I challenge you to find a bigger DouChe’ than IVAW’s Chris Arendt [TSO]
I challenge you to find a bigger douche than Christopher Arendt, 1/119th Field Artillery, Charlotte, Michigan. He had already made my radar last week as I read this P.O.S. book, Winter Soldier, when he had this comment about his service at Gitmo:
I would like to share with you how one goes about becoming a concentration camp guard without ever having made many decisions.
Here is Specialist Arendt. He looks like one of the Emo kids from South Park. For Chris, the worst form of torture is having to go a week without a duck-taped gerbil being inserted into his anus by his boyfriend. (Unfair Arendt? Completely baseless? You are G.D. right it is, kind of like accusing your fellow troops of being psychotic.)
SCREEN SHOT: Video here: go over to the BBC and watch this interview.
So what is torture to him?
I’ve heard a lot of speculation as to what torture is. I would like to ask everyone to consider whether living in a cell for five years, away from your family and friends, without ever being given answers as to why you’re there, whether this is torture. Having to ask 19 year old boys who don’t have any idea about the politics of their government why they are detained and the answers that we weren’t able to give- I consider that torture.
OK, at this point, go over to the BBC and watch this interview with him from last Friday.
“they [ members of his unit] are genuinely psychotic.”
The “shaving things into detainees hair” is a new one for him. One has to wonder why a fantastic story like that makes its first appearance in a BBC video and not in his testimony from a year ago. It’s almost as if he forgot it out until now. Or maybe, the harrowing business of running a detention facility caused his mind to block it out. Or maybe, just maybe, the story is sheer bullshit. I’m leaning towards the later of these potential causes of amnesia. According to his testimony in March, the only discussion of shaving heads is this:
After the detainee is taken forcibly from his cell – that’s probably the first time that he’s left his cell in five, six, seven days – the detainees are beaten, pulled out to the back, shaved, all of their hair, their beard, and then taken to wherever they were supposed to go.
Wait, so were their patterns shaved into their hair, or was it all shaved off?
So let’s look at the rest of his testimony. Mind you that Chris was an E4.
“I served on the blocks for two months as a prison guard. My duties were to feed detainees and dispense toilet paper…A consequence of having detainees is that they are human beings and also have stories. [Ed: No shit?] I talked with them about those stories, which led to my being taken off the blocks. I was sent to work in the Detention Operations Center as the escort control for the last eight months of my tour. I managed the movements of every detainee in Camp Delta. I did this on twelve- to fourteen- hour shifts, and rotated with a very small crew of other specialists.”
Let me see if I get this straight. With all the officers, interrogators, OGA groups and NCO’s at Gitmo, they entrusted the running of this camp to a 19 year old Specialist who got shit-canned from his job dispensing toilet paper? Is there anyone reading this now that buys into this? Anyone? Is it more likely that Arendt ran Camp Delta, or that a Yeti and Barbra Streisand spawned Amy Winehouse? I would say that each of those stories is equally believable.
Specialist Chris Arendt, you are the newest member of the Blue Falcons.
I’ve got some calls into various people who served at Gitmo, including a SGM who may have been there at the same time as Chris. If anyone knows ANYONE in the 1/119th Field Artillery, get them to email us. I want to hammer the BBC on this.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Terror War
Shut up, TSO, you should know that life is pain…stupid conformist.
He looks like, Du-u-u-u-d-e, whas up? I think I’ll contact my neice in Charlotte and have her have a talk with this POS, I’m sure she could handle hi.
He looks like, Du-u-u-u-d-e, whas up? I think I’ll contact my neice in Charlotte and have her have a talk with this POS, I’m sure she could handle him.
Apologies for the double post, thought I’d headed it off. If I could find an edit button, I would edit.
BTW- Chris. I just talked to CSM Steve Short. You know, the Superintendant of Camp Delta when you were there. He also gave me contact info for COL Mike Young and General Cannon.
Want to fix your story now, or should we let this one play itself out?
TSO, please, please let it play out. I can’t wait for chapter 2.
Nixon: When did you start quoting the Dread Pirate Roberts?
Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something…
[Mind you that Chris was an E4.]
Maybe he was on the Geoff Millard promotion track?
Just remember, Slackers need love too.
Lovely. Just frikkin’ lovely. I’m surprised this young gentleman wasn’t invited to a blanket party. He seems like the perfect individual to be so honoured.
