Stunningly attractive man aware of our demon summoning assassination ploys

| August 28, 2018

Yes.  It’s this fahkin guy again…

Let me just start with his video in which he explains how Jonn died during a ritual summoning of the Angel of Death.

If you want to go through this guy’s horseshit, here you go…..

He’s a phony Desert Storm Marine who skyrocketed all the way to E3 during his almost 3 months before washing out of boot camp.

And he’s a huge fan of a certain pilot who set the altitude record for a private plane at -6 meters, and he lies about his dad’s military record.

And he looks like the alien dude Mathazar from Galaxy quest.

He believes all manner of wacky, crazy-ass shit involving cover-ups of Pearl Harbor, aliens, “the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena.”

According to his bio on YouTube:

Douglas Dietrich is a former employee of the Department of Defense at the now-closed Presidio Military Base. Douglas is also known as the Renegade military historian and also the kind of public informant who outwits all of his gangstalkers and predatory online trolls-etc. on wit and common sense alone…  For years, there have been ‘dark forces’ working hard at keeping the public ignorant of the existence and validity of the information that has been disclosed and shared by Douglas Dietrich who was a research librarian at the Presidio military base in San Francisco, California USA until it it finally shut down after a not-so-righteous ring of child-trafficking and molestation was leaked and exposed that involved dark occult, Satanic ritual activity. . Douglas was also in charge of documents destruction.

Now, just because he’s apparently completely insane and his picture looks like something from the Smoking Gun about a person copulating with roadkill does not mean we should discount his story completely.  You know, except for the fact that I’ve been through all of Jonn’s emails for the past 9 years and there’s nothing in there about the occult, summoning demons or anything about children.  Also, one has to wonder how he was conjuring this demon, and had the wherewithal to destroy all the evidence while the ambulance was on the way.

But other than that, this guy has done some seriously solid research.

Be sure to tune into all his shit, I’m sure he’ll have more to say in the near future, and frankly, I look forward to it.  I literally hadn’t laughed so hard since my buddy died (while not summoning the Angel of Death.)

Jonn’s been living in so many minds for so many years I’m having a hard time figuring out if he owed rent to any of them.




Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

If you have a long lay over and need something mind numbing, I recommend is “about me” from his website.

If you don’t want to read it, everything bad in the history of this world and his life is caused by the occult or pedos covering their tracks.

RGR 4-78

Dave, Head and Shoulders shampoo, it gets rid of the flakes.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Now, that Galaxy Quest was some flick. Was it based on a real event?????

A Proud Infidel®™

ALL that harebrain needs to do is either use some Rogaine or get a hairpiece, wear some sunglasses, control his drooling and few will ever know that he’s the recipient of a VERY badly botched Lobotomy!


Well, we all know the Presidio was a top-secret base for hazardous combat ops, and all those first-round BARC base closures were a clandestine plot to render us defenceless. Obviously his mad librarian skillz were merely a cover for his derring-do real life.


I should e-mail him this photo.

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“*mind blown*”

Lurker Curt


I dare ya!


My first thought was, Not this Idiot again! I thought he committed suicide or went to an alternate dimension to fight Evil, Pedophile, Mind-Control Robots!


I thought that was Johnny Depp with a bad haircut.


All I got out of that was a dull headache. Apparently some/many/most of us are members/followers of a society/cult/group so secret that we do not know it exists much less that we are associated with it. Is that about it?

Meanwhile, continuing to ignore clowns with whom I have no reason to cross paths should be very easy. I will say the occasional prayer for the generic “lost souls.” May this particular clown find comfort in that thought. Irritation would be even better.


Deer Ticks. Causes brain worm.
I see it Moose. This guy presents symptoms.


Would there not have to be enough brain for the deer tick to latch on to? I’m confused. Will the mother ship be back to pick him up, or do we have to keep supplying his oxygen? What a fool.


“Would there not have to be enough brain for the deer tick to latch on to?”

Excellent point. A moose brain is about the size of a golf ball. Well protected and gimble mounted but still, the size of a golf ball.


^word^ I outed a “great white hunter” and posing sniper wannabe around a camp fire with this fact.


OK, which one of you set fire to his tampon?


Not enough money or curtiosity in the world to get me to watch that video.

I’s forgotten this guy even existed, but now I remember him (sort of) and have to add here that I’m quite sure his mummy dropped him out of the Petri dish intentionally.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

He doesn’t know about sphenoia yet, does he? Well, he should be made aware. They are meatasauruses.


Hahaha agreed!

I read half a paragraph of his gibberish once, and came away about 5 IQ points lighter.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I heard that david hog has him on the short list for SECDEF when he runs for office.

RGR 4-78

Their motto can be “Phlakey Phucks of the world unite”.


When did the Presidio Military Base close? I was there about five years staying in their billeting while traveling. They do the DLAB training for foreign languages; which I was not aware of until staying there. Is there another Presidio?

J.R. Johnson

It closed as a military base on 1 Oct 1994 (1989 BRAC), when it was turned over to the National Park Service. DLI is still there. It is just not on a base any more, it is all open public land.


IIRC, it closed sometime in the early 1990’s. It had been turned over to the National Parks Service when my cavalry re-enactor unit did an event there in about 1994.


I was referring to San Fransicko’s Presidio. The Monterey Presidio is where DLI is located.


There were two Presidios. The one in Monterey is still there. The one in San Francisco closed down in the ’90s.

