Drag Queen Sailor Finds Acceptance in the Navy
Yeoman 3rd Class Joshua J. Kelley by day, drag queen by night.
It looks like the Navy has came a long way from the time RM 3 Schindler was murdered for being gay. This incident lead to extensive media coverage and, ultimately, to the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy.
But, the Navy has changed drastically since then.
Petty Officer Joshua J. Kelly joined the Navy, like his father, to get out of the local area in exchange for challenge and adventure. And, adventure he got.
This includes doing drag queen performances in order to help improve moral. It appears that he’s positively received, from NBC news:
When Kelley joined the Navy, just like his father had, he said he was hoping to get out of his small town and challenge himself. He said he was a bit nervous about meeting all the new people, and he knew not everyone would be as colorful and flamboyant as he is. He was pleased, however, when he found acceptance.
“I have many LGBT friends here, and if you can stand at attention properly and speak with proper etiquette, that’s what it comes down to in the Navy,” he said. “No one tells me I’m too feminine. I’ve not once had a bad experience as a gay man in the military.”
His twin brother is also a drag queen.
Category: Navy
just threw up a little.
That’s pathetic! He improves morale by being perverted? This clown needs to read the Bible and see what God thinks about it…I can tell him…its an ABOMINATION! The Navy has NOT come a long way, it has gone waaay downhill imho!
It kind of makes sense since that blue camo uniform the Navy wears is gay too.
I already explained the blue camo…its so when you fall overboard, they can’t find you LOL Another moron designed that!
Its not ghey if you’re underway.
“It’s only queer when you’re at the pier”
Are those Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign slogan’s?
They should have a blue hat with “MAS” (Make America Socialist) in white for their 2020 campaign slogan.
We were at the jungle survival training school in Panama where the Marine BLT we had on board went for the training and on Liberty, a bunch of us went to one of the clubs and they had these guys dressed up as girls on the stage. I was told this after the show. At that age, I didn’t know shit from shinola. I also heard that a girl wouldn’t get pregnant if her partner had a bar of soap under his armpit while in the act because somehow it would slow up the flow of blood. This was told to one of the new Pecker checker strikers that just came aboard and I heard about it from one of my ship mates. Anyone ever here about this or just another sea story???
Sure, it’s to “improve morale”, but more than likely only that of our adversaries….I suspect eventually this indulgent little twerp is going to get busted blowing someone in a fan room….
Great recruiting tool.
I can just see the posters at the Mall.
Well, he does look like a girl, so….
No, really, he does.
Do we have an official ruling from IDC SARC?
I’m a vagitarian and therefore have no ruling beyond having no interest.
I don’t think there’s ever been a rule against dressing up like a lady in your off hours. Porking other dudes, yes, but playing dress-up? You don’t get through the Navy without wearing some approximation of women’s clothing at least once–at minimum a coconut bra and a swab wig. Don’t make it weird, it’s tradition. ;P
Swab wig? You left out the hula skirt, dude. Have you never seen ‘Wackiest Ship in the Army’?
Doesn’t that happen in the Line Crossing ceremony? According to my Dad you had to dress up like a girl… 🙂
Not everybody..there’s usually a few but they’re mermaids, or sirens, Neptune’s court and such.
I’ve never seen a Shellback ceremony that involved everyone dressing as women.
Not that any of you land lubbing, woggy beeyatch’s deserve to know anything about this sacred rite. 🙂
NO! I crossed the line, got the shyt beat out of me with shillalehs, dunked in a tank of brine, had my face shoved in the royal babies greased up stomach, but no, did not dress up as a pervert!
Nope, never had to do that.
Interesting picture story of a Navy Trasgender in the Hampton Roads area (female to male):
He says he had a complete hysterectomy but was worried that without a testosterone shot, his menstrual cycle would return? Not without ovaries, it wouldn’t. If it was s complete hysterectomey, he’s in menopause now. Cycle won’t come back. Obviously, he has a few issues he needs to address.
You mean “She”.
“He” couldn’t have had a hysterectomy because “he” wouldn’t have had the requisite plumbing to be removed in the first place.
That’s unfreaking believable! I couldn’t get the VA to increase my disability for hearing loss, but they pay for sex change for this pervert? how freaking much of tax payers dollars does that unnecessary B.S. cost? God doesn’t make mistakes…so these sickos are going to find out immediately upon seeing Jesus, what they are and where they are headed! imho
Bet that dude can’t wait to be wog queen.
Or on Halfway Night.
That is funny.
Enabling a mental disorder. I’m not a hater, I feel sorry for these confused people, and hope they get the help they need.
As I’ve said, in the squadrons we all knew who the gay boys and girls were. As long as every one was professional and performed their duty, no one much gave a damn.
Exactly. And the ones who were gay, boy or girl, didn’t have to have special stories done on their gayness. Or dragness in this case.
Give every stinking one of them a DNA test then tell them “LIVE WITH IT”! This is ridiculous crap, all instigated by the hard line queers that have been trying to get this country to accept them for years!
Yo Man!
How does the old joke go? 100 sailors go on the ship, 50 couples leave the ship.
I was thinking of “The Village People…In the Navy”song. ( Sorry Navy…that was too easy). 😉
No, it’s 51 couples – there’s always 1 cheater…
On Submarines’ it’s 120 men go down’ 60 couples surface.
“stand at attention properly and speak with proper etiquette” damn if that’s all it takes to be a sailor——– (grins, ducks, rolls, dodges incoming thrown objects).
So Gary Busey dressed in drag as the XO wasn’t a fluke.
I can just see his son in 20 years. “My family has a proud naval tradition of cross dressing.”
