from the fleet prompted the Uniform Matters Office to look at revising the rules for gold rating badges and service stripes.” “The feedback received stated the desire in the fleet is for there to be a single criteria that encompasses the achieved milestone of all enlisted sailors with 12 years of service,” Phillips said.” “Under the current regulation, only those who meet the minimum requirements for the Good Conduct Award can wear gold rating badges and service stripes, each of which marks four years of service. If a sailor hits the 12-year mark before meeting those requirements, they wear red stripes.” “Sailors who have qualified for the gold stripes but are later convicted by court-martial or nonjudicial punishment (NJP) must also switch to red. At that point, the 12-year clock to earn the gold stripes back starts over again. That means most end their careers before requalifying.” “In 2017, Chief Musician Jessica Privler called for a change to that policy. Sailors who receive an NJP can lose pay, rank or face other punishment, she wrote in the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings magazine.” “Must one… Read more »


Wow the U.S. Navy is savage I never knew. Seriously what purpose does it serve to try to scarlet letter sailors like that? If they haven’t been booted out for their conduct why even try to stigmatize them further? The marine corps doesn’t have that horse shit. The marines with good cookies are just better at not getting caught and nobody cares.



I never knew this was Navy policy.

So the policy did not apply to the Marine Corps as the article stated?

Always wondered why some wore red while others wore gold on their sleeves.

And now I know…but it looks as if the policy will change on 1 June.

Read some interesting comments from some that the policy needs to stay.

Thank you for sharing your feedback, FatCircles0311.


The movie Men of Honor (about Master Chief Carl Brashear) actually got that right. Towards the end of the movie, as DeNiro and Cuba go into the hearing to get reinstated, DeNiro (whose character had been demoted from MCPO to SCPO earlier) is correctly wearing red stripes while Cuba’s Brashear is wearing gold.

5th/77th FA

Learn something new everyday. And that’s a good thing. Had never really thought about it. If I saw a Sailor with gold bling I figured he was floating Cavalry. If I saw a Sailor with red bling, I figured he was floating Artillery.

Now I know. And BTW A’Pat, the comments were quite interesting on that article. Some of those troops were quite pissed about it. I usually read the FIRST group of the comments on all linkie articles.


Mason, Men of Honor is a great movie…the ending still brings a tear to my eye.

Master Chief Carl Brashear-what an inspiration…someone that persavere despite obstacles.



Maybe I can work him into the Valor Friday rotation. As I recall he got the Navy and Marine Corps Medal.

chooee lee

USN 1960 to 1964. Red chevrons, as opposed to gold, also indicated you hadn’t served long enough to qualify for gold ones.


Air ASW Operator Petty Officer First Class crow for 12 years of unpunished crime.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

After my post last week I did note today on Facebook today that I have seen exactly zero posts since Thursday of last week extolling the virtuous Robert Mueller’s Vietnam service as a glorious example of his honesty and integrity for the rest of time.

Once again for the folks in the back, just because that guy served honorably fifty years ago hardly makes him a great guy today.


I agree wholeheartedly. I was shocked to see they put that bastard in the Ranger Hall of Fame even though the only thing he ever did Ranger-wise was graduate from the course.


See: John McCain.


This past Monday, 25 March 2019, was National Medal of Honor Day.

There are currently 72 living Medal of Honor recipients.

Salute to those past and present who are recipients of this prestigious award.

“Recipients of Nation’s Top Military Award Visit Washington on Medal of Honor Day”:


5th/77th FA

Saw a book of the face post on Sister’s page late Monday pm re this. Very abbreviated article, but the main theme from each of the recipients was “every man with me deserved this more than I did.”

Hand Salute to these Heros!

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

So, how did I do after leaving the Army?

Well, I was a pirate mascot for a mall seafood restaurant. My job was to stand in front of the sea food restaurant and engage in theater.

I whipped out my fake sword and pointed it down the hall. I screamed, “Avast ho!” Unfortunately, right when I did that, a fat woman walked into where my fake sword was pointing.

She did not take it lightly. She complained to my management and accused me of insulting her. I got fired, and she got a complimentary meal.


What an inspirational story.

Instead of feeling sorry for themselves, these Veteran Amputees who lost their limbs because of Combat formed a Music Band.

Tim Poe should be ashamed.

Kudos and Salute.

“We Just Wear Our Scars On The Outside”: Band of Wounded Warriors Healing Through Music”:



“In a house in the woods in the middle of Pennsylvania, some of the most important music in America is being played by a band called The Resilient. But you don’t need to be a music critic to say that. All you have to do is look.”