2/17 Air Cav

I listened to the video. Retardery is how Jonn described this maniac’s wild imaginings. It was true then and it’s true today. The only thing about him I do find credible is that he worked for the government.


Hooooooooly crap! How does this dingleberry remember to breath?


Did y’all read this shit? F’n hilarious. I posted it in John’s tribute thread. He lives on!

Old Trooper

Alright, dammit!! Who the f**k broke OpSec?!?! I want to know how this guy found out about this and I want to know now!!!! Don’t make me go all Dark Lord on your asses!!!


Garold says:
August 28, 2018 at 12:25 pm
When did the Presidio Military Base close? I was there about five years staying in their billeting while traveling. They do the DLAB training for foreign languages; which I was not aware of until staying there. Is there another Presidio?
That’s Presidio of Monterey, our numbskull used to work at the Presidio of San Francisco. Was located at/near the SF side of the Golden Gate Bridge.


Yeah. I got nuthin.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This guy makes Infowars seem sensible by comparison….I never thought that would be possible.


He makes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seem educated, which is really quite a trick.


There’s a huge difference between educated and smart as well. I’ve known PhD’s who were about as sharp as a bowling ball and ten times as dense.

J.R. Johnson

What is a Gang Stalker and why do they keep misrepresenting his timeline? Is he a time traveler? Wow, he also killed the Mayor of San Francisco…all I could stand to listen with all the microphone popping.

Some Guy

The popping is actually a secret encoded message containing the recipe for his family’s famous egg salad. The nonsensical rambling is just to distract from it. Only his true followers will understand.

Wilted Willy

What a TOOL! The best part of him ran down his daddy’s leg!

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, usually it’s his momma’s leg, but in this case, you’re probably right. Ran down the back of his daddy’s leg when his other daddy was finished.


Remember how peculiar the name Soupy Sales was?
This clown could top that and should have been named Sloppy Seconds.

A Proud Infidel®™

…and stained the floor of a coin-operated porn booth.


What do you get when mildew mates with a rutabaga?

You get the infamous Douglas Duane Dietrich; Phony Desert Storm Marine.

That is correct, my friends, Douglas Duane Dietrich; Phony Desert Storm Marine is a fake, a fraud, a liar, and a smelly stain on humanity.

I say there Douglas Duane Dietrich; Phony Desert Storm Marine, are you inbred or just stupid?

Douglas Duane Dietrich; Phony Desert Storm Marine…beware the summoning of the forces of common sense and basic logic!


Whiz Wheel™® score:

Douglas Duane Dietrich (MMWAR*) 29 x 10 = 290

*Mildew Mates With A Rutabaga


Glad I’d put my beer down.


That’s it. THAT IS IT! The product of the pairing of mildew and a rutabaga.

Should you serve red or white wine with that?


Neither. I’d recommend syrup of ipecac, followed in 30 min by Pepto-Bismol. (SMILE)


Who wants chowdah?

A Proud Infidel®™

Douglas Dietrich looks like he has sniffed a lot of glue and licked a lot of windows in his day!


Damn… teh crazee is strong with him. He’s gotta back off the anal buttsekks and mangina electroshock therapy sessions…


Chew him a new one dumbass
and Attorneys are still laughing…


There sure is some funny stuff posted here. Too bad those who most need to enjoy a bit of humor will never recognize any of the sarcasm, irony, or the rest of the good stuff.


I finally figured out where I’ve seen this yahoo before. He’s one of the Bene Gesserit from the Dune series. And since the Bene Gesserit are all females, he is actually a she!

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Hell, just add it as an update to the article.


By the Reverend Mother, you’re right!

This will now figure into his conspiracy theory, you know?


I summoned a demon once. Then we broke up and she moved out.


Where the hell are those like buttons?


This goofy bastard musta eaten lead paint chips like it was his f**ing job.
I’m not going to threaten this retard. My therapist told me to turn over a new leaf and express myself in socially acceptable ways, so…
If Dietrich would graciously accept my invitation to a tea party at my garden.
In addition to Earl Grey, I will make cucumber sandwiches and baklava.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well then I CALL upon the Gongo Goolaygoogoo of The Great Flying Spaghetti Monster to visit Douglas Dietrich.


Cheese dun slid off his cracker….(Am I allowed to say that word these days?)


I was gonna pass by this one because, it. makes. my. head. ache. Pretty sure though, there was never a research library at Presidio of S.F. In fact, I am absolutely certain there wasn’t. Maybe this assclown was a permanent inhabitant er librarian of the Psychiatric Ward, Floor 4, Letterman Hospital.

Green Thumb

What a fucking weirdo.


So it’s magic, is it? I believe someone cast a spell on this guy and turned him into a moron. Fuck off and take your unfounded aspersions about Jonn with you; you’re nothing but a trail of smegma.

Richard Cole

TEH Crazy Douglas Dietrich has since been removed from American Freedom Radio (AFR). His second removal from internet “radio stations” in the past 90 days.It appears the station owner Joseph “Danny” Romero (a USN Vet) had enough of his insane BS. The liar Dietrich posted a statement about his removal here:

Dietrich is an ant-American, anti-veteran racist who slandered Lilyea and others twice a week for two years after he was exposed in 2016. He also claims Jonn was facing life in prison for forgery of FOIA documents and fraud of VA benefits. But Dietrich is no Bernath. I say he deserves to be called out and tormented on this one.