Pelosi on the patriotism of “contraception”

| January 26, 2009

Drudge is reporting that Pelosi told little George Stephanopolous this weekend that we need increased ‘contraception” to recover from the economy. Of course, not in those words. Here’s a screen shot of the Drudge piece (as Drudge tends to disappear his flashes after a bit)

And here’s the actual discussion:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children’s health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those – one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

Yeah, when a liberal Democrat from California says “contraception” we know what that means. I guess the next popular phrase will be that “abortion is patriotic” since those doofuses really don’t know what patriotic means or how to use it properly in a sentence.

Category: Politics

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Here’s the punchline: they’re aborting their own future constituents, which explains why they need to legalize illegals. I think maybe the Crypt Keeper kept that “10-lb anvil” on her head a little long, too bad it didn’t press out the wrinkles on that two-bagger she calls a face.


this is really disgusting…

JC Bauer

My husband got hooked on the show damages (stupid show) and I ended up watching the first season in astonishment of how much I could despise a character. But I found an interesting personality that matches Pelosi perfectly. Glenn Close plays Pelosi on damages. No kidding – this is a woman who claims “justice” but breaks the law all over the place to do it. Ends and means … with very little truth.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

If contraception is patriotic, then cliton NEVER cheated on hillary!!!!

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Pelosi is a “Four Bagger”.

One for her, one for you in casse her’s breaks.

A third one over the lamp in case of a dual failure of the first two.

And one for the dog so he’ll still respect you in the morning.


I like it! LOL! Here’s another suggestion for Speaker Four-Bagger; how about a round of post-partum abortions for Congresscritters…you know, for the children of course. I’d guess that removing these complete wastes of skin might drop the burdens on their respective states by at least a couple metric tons of botox and a landfill full of Depends.


I can’t begine to express how much I dispise this woman and her ugly step daughter, Cindy Sheehan.

The Gentle Cricket

What you guys are missing is the audacity of saying that citizens’ reproduction should somehow be within the scope of the government. Aren’t democrats always harping about reproductive rights?

Its bad policy to have an incentive system wherein the government desires to control reproduction of its citizens as a matter of fiscal policy. This is only a few steps away from limits on the number of children we are able to have, which isn’t too far off from social engineering.


You ain’t seen nothing yet…how long before they start offering free relocation to minorities to move into states that don’t have enough “ethnic diversity”? I’m calling the ball on that one right here. Dems often claim that Republicans stick their noses into people’s sex lives for fear someone might be having a good time, but from the look of it, Dems are just afraid someone might be having a good time and they can’t figure out a way to tax it or regulate it.

Don Carl

Gee, they always claim no one advocates abortion as contraception…
Congrats Pelosi, you’re officially no one.

AW1 Tim

What they mean when they say they are “Pro-Choice” is that they are in favour of choosing FOR you. Just to, you know, make sure that the, uh, correct uh, choice is, umm made. You know?