Master Chief Drive-By

| March 27, 2019


So there I was, one eye researching a new sonobuoy type to test, the another watching a remote Power Point presentation from the Program Office (think .ppt is bad in person? Try it on a WEB-EX where no one can hear you snore) when my in-box lights up with links thoughtfully provided by our own Master Chief. My priorities altered- that buoy isn’t going anywhere, and the PO is talking schedule, which will change about 30 seconds after the meeting is over. So in no particular order, links from the MCPO:

War Hero Released From Prison

Army Sgt Derrick Miller, a US war hero, has been sitting in a prison cell at Ft. Leavenworth where he has been serving a life sentence for killing a terrorist. The bad news is that he never should have been there in the first place. It’s time to weed out the military of snowflake officers, like the ones who sent Miller away. There were only two witnesses of the shooting and one of them had initially testified on Miller’s behalf – but then changed his story when the military prosecutors threatened to charge him with being an accessory to murder. The second witness was offered permanent legal status in the United States if he would testify against Miller – so he did.

David Harris

Trump to award posthumous Medal of Honor

(CNN) — President Donald Trump on Wednesday will present a posthumous medal of honor to Army Staff Sgt. Travis Atkins, who heroically lost his life tackling a suicide bomber in Iraq nearly 12 years ago.
The Montana born-and-raised Atkins enlisted in the Army in November 2000, serving in Kuwait and Iraq before he was honorably discharged in December 2003. But he didn’t stay stateside for long.
“The civilian life just didn’t do it for him,” his father, Jack Atkins, said in a video about his son’s service. “He had to get back in the Army.”
Atkins re-enlisted in December 2005 and was killed in action as a 10th Mountain Division squad leader in Abu Samak, Iraq, on June 1, 2007.

Bridezilla reportedly asks guest to leave wedding for wearing military uniform and medals

A bride has sparked a debate over her family member’s outfit choices — and her reported reaction to those choices.
The unidentified woman posted about the alleged incident on Reddit’s popular “Am I the A–H—“ forum, asking if she was in the wrong for kicking out the man for wearing his military uniform.
“The son of one of my husband’s family friends showed up to my wedding in his marines formal wear, complete with all his medals.

Fox News

Plymouth Meeting’s Men-Only Group Aims To Heal Through Power Of Cuddling

PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. (CBS) — A Montgomery County group of men is looking to help other men through the therapeutic power of cuddling. According to their Meetup page, the Men’s Therapeutic Cuddle Group’s goal “is to provide a safe, structured, and platonic environment for men to experience ‘the three As’: Acceptance, Affirmation and Affection.”

Philadelphia CBS Local

And there you have it, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, a Master Chief Drive By on a Wednesday afternoon. Enough break for me- back to the tech manuals.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Army, Blue Falcons, Guest Link, Legal, Link fest, Marines, Trump!, Valor

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Plymouth Meeting’s Men-Only Group Aims To Heal Through Power Of Cuddling

PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. (CBS) — A Montgomery County group of men is looking to help other men through the therapeutic power of cuddling. According to their Meetup page, the Men’s Therapeutic Cuddle Group’s goal “is to provide a safe, structured, and platonic environment for men to experience ‘the three As’: Acceptance, Affirmation and Affection.”

Not gay. Nope, not gay at all and completely understandable Master Chief would provide that link.

😀 😀 😀


Comm Center Rat

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and dog-gone it, people like me.” ~ Stuart Smalley


No, Nope, NYET! Try to hug me and yoou will get one of three things:

1. Punched
2. Stabbed
3. Shot
4. All Three

Ain’t Happenin”!

chooee lee

Cuddle this gay boy


I’m moving to Plymouth Meeting, PA … it sounds fantabulously invigorating.

Hey thanks for posting my articles of interest.

That cuddle thing is so ghey … can you imagine the skinny pants wearing, latte drinking, skin care using millennial pussies that attend such a thing.

Shit, split a friggin’ cord of fresh oak with a maul and man the frig up wussies.


Master Blaster you reside is New York right.

What’s up with “winning” the CMH?

I send them feedback on their page.


I hate seeing that “win” or “winning” MoH crap.

I am certain most men would have rather seen things go a wee bit differently on their day of credit and action.

Not one of them woke up on that day … looking to win an award for an action that resulted in the death(s) of some of their friends.


