California’s Sanctuary City Stance Caused Officer Ronil Singh’s Death – Victory Girls Blog
An outstanding article by
In the midst of the drama over the government shutdown, California’s Stanislaus County Sheriff department along with multiple other agencies were engaged in a major manhunt for an illegal who shot Corporal Ronil Singh to death during a routine traffic stop on Wednesday. This wouldn’t have happened if California hadn’t decided it was politically correct to become a sanctuary state.
Corporal Singh was an immigrant himself. One who came to the United States LEGALLY.
“He came to America with one purpose, and that was to serve this country,” said Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson, calling Singh an “American Patriot.”
Again, there’s a significant difference between Singh and the shooter. Singh came here legally. The shooter … didn’t.
Arriaga crossed the border into Arizona illegally several years ago and has worked as a farm laborer in the Stanislaus County area, Christianson said. He has two prior driving-under-the-influence arrests and ties to the Sureño Street Gang.
So the shooter was here illegally, had been arrested TWO other times and was a known gang member. Why was he still here? Because of the stupid asinine and incredibly dangerous Sanctuary City stance the state of California has taken.
California has been diving headfirst down this dangerous path for years. Heck, they couldn’t even pass the Kate Steinle law and a jury let her killer go free. The incidences of violence involving illegals is climbing and yet our politicians have decided pandering to the illegals is the way to go.
San Fran Nan is on vacay in Hawaii and Maxine Waters went to the Bahamas instead of dealing with the government shut down. Designating funds for better border security and the border wall is not on their radar. Do they care about Corporal Singh? Nope. Not one bit.
What about the rest of the 53 member delegation from California? Crickets all over the place.
California law enforcement is hurting today. They lost one of their own and it shouldn’t have happened. Ronil Singh’s family is understandably devastated.
Reggie Singh managed to hold himself together just enough to thank all those who worked tirelessly to find his brother’s killer. A powerful moment of both anguish and grace.
I applaud Sheriff Christianson for casting the blame squarely where it belongs. On the shooter and the sanctuary city mess.
He was absolutely correct.
“While we absolutely need to stay focused on Officer Ribuk Singh’s service and sacrifice, we can’t ignore the fact that this could’ve been preventable,” Christianson said, noting how Arriaga had several run-ins with police — which couldn’t be reported to ICE on account of California’s sanctuary law.
“Under SB54 in California, based on two arrests for DUI and some other active warrants that this criminal has out there, law enforcement would’ve been prevented — prohibited — from sharing any information with ICE about this criminal gang member,” the sheriff explained.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is not how you protect a community.” [Emphasis Added]
We have laws in place for a reason! The sanctuary city mess protects only those who are here illegally. It leaves American citizens and those who are in this country legally twisting in the wind.
Furthermore, this sanctuary stance puts ALL of our First Responders at risk. Amazingly, CNN reported the Sheriff and Police Chief Youngblood’s remarks.
“When you tie our hands and don’t allow us to work with our federal partners and communicate with our federal partners about people who commit crimes and who are in this country illegally, we’re going to have incidents like this, not just on police officers, but on the public that we serve and protect,” he said.
What does Governor Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown have to say about all of this? Not a damned thing. Instead he gives 15 illegal immigrants clemency.
What about Gavin Newsom? Did he have anything to say? Crickets.
A good officer is dead because of this entire sanctuary city crap. He would be alive today if, after the FIRST DUI arrest, the shooter had been deported.
Adopting the Sanctuary cities stance puts us ALL at risk. It needs to stop NOW. Otherwise more US citizens like Kate Steinle and Officer Ronil Singh will die.
Feature Photo Credit: via New York Times: “Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, was arrested in connection with the shooting of Officer Ronil Singh. Credit: Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department“
Its also worth reporting the following:
Seven people across the state have been arrested for helping the suspect in the murder of Cpl. Ronil Singh avoid police.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, was arrested Friday without incident after authorities learned he was inside a Kern County residence, CBS Sacramento reports.
Others at the residence were taken into custody for aiding and abetting. The suspects were identified as Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59; Erasmo Villegas, 36; and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57.
His brothers Adrian and Conrado Virgen, girlfriend Ana Leyde Cervantes and coworker Erik Quiroz were also arrested for helping him dodge police.
Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson blamed California’s sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Perez Arriaga to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for his previous arrests. Christianson said if he had been deported, Singh would still be alive.
