Obama, the populist crusader

| February 28, 2009

In President Obama’s radio address today, he struck out at the half of the country who oppose his massive $3.6 trillion budget proposal casting himself in the role of populist crusader vowing to “fight for families” – you know that same drivel that lost Gore and Kerry their elections. From the Washington Times;

“I realize that passing this budget won’t be easy. Because it represents real and dramatic change, it also represents a threat to the status quo in Washington,” Mr. Obama said in his weekly video and radio address.

Mr. Obama’s language was combative and confrontational, as he promised to fight for “American families.”

“I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they’re gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this: So am I,” he said.

Well, it may represent change, but change for the sake of change isn’t always good, is it? But that’s what he won his election on – nebulous change. It’s funny, but I didn’t see any Washington lobbyists in Lafayette Park yesterday. There may have been, but I only saw regular Americans who took the afternoon to express their displeasure with Obama’s proposals. There weren’t any lobbyists in Lansing or St Louis – those were just regular people who see the folly in Obama’s plans. Just because you’re in charge, that doesn’t make you right.

“The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that have run Washington for far too long, but I don’t. I work for the American people,” he said.

It also worked for people who went out and worked for a living without waiting for a hand out from the government – in fact, your whole plan depends on those who work to continue working just as they always have, while you suck them dry of any ambition or pride while you buy votes with the lazy and indigent masses looking for hand outs. Where’s your “fairness” now?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Of course the lobbyists weren’t there…they’re in the administration. Mas de lo mismo vale…

The rhetoric is strikingly similar to Chavez in ’98 and ’99, it scares the crap out of me.

Jonn wrote: I noticed that, too. Instead of the “oligarchy”, Obama rails against the “lobbyists”.


Kate posted:

The rhetoric is strikingly similar to Chavez in ‘98 and ‘99, it scares the crap out of me.

You’re right, it is similar to Chavez’ rhetoric.

There’s the threat of nationalizing the banks. Next on the list is nationalized health care. Why not [url=http://realityandreason.blogspot.com/2008/08/obama-tests-waters-for-nationalizing.html]nationalize the oil industry[/url] and he’ll be just like his marxist compadre, Hugo Chavez! 🙁

I agree, this is scary!


“it represents real and dramatic change, it also represents a threat to the status quo in Washington”

Huh? I’m sorry…I don’t get it. What’s change about big government wanting to become even bigger government?

What is the “status quo” in Washington that he’s supposedly going against?

“The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that have run Washington for far too long”

There are STILL special interests running Washington – they’re just different ones – the abortion interests, ACORN and their ilk, the environmental whack jobs, global warming idiots. What’s so different about that?

Obama = Empty Suit

airborne injun

Its odd that Chavez and The Obamanation both courted the lower class, the non achievers,and the gullible in order to gain their respective offices.To use fear and loathing,a corrupt socialist media,and the incentive of “FREE” stuff to those who would aspire to greatness and wealth if it was not so much like work, and allowing irresponsible parasites to continue to suck the life blood of this great country dry! In my humble,uneducated, and unsophisticated opinion…Chavez was just a dry run for Obama….this shit is just way to similar to just be a coincidence!Any sane opinion would be welcome!


Airborne injun: that was the only way either could have won. Yeah, in ’98 Chavez received votes even of the non-poor because they were so sick of the previous 40 years, their vote was minimal compared to the urban poor living in the shantytowns who, for the first time, went out to vote massively for a many who literally campaigned on “hope” and “change.” I remember my aunt calling me right after Chavez won, telling me that she feared that her family would lose everything — and in a space of fewer than eight years, that’s precisely what happened.

airborne injun

Kate,Thanks for your input on this issue.I fear for our nation,children and grand children.A few weeks ago it all sank in and I realized this is for real and it is not going away any time soon. I feel that we will never return to the the way things once were. Respect!


Kate posted:

I remember my aunt calling me right after Chavez won, telling me that she feared that her family would lose everything — and in a space of fewer than eight years, that’s precisely what happened.

That’s exactly what happened to my friend’s family with Castro in Cuba! My buddy’s Grandpa was the mayor of his town and a successful sugar plantation owner. Then Castro and his communists took it all from them and sent them packing with nothing but the clothes on their backs! After watching the movie, “The Lost City”, my friend related that it was like Andy Garcia scripted it from his families story. My friend’s Grandpa, once a Mayor and plantation owner, lived out his last days as a janitor, but never complained.

My friend’s father does have the deeds to the plantation and will make the family’s claim to reclaim their property that was wrongfully and forcefully confiscated by the communists, when Fidel and the rest are pushing up daisies.

Joel surprised by all this

The Republicans in congress sure did play their cards wrong when they were so intransigent on the stimulus package. Now Obama has the excuse he needs to push against them rather than cooperate. Oops!

I gotta say, I like this guy. You can say he sounds like Chavez, and maybe it’s true in a way, but he’s smarter than Chavez and he’s doing exactly what he said he’d do. He got elected saying it, largely by what you may be calling “lower classes” (as if you are a higher life form?). Bush on the other hand got selected by suppressing the lower classes, so aren’t you proud?


Class warfare, plain and simple. Works in the beginning. But what happens when the evil wealthy stop hiring people in their companies because they can’t afford employees? Mom and Pop businesses are having a hard time keeping full-time employees now.
What’s really sad is that the “populist” strategy doesn’t raise low or no wage earning people up – it brings successful (and hiring) business owners down.
And how does spending wealth that hasn’t been created yet make any sense?
Sounding like Chavez is not a confidence builder – Venezuela’s economy ain’t all that great.


Joel surprised by all this Says:

I gotta say, I like this guy. You can say he sounds like Chavez, and maybe it’s true in a way,

Well of course you do because you sound like a Marxist:

Bush on the other hand got selected by suppressing the lower classes

BINGO!!! Marxist buzzword!