Cross dressing is not trans-anything. He just likes dressing up in women’s clothing. I hope he doesn’t think that’s what makes him gay.
That’s probably not what made him gay.
He could’ve been reared that way. Or maybe just got sucked into a gay lifestyle.
Agreed. 🙂
WHAT exactly DOES it make him? Nothing even near a NORMAL human being in my estimation!
Things have changed so much. On my first deployment in 1981 we were somewhere in the Indian Ocean when there were two Marines caught going at it in the Shower, Within 8 hours they were flown off the ship.
It was strange singe we hadn’t even had mail or anything else like fresh milk and food in the past ten days.
Shows how much of a priority it was to get homosexuals away from the command.
I STILL remember being asked “Are you a homosexual” when I first went through MEPS to which a “Yes” reply in that day would disqualify you.
“Not, but I am willing to learn.” Was the correct answer to that question. 😉
Bill Murray!
The GOOD old days… imo
Heading to the garage for brain and eye bleach. Every fuckin’ place ya go!
Did it work? 😀
Three things:
1. I think this is fantabulous.
2. I don’t really care much more about it.
3. As long he is a good Sailor …
I can’t count for schitz.
Okay, Master Chief.
However, “he” is a Yeoman.
And we didn’t call them, “Titless WAVES” for nuthin.
I have no further questions for this witness your honor!
Exactly my point … who cares.
Bullshyt! I was a yeoman and not a damned thing effeminate about anyone of the men in the office!
I actually agree completely. If this individual does there Navy job well I don’t give two flying iota’s about how they spend their off time as long as it’s legal. The only thing I am concerned about is job performance and the ability of this sailor to do their job and defend their country.
I agree with you. However, why does it have to have the big announcement about being a drag queen? Boring heterosexual barracks rats don’t get a big story on their lifestyle. Nor do they want one. And if being a drag queen is considered totally normal and functional, then again… why such a special situation as to warrant a story. I’m not saying that to you, just asking in general.
They have to make a big production out of it in order to push their perverted agenda…if it wasn’t that way, they would keep their mouth SHUT!
Fixed that for you.
LGBT pride month recognizes LGBT contributions, including in the military:
“Throughout our history, brave LGBT Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines have served and fought for our nation. Their readiness and willingness to serve has made our military stronger and our nation safer.” – Then Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, June 2016
In the Army Infantry, this Sailor would be referred to as a “barracks ho” for dancing around in girls clothes.
Yeah, but if he was good shooter, landnav God, first aid blind guru … who cares?
I fail to focus on these stories … and I wish them luck and damn them if it is a game!
Who cares? He does. He needs the attention and validation as a DRAG QUEEN – not a good shooter, land nav’r, or first aid guru. That’s why he has to have the special story and the special attention.
And like you said, if he is a solid soldier, or sailor in his case, then why the special story on his dragness?
Why not do a story on everyone with a left foot who can shoot to standard, land nav like a God, and complete all assigned tasks? Because nobody cares that they have a left foot. So no story.
What if they dont have a left foot? I see a lot of those articles.
Somebody sounds jealous. You can get your junk rearranged too if you want.
You caught me.
Drag Queen in the Navy.
Too. Many. Jokes. Getting. Overloaded. Brain. Cramp.
OKAY, SO he’s a Drag Queen BUT DOES HE do what is required of him as a USN Sailor or does he parade his colors in front of God and everyone expecting a free pass due to his self-proclaimed PC Quota status? I myself couldn’t give two hoota of a ratshit roach fuck what someone is on their own time BUT IF they parade their shit in my face demanding open acceptance on my part regardless of their job performance I say OH FUCK NO!!!
I just don’t know about this dude….something sounds swishy….
Sounds coming from his poop deck?
Some day he’ll be a Rear Admiral….
Lower half
When I went through Shellback initiation I had my face pressed into a fat Chiefs belly that was covered in some nasty smelling grease among other things so I’m thinking long periods at sea have created some traditions that are a bit strange anyway.
I suspect women on ships create more of a command issue due to fraternization than a cross dresser. Even before dont ask dont tell it was obvious that some sailors were not the “girl in every port” type but I fail to see the news worthyness of this article; particularly since it ended up in the Army Times. It comes across as more of an overt political statement by the Military Times org.
On top of that, if that cherry was still in his bellybutton, you couldn’t go to the next station. You could find yourself in the back of the line.
What a faggot (good thing I’m not a Bn CO huh?)
Every family has their peculiarities….dunno why the Navy now wants to put theirs front and center. Not my circus not my monkeys.
Man, I should have joined the Navy! As long as I do a good job at being Public Narcissist, they would not care about my stinky antics!
Like that one time I was on orders to a school. I was at a hotel’s wading pool. It was shallow. I did the Asian squat thing. Then, I let out a big one. Oh yeah, the sound of bubble going to the surface.
I laughed when the bubles surfaced. I kept laughing until I saw those poop nuggets float around in front of me. Then the motion cameras flashed.
When I got back, the Brigade Commander had me front and center. He told me that I seem to keep getting into these smelly situations. I said, “You think?” Boy did he lose his shit!
I should have joined the Navy instead, they even have a poop deck. I would have been at home. The ship’s announcing system sure would make my public narcissist duties easier.
?? that writing was a BIG WASTE OF TIME!
I should have joined the Navy and be a yeoman. I heard yeomen were girl men, I would have fit right in with them because I’m gahaay! I could have been the yeoman on the poop deck.
Um, HELLO! This is what EVERYONE makes fun of the Navy for! What’s the big deal, it’s just out in the open. Long time away from women on a big bobbing ship, someone to make the others happy in small ways ! lol
Good to know SOMEONE will love their time “in the barrel” for the good of his shipmates ! lol