Source: California’s Sanctuary City Stance Caused Officer Ronil Singh’s Death – Victory Girls Blog
Category: Illegal Immigrants, Liberals suck, Politics
The majority of commiefornians voted for this shit. This once-great state is now under the perpetual thumb of the marxist left and they will never relinquish power. The only advice I can give to the good decent patriots of the formerly golden star is to move and populate those states and regions that can still be held onto and preserved…
It’s highly unpopular in much of the state. Those areas that passed it are known for questionable election integrity. Not that that really matters, since this state is bought and paid for by the democrat party, which has long since been taken over by corrupt far-leftists.
Once great state?
You mean before the gold rush turned out to be bullshit, right?
To rebuttal myself: stay right where you are. My understanding is the useful idiots are leaving for Arizona and Colorado to flee the failure of their own devices.
You are correct Rev, They have taken Colorado from a beautiful and decent state to live in to Californication east, and brought legal pot, gay marriage, gun / magazine bans, and all the other lefty shit with them! (only 6 yrs till retirement, and Texas here I come!
Better hurry, they will be moving to Texas also. Just look at the Austin area.
Which IMHO supports my theory that liberals are not unlike parasites that leave one host and find another as soon as the former is uninhabitable, one look at the California snowflakes fleeing to other hosts, I mean States after rendering CA uninhabitable.
You say parasites, I say cancer….Tomato / Tomatoe…
I didn’t actually say “once-great.” If anything, I might say “formerly less shitty.” And I don’t plan on leaving and letting the fucking hippies win.
I’m one to talk considering I live in the boonies of north eastern Pennsyltucky.
I am selling bumper stickers at the ubiquitous gun show trade here in the Central Texas that state it pretty unequivocally…..
“Don’t california my Texas”…
New ones will say:
“Don’t californicate my Texas”….
I’m selling a lot of them, to everybody !!!
i think CA and NY states are similar where as the large, lefty cosmopolitan cities (there its LA and SF, here in NY it’s NYC) force their values or lack there of upon the rest of the state. if it was up to me, i would cut NYC loose from the rest of the state. our taxes subsidies everything they do down there and and their politics affects all of us up here.
By deliberate negligence of the government of California, Officer Singh has been denied his Civil Rights, chiefly his right to Life.
That repeat-offender gang-affiliates might actually -murder- someone is entirely predictable. Not like this is even unusual in California.
The folks running California -knew- this would happen. They know it will happen -again-.
And -again-.
They -want- it to happen, or they would -stop- it.
Singh is as dead as if Moonbeam had lynched him.
This is the modern democrat party; they push laws that protect criminals at the expense of citizens. Not that the old democrat party was any better, with its love of Jim Crow and slavery.
And they still win elections.
We are doing something wrong.
Hey asshole, remember when you called me a commie the other day? Get fucked.
I predict that henceforth all traffic stops will be “Felony Stops”. Gun out, and shooting if the driver is slow to comply with the officer’s orders. Lots of folks are going to shot as the cops have nothing to lose now. They can always get another job, but only if the live.
Nope. Since they get thrown under the bus for violent confrontations, then into “general population”, they will just go the “Chicago Slowdown” way. They simply wont make the stops, wont interact, wont enforce.
And then the wheels come off.
A good idea is for LEO’s to get back to the ferguson effect in that they don’t do traffic stops in certain areas or not any at all and stick to putting tickets on parked cars for various violations and slow down on gun runs and family domestic problems so when you get there, whatever happened will be over and the Officers can go home to their families at the end of their tour.
Rest in Peace, Officer. You deserved better than the State of California gave you. You protected them but they abandoned you. Sadness
The left coast is lost as is much of the New England area. Southern Texas is moving into the abyss.
I just read the California statute and it’s a humdinger. It bottles up law enforcement every which way from Sunday, prohibiting state LE from doing anything. It also restricts corrections officials and school police and damn near everyone who might, in the ordinary course of business, learn that Jose or Maria is an illegal alien. By the way, the law’s name is “The California Values Act.”
LAR’S can you enlighten us mere simpletons please.
Commissar and Slow Joe/Yef can suck eachother.
I take it neither of them will be getting any Christmas cards from you in the future…
And I don’t blame you in the least.
Just one more reminder of why I left the state of my birth.
