Winter will be ‘teeth-chattering’ cold, have plenty of snow

| August 30, 2018


Over the sweltering heat and steamy humidity that’s blanketed much of the country this summer? Get ready for a rough, snowy winter.

Fox News is reporting the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a “colder-than-normal” winter from the Continental Divide on eastward, with bitter cold arriving in mid-February in the Northeast, Great Lakes, and even into the Southeast.

“Contrary to the stories storming the web, our time-tested, long-range formula is pointing toward a very long, cold, and snow-filled winter,” editor Peter Geiger said in a statement on the company’s website. “We stand by our forecast and formula, which accurately predicted the many storms last winter, as well as this summer’s steamy, hot conditions.”

Included in the frigid outlook is above-average snowfall expected for the Great Lakes and New England, with some snow expected to arrive in the Mid-Atlantic and New England by December.

As to when the cold may end, the Farmers’ Almanac says that a stormy March could feature a “potent East Coast storm” that could keep snow on the ground into spring.

The Farmers’ Almanac says it bases its long-range forecast “on a mathematical and astronomical formula developed in 1818.”

It’s not to be confused with the rival Old Farmers’ Almanac, billed as the oldest periodical in North America, which also issues seasonal weather forecasts.

If you’re looking for a milder winter ahead, Old Farmers’ Almanac is calling for “above-normal temperatures almost everywhere in the United States,” in addition to more rain instead of snow.

I miss the crew pre-flight briefs, where the weather guesser would make dire predictions of “Impacted thunder cells along the cold front’s boundary with moderate to severe turbulence from 5000 to 30,000 ft. Have a nice flight!”

Now what’s winter going to look like? Ask a weather guesser- there’s a 50% chance he’ll get it right. Just like these two Almanacs.

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Sgt Fon

it’s ironic that you posted today, i just spent the morning refitting valves, nuts&bolts and waxing my plow blade! Ironic? i think not…. where is that story about UFO afgain?

E-6 type, 1 ea

Irony indeed. The warehouse I work at just received 4 pallets of ice melt this morning.

USMC Steve

Farmer’s Almanac has had a tough time of it the last few years, not often correct.


Not much of a stretch – Winter, cold, snow, Northeast…


Wow…sure glad we moved…our house in colorado faced the continental divide on the east side lol!

A Proud Infidel®™

AWW GEE WHIZ, where’s all that warming that Al Gore Junior, Greenpiss, the Sierra Club and the hippies promised us?


He’s probably fretting in his $9.5 million mansion on the beach in Montecito, CA.


Or gassing up his 0.3 mpg personal jet for an around the world to condemn all things not green. Look for another run at the Presidency. Could be worse … could be wide load

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, FUNNY how he tells us to eat bean sprouts and ride the bus while he keeps himself in the lap of luxury. Foes EVEN ONE of his mansions have even a single solar panel in it?

MSG Eric

When even CNN is calling bullshit on your leftist hypocrisy, you know you’re really bad:

MSG Eric

Al gore isn’t an Environmentalist, he’s a Capitalist. He wants everyone ELSE to be an environmentalist (because he makes a shitload of money from them).

(Net worth: 300 million as of last year)


Probably under Gores collar, since he has been banned by every place that has intelligent thinking people! lol


It’s Extreme Weather™trade; now. That way they can claim heat waves and blizzards as evidence.


Oh, bother! That was the html for the “tm” symbol. Obviously locked out here.

Could an admin be so kind to eliminate that? No edit available.


The predictions from both almanacs will either be proved/disproved once I get the persimmon seed report from my source back in Indiana.

Until then, it’s just guessing./smile

Stay tuned for the posting once the persimmons ripen up and seeds get split.


The signs around Casa OWB are indeed that we will have a rough winter here. The critters started bulking up early this year and the tougher winter grass came early.


Even in Texas, the squirrels are eating like madmen. Bad sign. And 1/2 inch of snow shuts Houston down faster than a hurricane.


The Native Americans know exactly what kind of winter they will have……they just watch the white men gathering firewood lol

Wilted Willy

Here in Florida, we are expecting continued nice weather with lows in the 70’s and low humidity! I don’t think we will see any snow this year either! Does Gore spend the winter down here? I sure hope not, we have enough stupid yankees down here already! Bundle up folks, it’s going to be a cold winter!!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

WW; I’m down here in Palm Beach County and now I’m sorry I didn’t bring my Goose down reefer jacket down here 10 years ago.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Maybe it could get down in the forties again, paralyzing the iguanas so people can just pick them up off the ground and get rid of them!


Leaves are dropping off trees already, and it isn’t because of lack of rain. Plenty of that. Some have already started color changes.
There were zero tree buds breaking open at the end of April. Nothing except low-growing plants like violets opened up until mid-May, and then BOOM! Made up for lost time, I guess.

Heat lasted from July 1st to a couple of days ago, with intervals of night temps in the 50s here and there. Now we’re back to the cooler weather.

If this is an early sign of a long cold season ahead, so be it. At least, we’ve been warned.


Forgot this part: Accuweather doesn’t seem to be able to make an accurate forecast more than 72 hours out. Thin ice, on their part.

A Proud Infidel®™️

“Experts” can’t predict the weather two weeks in advance and we’re supposed to believe them when they predict what will happen decades from now! I still remember them screeching that crop lands would be deserts by the year 2000. Earth Day is also Lenin’s birthday. Happenstance? Coincidence?


I noticed the same effect in my area, I’m further south of you, and on the East Coast. I’m noticing yellow and red leaves on my trees. Some trees in the greater area are also showing a deep change of color in favor of fall coloring.