I’ll just stick to cuddling dogs, thank you very much.

Comm Center Rat

I don’t think she was a bridezilla for kicking out the Marine wearing his dress uniform at her wedding. Even though regulations allow him to wear the uniform its not appropriate dress at a civilian wedding. But I give him props for wearing his Marine finery in that target rich environment – I’m sure he had some obliging companionship later that evening.


During my days in the Army, the only “dress-up” clothes I had were my Class A’s. If someone wanted me to show up for a “black-tie” event – Class A’s is what they got. Fortunately that didn’t happen much.

Noticed that it was “her” wedding. Kinda curious who she was marrying….


She married a guy who may have not paid for the wedding.

Don’t know the entire story, BUT, if she or her parent/parents paid for the wedding (tradition), then yes, it IS her day.

Again, the “Marine” was the son of one of her husband’s family friend. That “Marine” was not even related to the Bride & Groom.

It was not even a military wedding.

Sounds as if that “Marine” was a “Look At Me!” type.

Why did he do it?
(Rhectorical Question).


I read the Bride article the other day along with the comments.

Don’t understand why he showed up wearing his uniform and finery at a non-military wedding unless he was seeking attention (“Look At Me!!!”).

Besides, was he REALLY a Marine?



I’d cut the kid some slack. If he’s a boot E-1 or E-2 and someone says it’s “black tie”, is he going to rent a tuxedo or just pull the blues out of the closet?


Good point, Mason.

Only thing is that her wedding was “Black Tie Optional”, NOT “Black Tie”, which means a guy has the choice to wear or NOT to wear a tuxedo.

He could have worn a suit or a nice pair of dress slacks with a nice collared shirt and a tie.

Thank You for the feedback!


When I was active duty, I was told Class A was “formal” when invited to such. white shirt and black bow tie was the option.

That is what I wore, as did any number of others.

5th/77th FA


Did have to wear coat and tie for business purposes on many occasions. Been a long time since then. Had to wear a tux for daughter’s wedding back in ’02. Ex wife’s big idea. Wasn’t even allowed to escort her down the aisle. We both walked behind her. Another ex’s big idea. Wore a tie once since then.

Lock up the sum bitches who caused SGT Miller to be locked up!

CBS showed the story on SSGT Atkins’ MoH Presentation to his son. The interview part with the Gold Star parents caused it to get real polleny in here. Damn a bunch of pine tree dust.

Ain’t left nothing in Plymouth Meeting PA. Now if Ms Thang from the FGS pic needs some cuddling, then I’m her man.


Now that I think about it: the “Marine” may not have been on active duty.

We don’t know the age of the “Marine”.

The “Marine” may have served and got out.

So many unanswered questions.

Perhaps the Bride should have not said anything and just focused on herself. Perhaps the “Marine” could have worn a nice suit instead of a military uniform.

The wedding is over and done.

Time for the Bride to move on.


She was mad someone else was peacocking better than her and her day. Translation: she’s a bitch and I hope that man got a prenuptial.

What happened to the democratic underground posts?


The majority of the time, the Bride and/or her parent/parents PAY for the wedding.

The Bride is the one who walks down the aisle…where everyone stands up.

Traditionally, it is HER Day.

The “Marine” (if he was one) was the son of one of her Husband’s Family friends. Not even a relative.

Some people lack respect for others. What was he thinking? Probably another “Look At Me!” individual.

Same principle applies to someone who is not related to a family member showing up wearing full dress uniform at a Baptism..or at a Funeral…or a High School/College Graduation..or a Retirement Ceremony.


And maybe he meant it respectfully.


Again, just as Mason, another good point.

Thank you, 11B-Mailclerk.


“What happened to the democratic underground posts?”

Claymore posted a couple of comments after we lost Jonn, but he sort of disappeared. I hope someone still is in contact with him, because I too miss those posts and his poignant snark.


Spot on … the news coverage this got will crush the hen!

I hope the Marine got a pocket full of phone numbers from Cougars.


The bride asked if she was an A… I think more likely the next letter was more appropriate. I know when I got out, I had to buy a sport coat for interviews. Who needed formal wear when you had Class As? (Believe the article I saw on this stated the guy in uniform was active duty, the son of family friends. In similar circumstances if my child was AD abd insulted like that, I’d take any wedding gifts back. Fuck her.)

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I agree.