Stroking the unicorn herder

| February 28, 2009

This Associated Press story about Obama and his budget agenda is probably the most dreadful piece of literature ever written;

“Breathtaking in its scope and ambition….”
“Perhaps the only things as high as Obama’s goals are the hurdles they must clear.”
“…a sprawling road map that will require several hard-fought pieces of legislation.”
“We’re struck with how bold and courageous a budget it is….”
“Washington veterans say that if anyone can overcome the hurdles, it is Obama.”
“The country wants it, the economy needs it, businesses large and small know that they can’t afford not to have it…”
“The president’s agenda is vast and ambitious….”

They don’t mention that the president’s agenda is built on a foundation of clay. In order to afford these changes, everyone has to continue making the exact same amount of money they earn now. In order to increase taxes on the top 5% of wage earners, Obama will ahve to raise taxes on families making more than $160,000 – the group in the $250,000 plus range only make up the top 1.5% of wage earners. Now, how many people are goingto continue making the same amount of money, if it means more will go to taxes – even at the $160k level.

In my own case, I figured out that although my wife’s income was about a 1/3 of our total income, it was responsible for more than half of our taxes – so she quit. How many others will discover that they’re working for the government?

It also depends on the stimulus bill which he just signed in making gains on the recovery – that is impossible. The market has fallen since Obama’s election because no one with an interest in investing in America thinks it will work. Obama thinks he can “will” a healthy economy – he’s learning like Bill Clinton did in 1993 that’s not possible. Those of us with our money on the line aren’t going to toss it in the pot without good reason. He hasn’t given us a good reason yet.

“We’re struck with how bold and courageous a budget it is,” said James Horney of the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which supports the president. “There are a whole lot of things that are going to be extremely difficult because there are very powerful vested interests out there that will fight them.”

Powerful and vested interests like the American people. Is it any wonder that newspapers are folding across the country when they all draw their content from sources like the Associated Press?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Usual Suspects

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airborne injun

I had heard a rumor that the Obama camp had hired unemployed fiction writers and porn directors several months ago, and I could not for the life of me figure out why. Thanks for answering that for me Jonn…Damn, some of that stuff scares hell out of me! GOD help us!


I think you are trying to make me puke on purpose! It’s going to go lower than 160k. CPA DefendUSA’s sugar Daddy is sure of that. So, another lie to the “middle class” he swore would have lower taxes.

airborne injun

Defend USA…I watched your interview on the tea party,good work,It’s a shame that Fox could’nt give you more air time.


This story reminds me of my aunt’s cocker spaniel. Whenever she came home the damn dog would cry, roll on it’s back, wag it’s tail and then pee on the floor. I hope they have a big mop at the AP.


Thanks. He left off the most important thing, which was how to solve the problem. Read my blog!! The pictures are missing…Maybe Jonn can give me some pointers, as he is the king in this arena.

airborne injun

Defend USA…Great Blog…Three Cheers for Nee!


Jonn observed: Is it any wonder that newspapers are folding across the country when they all draw their content from sources like the Associated Press?

I suspect it’s more complicated than that, although I agree with the sentiment. As Obama pointed out: “I won!”

One might expect that the ‘house organs’ would benefit? [shrug]

A reasoned case might be made that what we’re seeing may well be less complex. A paranoid case might be made that there’s a pattern.

The apparent dichotomy twixt ‘more complicated’ and a pattern can be explained by the eventual reduction of news sources.

Toss in the idea of ‘localism’ to bypass the ‘fairness doctrine’ and we have…


I don’t want to scare you too much, but even if they taxed everyone making over $75000 at 100%, they STILL wouldn’t have enough money to cover the Dear Leader’s budget.


Any one making a profit in their business, no matter how small, is screwed. Soon there won’t be any profits because people won’t have much, if any, money to spend. And who is going to take a risky leap and start up a business if they aren’t going to get to keep the money they earned by hard work and long hours?
Oh, and that 95% not getting taxed? BS! How many folks don’t use any form of energy? Didn’t hear much about the energy tax slipped into the bill, did we?
But that’s how the Obama and his minions want it. How else can they take total control unless they break the capitalist spirit? And that is the main goal.


This is pruning the capitalist spirit – just watch it will come back healthier and stronger once we survive the Obama disease, and survive it we will.

How do I know? I read people like Jonn and I know capitalism will be defended. Take heart.

Meanwhile the ugly pruner has the scissors and all he can do is hurt himself. What American needs to survive, she has,

and she will. God Bless America.