Gitmo alum get promotions after release

| January 26, 2009

The Australian ABC News is reporting that two Gitmo alum have started their climb up the al Qaeda corporate ladder;

One of the two former inmates, a Saudi man identified as Abu Sufyan al-Azdi al-Shahri, or prisoner number 372, has been elevated to the senior ranks of Al Qaeda in Yemen, a US counter-terrorism official said.

Three other men appear in the video, including Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi, identified as an Al Qaeda field commander. SITE later said he was prisoner number 333.

Of course, taking their talking points from Amnesty International, they blame their detainment for their life of crime;

“By Allah, imprisonment only increased our persistence in our principles for which we went out, did jihad for, and were imprisoned for,” al-Shihri was quoted as saying.

Al-Shiri was transferred from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia in 2007, the US counter-terrorism official said.

I wonder if our buddy Chris Arendt, of the Emo Brotherhood wing of the Iraq Veterans Against the War was BFF with these two while he was handing out toilet paper in Gitmo.

Category: Foreign Policy, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Terror War

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