When I first moved to this area, that heat arrived in March, and became “sweltering” by May. This went into late fall.

Now, our summers are generally mild in comparison, and they arrived later. Our heat waves now, are comparable to the “mild summers” that we had back in the 1990s.


Could be a weak sun, too.

NOAA’s storm/hurricane prediction for the Atlantic was released early in the Spring, and was changed about 2 months later to a much, much lower count.


So like Carnac the Magnificent, they’re predicting cold for the winter. Color me shocked.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Johnny Carson practiced Magic as a kid and also while serving in the US Navy. Anyone interested in card magic using gimmicked cards, Richard Kaufman has a book coming out this November with a slip sleeve weighing 10 pounds all about Theodore DE land and his self working card routines using gimmicked cards. I owned the marked DEland deck way back when but never used it in playing card games. ok, time for me to shut up and practice doing the riffle fan flourish. BY BY

Tom Huxton

Extreme cold water upwelling last week on lake michigan promises to bring the trout/salmon upriver. Hypothermia warnings in August for extreme cold water.

Historically, light snow expected Nov 14 in the central third of the state for the deer opener.

Expect below zero weather before christmas, or open water in mid jan.
(flip a coin)


I called it, August 8, 2018. :mrgreen:

Originally posted by thebesig:

If trends hold, we’re looking at a possibility of an early fall, followed by an early, long, rough winter. This includes snowfall, cold, and snowstorm record potentials.

Get your snow shovels before the summer is over. Not many are thinking about winter preparation right now, so prices and availability should be favorable. Get anything else that you’d normally get to prepare for a blizzard while supplies are still plentiful.


There was a plan for a bunch of (Warmian) students to take a cruise up near the Northwest Passage, to measure how much the Arctic ice has melted. They hired a Russian-owned ship for this purpose, one that has been use for other, similar purposes.

They boarded the boat on Aug. 23.

On August 24, the ships’ captain sent out a ‘Mayday’ call for help because the ship got stuck in Arctic ice between Iceland and Canada, ice which had NOT melted or even softened.

Reported this past week by WattsUpWithThat.

The the ship has hot tubs, so they’ve got that going for them.

Cameron Kingsley

Was it that big Russian nuclear powered icebreaker Yamal by any chance?


No, it’s the Akademik Ioffe.

There’s a photo of this brilliant group. Note the footgear on one of them: sandals, no socks, and he was going to trek out onto the ice.

A Proud Infidel®™

I SAY LET THEM trek out in the Arctic like that, DARWIN AKHBAR!!!


Hot with a chance of muggy and humid. Cold snap here in God’s Country today, only got up to 91. The season of January is right around the corner.


I thought it was, “Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Road Construction!”


Nope, that’s here in Alaska


In Aroostook it’s two seasons.
Winter and gettin ready for winter.


94, burn bans in effect due to no rain… you were saying?


I wish. Here on the Front Range of Colorado we barely had a winter. I think I had to shovel snow twice. 2016 – 17 wasn’t much better. The drought in the intermountain west has been terrible and has led to an agonizing fire season.

Was up in the mountains a couple of weeks ago and the Aspens were already turning gold from the dryness.

So I sincerely HOPE we have an epic winter here in the Rockies because the last couple of winters have been too warm and too dry (there were a number of days last Winter when the daily high temperature in Denver was higher than the daily highs in places like Orlando, New Orleans, Houston, and Los Angeles.)

Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE riding my motorcycle in mid-January because the high temp will be in the 60’s but it’s not good for the ski industry and it certainly isn’t good for the dry forests.


When I lived in Maine, I traded an Old Town Canoe for a running ’74 Suzuki GT550 2 stroke triple (thanks to Uncle Henry). Damn was that bike fun. I wish I still had it.


Haha! And that’s only a small moose.

I killed a white tail deer, in the Poconos, riding the Goldwing. Still have the fur embedded in the front fender. The bike never went down. I stopped to check for damage to the bike, and the venison, before continuing on to Louisiana. Poor thing would have been delicious but there’s only so much you can carry at one time, comfortably.


I shipped a BSA 441 Victor from Germany to Port Elizabeth NJ on my way to Viet of the Nam. It was December and snowing when I flew down to Newark to pick it up and drove it all the way back to Boston.
Rode behind 18 Wheelers for the shield and a bit of prop wash. The Wilber Cross Parkway was fun with the pavement seams every hundred feet. The toll booths were a hoot. Best two weeks leave evah.


The 441 was a supremely cool one cylinder bike with loads of torque. Do you recall how much it cost? To my recollection, they were around $700.

About 10 years ago I bought one of those HD V-Rod bikes from a guy in Sanford, ME. It was in February, one of those Ebay bidding situations, and I got it for about $7K. Then, I had to go get it. I rode that bad dog back from Sanford to Rockport, MA–no license plate–and got home before dark. It was cold but wasn’t snowing, raining and the roads were clear.

While stationed at Walter Reed, I rode a BMW R-60, full time, all year around. The CG was an orthopedic surgeon and HATED motorcycles so we all had to park in front of the Provost Marshall’s building and hike in to wherever we needed to be.

It was pretty good fun, met lots of other military bikers. The CG was Robert Bernstein, a two star doc who loved infantry. His claim to fame was that he was the only doctor to get shot in the ass during Korea!


It was a bit more than $500 from a Kaiserslauten dealer, financed through the Sembach credit union.
circa 1969.


It’s not the cold or the snow that bothers me so much as it is the shortened days. Our little climate niche seldom gets the brunt of New England’s worst. The ocean affect goes at least a couple of miles inland. Five miles west is an entirely different, and usually worse, climate.