And everytime some recruiters call me and ask if I’m interested in working in Califunny, I laugh, and laugh, and laugh….
Spent a year there after being recruited to Pomona out of college for big greenbacks.
The money was great but the venue was too much like Da Nang if you know what I mean.
Dear God, please don’t encourage the fuck wit! PLEASE?
I’m disgusted with the way things are going- this sanctuary bullshit needs to end before more good people die.
Was meant to be a reply to Sapper- new phone, fat fingers…
People must remember, “That they get the best Government Money can buy.” ask any Pollie and they will confirm it.
And the same thing will happen to this guy as what happened to Luis Bracamontes.
For those who don’t recognize the name, the above mentioned asshole (also an illegal) murdered TWO deputies in CA in 2014, and was recently sentenced to death, all the while he was laughing and joking it up.
Yeah, they’ll both be on death row in San Quentin, where they’ll get three hits and a cot, and live to a ripe old age.
Thanks, Moonbeam!
Breitbart carries a story about some illegal in Oregon who stabbed his girlfriend to death and was sentenced. So? So the fact that he is an illegal alien was omitted from the Oregon stories.
You and I cannot stop foreign nationals from coming across the border. That is necessarily a function of government. That California’s government embraces, protects, and enables the illegal alien is not just a California problem. The illegal aliens travel, some to your state and some to mine. Our states may seize an illegal alien who commits a crime, notify ICE and, when a detainer arrives, hold him. By then, however, the damage is done: the crime has all ready been committed in our state. I would like to see an avalanche of lawsuits poured on California from states whose citizens have had to suffer from California’s sanctuary state statute. They may not fly but it will be something of a payback to California. All it would take would be a group of a dozen or states to act and, if nothing else, it will cost California millions. I’m sorry that the California taxpayers will foot the bill but who elected Brown and the numbskulls in Sacramento anyway?
How about Officer Singhs’ family pursues a federal case based on the violation of his civil rights, by the state of California.. No reason the feds can’t file such a case against the state, they’ve filed many such cases against various state and police departments.
The only value would be the cost and nuisance to California. The obvious fatal flaw in any private-party claim is causation. That California state actors failed to notify ICE was pursuant to state law. When Pedro walks we can never say with certainty that “but for” his release, he would not have killed, raped, maimed, whatever. It just would not work, especially since ICE itself is releasing illegals into our country, according to very recent news reports. Other states could band together and make a costly stink, however, and I would like to see them do just that. I will not hold my breath.
Pored=poured. I don’t want the grammar gestapo paying me a visit.
Really, Cav?
I guess I missed something.
Simply, don’t sweat stupid shit here, and I got your back. Nothing more.
Their, there, they’re, it’s all right!!!
A good man, husband and father, shot down by an illegal who was here because of a politically correct sanctuary state.
Shame on Governor Brown and the Sacramento politicians who have driven the once great state of California into the ground.
Well done, idiots. People are leaving the state in droves leaving only the uber-rich, the techno-wizards, and the homeless dregs. Pass laws against plastic drinking straws while the streets are filled with feces and used syringes.
A mockery of a government, lap it up when the last working American sheds the dust of California from his/her boots.
So disgusted I could spit.
/rant, breath
Fair winds and following seas, Corporal Ronil Singh. The country you came to and served, failed you.
Just to clear up some of the confusion, SB54 is a law which covers the entire state of California and not just cities. It never went before voters. It’s main sponsor in the legislature was State Senate President Kevin “Ghost Gun” de Leon who was forced out of office in March because of term limits.
Such a thing is also not isolated in a de facto one-party state where Progressive Democrats now control everything. How things work against conservatives was demonstrated, for example, a few years ago when a majority of Californians voted against same-sex marriage. That ballot measure was then promptly overturned by a gay judge on the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco.
An annoying thing about SB54, the so-called sanctuary “California Values Act” is that the rationale for it has never actually been demonstrated. Originally, sanctuary cities such as San Francisco wanted, so they said, to provide sanctuary in order to have immigrants cooperate more with law enforcement. This was apparently based more on limited anecdotal data and feelings than any solid empirical evidence. As far as I know, there have never been any clear indications or studies showing any change after a sanctuary policy has been implemented.