AW1: He does have PVT Pyles glazed look from Full Metal Jacket down pat
Ya know, you’re right. It does make one wonder, though, about how many of the @sswipes take their behavioural cues and story lines from Oliver Stone movies…..
The military has taken a huge number of cheap shots from Hollywood, and gigolo warriors like Kerry, for the past 40 years. To be honest, when you consider the craptacular films and productions that those bassids have produced, and the continuous leftist meme about how we “lost” the war in Vietnam, and how Americans were all drug-crazed psychopaths, it shouldn’t be too surprising that we end up with wannabe’s like Millard, and pinhead and the VVAW & IVAW, etc. They’re just a bunch of losers and shills being played by other folks who have an agenda and can see money and power rolling in by keeping up the lies.
I wish it were possible for Veterans to file a class-action suit against these @ssclowns to force them to put up or shut up. Either lay out, under oath, their tesiimonies with evidence to back it up, or forever shut their frikkin’ mouths. Take all their assets and garnish whatever wages they may have for the rest of their lives and donate it all to veteran’s services groups.
People have the absolute right to state their opinions, but they cannot get a free pass on libel & slander. Hell, I’d love to be able to prosecute them all under the RICCO act, since they take donations to keep their operations going. They certainly coordinate with each other’s groups, and that brings in conspiracy charges as well.
Ah well. A pipe dream, most likely, but as a veteran these bastards accusations taint mine, my son’s, and every other veterans good names, and frankly, I am tired of it.
What we could use is to let the fleet have a couple days of dungaree liberty in, say, San Fransisco. 🙂
according to this twit (gosh, your momma must be sooo proud!), as a 19 yr old with no specific knowledge or intelligence training (let alone apparent intelligence) HE didn’t think any of these prisoners had any useful information so, ergo, any inconvenience or technique was torture. and I loved the BBC guy saying that the US gov’t was holding people at Gitmo that the US thought were part of ITS WAR ON TERROR. double twit.
This one time, at band camp, we totally locked this retarded kid…I think his name was Chris Airhead…Chris Asshat…Shitdick…anyway, we totally locked him in the crapper. He kept yelling things about being tortured. During the 15 minutes he was in there, he ate an entire roll of toilet paper and sang show tunes. True story.
Is this his audition video for membership into IVAW?
Another clown promoting stories that were in his dreams. I think the military should be able to punish these asshats.
TSO said: I challenge you to find a bigger douche than Christopher Arendt”
Easy… John Forbes Kerry!
He took his 15 minutes and parlayed it into a career. I’d argue that Kerry did more damage to more people than Arendt, et al, have thus far.
There are lots of variable in play, but one is that some of us finally refused to allow what happened to us to happen to you.
Sorta ‘sour grapes’ sounding, but you did offer the challenge.
TSO Wrote: Silly Posndorf taking me seriously. Tomorrow I will find another one who is questionably a bigger douche.
TSO said: Tomorrow I will find another one who is questionably a bigger douche.
Got it. It would be an interesting post though. A bigger douche then Kerry?
Was thinking about the issue, and decided the historical list could be quite lengthy, but there just ain’t any of the current crop that rises to that level.
Aside: Silly is fun, and frustrating to some serious types. You and Jonn have recently dealt with those earnest folks. I’ve been eyeball-to-eyeball with some. Laughter drives them crazy(ier).
Why do they always look like that say hello to the future force under Obama!
This guy is a genuine, grade a douchebag. I never went to GITMO, but I was at the liberals other favorite prison from 05-06. When he says he was in escort control, that just means that he typed detatinee movement into DIMS and kept a spread sheet for detainee accountablility. He wasn’t necessarily in charge of the escort team. I say this assuming that GITMO had a similar setup to Abu Ghraib and Camp Cropper. I think it would, because detainee ops is detainee ops no matter the location. And yes, being overly friendly with the zoo animals would be cause to move his ass to another job. Anywho, just thought I would add that tid bit. Oh, and it is nice that you can be IVAW with out actually being a veteran of Iraq. How long before they let in Kosovo and Bosnia vets?
Jonn wrote: One of the founders of IVAW never got closer to Iraq than Turkey where he monitored flights in the No-Fly Zone. He was discharged the same month that we invaded Hussein’s Iraq. We just had dealings with one guy whose only overseas tours were to Korea and Poland. The only requirement is service since 9-11. Many members never left CONUS.
