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Weekend Open Thread

| July 26, 2024 | 81 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

Dave dropped a post explaining that Facebook was accusing This Aint Hell of posting “clickbate”. There is a possibility that a male Karen was behind this. He may not have gotten his way with someone at this site, which may have prompted him to “speak to the manager”. When the manager did not resolve his […]

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Weekend Open Thread

| July 19, 2024 | 139 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

During the “golden years” of stolen valor, we had the occasional threat. I remember one guy who challenged people to show up for a fight. There is the other occasion where someone claimed that they were going to go confront Jonn. These are just examples. There were others. Luckily, nothing transpired and people didn’t link […]

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Weekend Open Thread

| July 12, 2024 | 115 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

Instead of the regular food or drink samples, the table contains samples of self-awareness. Customers suddenly realize that they’re self-centered and have acted without consideration of the other shoppers. Could one imagine what it would be like if people received samples of self-awareness before they hit the road? Enjoy your weekend!

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Weekend Open Thread

| July 5, 2024 | 87 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

When many Christians hear “cherub”, they think of baby or children angels. However, cherubs were depicted as entities consisting of traits from two or more species. We get a detailed description of cherubs in the Book of Ezekiel, the entities carrying the chariot. They had the faces of four different species, had wings, etc. Angels, […]

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Holiday Open Thread

| July 4, 2024 | 63 Comments
Holiday Open Thread

Happy Fourth of July! Here’s hoping to good weather for barbecues, visits to the beach, fireworks, and other holiday activities.

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Weekend Open Thread

| June 28, 2024 | 64 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

Is cereal considered soup? Alexa occasionally provides prompting on what questions a person could ask it. One such prompting was a question, “Is cereal considered soup?” I played along and asked Alexa that question. The response came back that soup was a liquid dish that contained meat, fish, vegetables, individually or collectively and cooked. Cereal […]

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Weekend Open Thread

| June 21, 2024 | 85 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

Leftists like to think that they are in possession of the facts, that they are open minded and willing to change their positions, that they are inclusive, etc. In many instances, their actions show them as being what they accuse conservatives of being. Compromise, for them, involves the other side giving up their own argument […]

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Holiday Open Thread

| June 19, 2024 | 82 Comments
Holiday Open Thread

On June 19, 1953, the Rosenbergs were executed for espionage. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg did not want to admit to any wrongdoings related to conspiring to provide U.S. atomic secrets to the USSR.  Their sons later obtained related files from the government in an effort to prove their parents’ innocence. They concluded that their father […]

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