The reason the rationale for SB54 is important to remember is that following the shooting of Corporal Ronil Singh by Gustavo Arriaga there were seven Hispanics who were arrested for helping Arriaga escape to Mexico. According to reports, at least three of those people are themselves illegals with the immigration status of the other four not yet released. Evidently “California Values” are of lesser priority when it comes to the “Mexico Values” of killing a cop and having to escape.
It was just on the news. They all are illegals and attempted to help him escape back to Mexico.
Moonbeam will probably make sure he can still vote even if he is convicted and pardon him if he promises to be a good boy…
I lived there for 3 years and hated it.
I wouldn’t ever move back there for all the money they could throw at me.
The place is a horse shit mess and they seem to love making it just as horrific as possible…
The men that fought and died in WWII would be aghast to see what has become of the state they used to live in, train in or just travel through…
Think about that, all the things that
California did during WWII to help win that waqr and look at it now…
Just a nightmare, a fucking nightmare…
When those WW2 vets were younger…. The Battle of Athens.
I am convinced that the Donks of California are doing their level best to drive out any potential resistance, and to disarm the remainder. They just stole the last election with “Ballot Harvesting” (Felonious in 49 states), and they now will seek to secure power in perpetuity, and legislate their way to -finally- making Marxism work.
Venezuela is the template. The folks there voted for their mess, remember. The Khmer Rouge, however, is the endgame.
My youngest worked with ICE/CBP for over a decade and is getting her PhD, someone who knows immigration law and policy far more thoroughly than anyone here. She has always heard the “they won’t cooperate with law enforcement” thing too, but says she has never seen any studies related to that. Her question was ‘how could you even determine that in a study?’
A minor update to this is that Kevin de Leon is apparently still riding the same phony policy pony. In a recent radio interview in Los Angeles, he called blaming the law for Singh’s death “highly irresponsible.”
“The type of tone and attitude that Sheriff Christianson has taken instills fear and panic in all immigrant communities that could make people afraid to report crimes,” de Leon said.
DeLeon is a total disengeuous a-hole. One can never give any credence to what comes out of his cock-holster.
The one thing I wish Trump would do is fucking enforce federal law properly on states that are in violation of them! Get rid of sanctuary cities, get rid of legal pot, and ban online gambling! All of those are prohibited by federal law, but the government chooses to selectively enforce them.
Congrats, LCpl Rhodes, you have become annoying. I generally give two warnings.
Wait, I’m sorry; surely this place isn’t full of dumbass Libertarian potheads, Paultards and former Berniefgas cosplaying as Trump supporters, right? I assumed this was a true traditional Conservative community. I mean, no one could be stupid enough to go from supporting someone like Ron Paul to Trump, right?
Keep it up, SFB. Just keep it up.
What’s his sin? I have read some of his cmts and I don’t see what got him on the short list. Maybe I missed the gem that did it.
Agreed with the sentiment and the comment.
Lincoln said something about bad laws and enforcing them.
I’m not a fan of Federal power consolidation but border protection, drug law, and RICO/gaming has been under its preview for 100-ish years.
Congress, good/bad/indifferent, has set the laws on the above and if Commiefornia thought they had a 10th Amendment leg to stand on they should do something about it, and don’t even get me started on the 9th Circus’ injunctions.
Kangaroo Court issued toilet paper bs
Trolling, and poo-flinging.
I second that emotion.
I wonder when cal. gov. brown stain will come out and call the LEO’s who arrested the perp and his seven dwarfs racists./Sarc
One thing id for sure and it’s that Governor Moonbeam and his minions that coddle ILLEGAL ALIENS have a special place in Hell awaiting their arrival.
California has the “jungle primary system”
This system has the two top vote getters in the primaries appear on the ballot.
It is designed so that only Democrats are on the ballot.
There is not even a Republican choice in the general election.
It does apply to the Presidential election which is why Trump was on the California ballot.
This is just sad in so many ways; and it pisses me off in so many ways.
Godspeed and Farewell Officer Singh, Thank you for your service. God’s Peace be unto your Family.
Heyaa icch bin für die primäre die erste Zeeit hier. Ich stieß auf fand dieses Boaard uund
ich finxen Es wirklich hilfreich und ess alf mir ene Menbe viel.
Ich hoffe anbieten etwas, Zurück und Hilfe andere
, wie Siie geholfen me.
————————– TRANSLATION ——————————
Heyaa I’m here for the primary the first time. I came across this board found
I find it really helpful and eat a lot.
I hope to offer something, return and help others how you helped me.