“Nate Kalwicki on guitar lost his right leg in Afghanistan. Marcus D’Andrea on bass lost both legs. So did lead vocalist Tim Donley. Juan Dominguez lost both legs and an arm, yet somehow plays the drums with a special pedal and drum stick. He’s not some novelty act…”

“…We just wear our scars on the outside whereas most people have, you know, they’ve got all their own messed up stuff going on inside,” Donley said.”

“Some of his lyrics tell you of the dark places they’ve been. But Kalwicki said he wouldn’t go back and “change things.”

“It just shifted the, the course of my life,” he said.”

“His band mates agreed.”


One-armed, no legged drummer. Impressive. Sure makes Rick Allen (the Def Leppard) drummer look like an underachiever.

They need to be the opener for the Lt Dan Band!

5th/77th FA

FIRST saw this last night on their (CBS) evening broadcast. Shocked face, I know. Ms Thang likes little Jeff Glor. He (Jeff) kinda got choked up, said he’d buy their album. I will too, when it happens. They rocked. Wonder if LT Dan will hire them to open for his band? That would be cool.

Tanks AnotherPat…rtr..hbtd…gabn


I watched CBS News when this was aired to see what CBS was going to say about the Mueller report and remembered CBS always end with a feel good story. The CBS story about the band is on You Tube and is posted at the above link.

Agree 100% with Mason and 5th/77th FA: They definitely should be an opener for The LT Dan Band.


Sheesh. Some People.

At least this guy got caught and was arrested for pretending to help Veterans by soliciting money, then keeping it for himself:

“GoFundMe Shuts Down Campaign Following Raleigh Man’s Arrest For Fraud


“GoFundMe is taking action following CBS 17’s reporting on the arrest of a man this month who’s accused of soliciting donations for veterans but keeping that money for himself.”

“Holly Springs police arrested Daniel James on March 9, saying he and a woman working with him went to various Walmart stores in Wake County asking people to donate to help the HADIT Home for Veterans.”

“After his arrest, police searched his home and car. In the search warrant, investigators write that the woman working with James told them she’d never seen any veterans go to or come from the home.”

“She told them on “a good day” the two of them could raise as much as $2,000.”

“She said she had seen receipts that James deposited the money into an account associated with his business, not the HADIT home.”

“She also said at one point he gave her money to play pool while he went to court in Wake County.”

“HADIT is an acronym for Helping Addicted or Disabled Individuals Together.”

5th/77th FA

We need swift, sure, and severe punishment for these dirtbags. Only thing that is going to slow it down. Won’t stop it, but it may help. ‘specially if the punishment is very public and widespread in it’s publishing.

rope…tree…perp….well y’all get the idea.


Taking notes from the Master Chief’s playbook, ChipNASA has hit me up with a quick drive-by of two articles. And here they are- Denver deputy sheriff accused of forging documents to take paid, fake military leave DENVER — A deputy sheriff with the Denver Sheriff Department is accused of forging documents to take military leave. He was arrested Tuesday. Matthew Jerimiah Pemberton, 25, is accused of giving forged military orders to the DSD’s scheduling department, claiming he was attending U.S. Army trainings and needed time off with pay, when no legitimate orders were issued, according to the Denver District Attorney’s Office. He is also accused of forging military orders to reflect that he needed military leave in lieu of reporting for his shift between December 2017 and December 2018. Matthew Jerimiah Pemberton, 25, is accused of giving forged military orders to the DSD’s scheduling department, claiming he was attending U.S. Army trainings and needed time off with pay, when no legitimate orders were issued, according to the Denver District Attorney’s Office. He is also accused of forging military orders to reflect that he needed military leave in lieu of reporting for his shift between December 2017 and December 2018. “By fraudulently taking ‘military leave,’ Pemberton is alleged to have cost the city and county of Denver approximately $20,365 in his pay and the overtime pay for other deputies,” according to the DA’s Office. The Denver Channel Chicago police release files in ‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett case, day after charges dramatically dropped Chicago police came out swinging Wednesday and released the full 61-page investigative report in the alleged Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, one day after charges against the “Empire” star were dramatically dropped — but the move prompted a moot court order. The release of the documents came one day after Cook County prosecutors dismissed a 16-count indictment against the actor, saying they had cut a deal with the TV star to perform two days of community service and forfeit his $10,000 bond to the city. The move made it possible for Smollett’s attorneys to get his criminal case immediately… Read more »


25 years old and he throws away his LE and military careers (and possibly his freedom) in a single boneheaded act. Impressively stupid.

A Proud Infidel®™

He fucketh himself.

5th/77th FA

teh stooopid is strong with FORMER Deputy and most probable military member Pemberton. Hope it was worth it, dickhead.

Hope this whole Juicy Jussie case blows up wide damn open in all of their faces.


Here’s a little item about the City of San Antonio and their decision concerning Chick-fil-a:


Here’s a letter sent by the Civil Right Commission to the mayor on their decision:
