US troops to pullout; residents worried

| February 28, 2009

Apparently, US troops are finally being pulled out of New Orleans and the residents of that city are worried that they’ll be left unprotected. First the screen capture;

Now the story;

The last of the troops were removed in January 2006 as civil authority returned, but then, after a surge in bloodshed, 360 were sent back in beginning in mid-2006 to help police keep order. As of February, only about 100 troops were left in the city.

With Louisiana facing a $341 million budget deficit, state lawmakers were reluctant to keep the Guard in place any longer.

The Guard was used to patrol the less populated sections of the city where Katrina’s floodwaters left most houses uninhabitable. That included the woeful Ninth Ward, where renovated houses are outnumbered by moldy, boarded-up wrecks and weed-choked vacant lots.

In their camouflage uniforms and Humvees, the troops were often a welcome sight.

Now you know how the majority of the Iraqis and Afghans feel. Wherever our troops go, they leave goodwill and a sense of security in their wake. Even in third world countries like New Orleans.

Category: Society, Support the troops

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Frankly Opinionated

This fits right in with the Liberal lefts argument about how the Bushitler Regime infringed on our civil rights. Wherever the troops go, they are appreciated by the law-abiding, family raising public. These troops were not stormtroopers when they stopped looters, thieves, drug sales and jumped batteries for little old ladies and such. No law-abiding citizen has had his civil rights infringed on in the attempt to curb terrorism, either. It takes a warped mind to fault either our troop presence or our measures to intercept terrorists messages.
And yes, New Orleans is a whole ‘nother world, apart from the self-sufficient majority of the US of A. Work took me into that cesspit a few months ago, and I hadn’t been there a hour when I had both my dog and my gun out. Something about knowing that you needn’t be self-sufficient that brings out the worst in these rodents that prowl those streets after dark. They’ve always got Washington to rely on for their daily ass wiping.
nuf sed


The back story is…N.O. PD has been working on recruiting, hiring & training the LA N.G. Military Police and wants them to stay onboard.