You’ll probably find it interesting that the left is now desperately searching (in the wrong direction) for reasons to keep Gitmo open. http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2009/01/the-conundrum-of-success-guantanamo-bay-debate-rages.html
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get your video to play. Bottom line is that the IVAW is full of Kerry wannabes’ that are generally upset that they couldn’t figure out a way to get Purple Hearts nor Silver Stars without overcoming their overwhelming cowardice. They’re also mentioned in this story, briefly, but more than they’ve deserved: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2009/01/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd.html
The IVAW is nothing less than VVAW/VFP chickenshits. Gonna take a bit but I got Perry nailed to a cross…..Suck on that one Bill Perry.
Yer going down mofo…….seriously going down.
Another E4 Mafia know-it-all. The view from the foxhole sucks. But then again, I don’t trust the word of COL/GO’s explicitly either. They tend to pull a Han Solo when questioned on touchy subjects.
I am sure this assclown has strung together a number of isolated incidents or anecdotes into a really heart wrenching story that sends tingles up liberals legs everytime they hear it. As for me, like most other professionals, I just shake my head in disgust when I see some of brothers act all stupid like they did at Abu Gharib. I remember thinking when I saw the pictures, “This is gonna hurt.” Gave me memories of the CSA McKinney fallout. “First we have to suffer through endless POSH classes, next it will be NSID training- “No Stack Iraqi Detainees”.”
Oh, if only this Whine-Sipping-Communist-Dicksuck was one of my Joes, he would probably still be PTing. I am surprised that he was only removed from his duties after speaking for the Detainees. Had he pulled something like that elsewhere, his ass would have been on a plane home in his own set of flexcuffs. TSO, we had a kid like this in our TF, Wiggington-Keels. This retard tried to smuggle a slingshot and paintballs to use on the Afghani kids for fun. The leadership promptly relieved him of his weapons, ammo and bootlaces and had him vacuuming the HQ building @ Motel 8 for six months of our tour.
Yup. Concur. I knew that the NYT and others were gonna jump on that story and try to make it like a new My Lai affair, wring it out for every drop of blood they could muster, and they didn’t disappoint.
What really pissed me off was that, byt the time the news and images hit the front page, the Army was already well into dealing with the situation and had things pretty well in hand. Once agin, the press put out one side of the issue. I’m not condoning those idiots running the prison, and the Officers deserve a special dipsh!t award for allowing that to happen, but not ONCE did the media bother to point out that this was the exception to our soldier’s conduct, and not the norm.
I was in GTMO from April through December 2002, deployed as part of an MP Bde’s HHC. I cannot speak to Mr. Ahrendt’s experiences, but I did have experience in two of the areas that he speaks about– that is, shaving detainees heads and the proper use of OC. The shaving of detainee’s heads was a detail given out to lower-ranking enlisted soldiers, although there were a few higher-ranking NCOs who felt it was their duty to join their men. Strict instructions were given to ALL soldiers participating in the detail that this was not an opportunity to screw around, nor was it an opportunity to explore the concept of justice through humiliation. All detainees requesting a hair cut would be escorted individually into the exercise yard and placed in a simple metal folding chair. The detainee was given three choices– short, really short and extremely short. Again, it is important to note that all detainees who participated REQUESTED to have their hair cut. The detainee’s beards were NEVER touched. That was made clear to enlisted soldiers in multiple ways and with multiple graphic demonstrations of what would happen if their beard were cut. Soldiers went out of their way to approach detainees on exactly where on the side of the detainee’s head they would prefer the clipping begin. I never saw any soldier treat a detainee in any way other than detached but respectful. While soldiers acknowledged that for the most part the detainees were unsavory characters, the soldiers had a job to do and they did it professionally. Again, I was in GTMO in 2002, including the one year anniversary of the attacks– we not that far removed from the anger we all felt on that day. In fact, one of my commanding officers was a NYPD Officer on scene during the crash of the twin towers. HOWEVER, I did not witness a single case of inappropriate conduct, whether it was during the detail to shave detainee’s heads or my other visits to the cell blocks. Odd how my experience, so fresh off of 9/11 and at a… Read more »
To all– apologies for my absolutely horrific grammar. I should have taken more time to craft the message, but I wanted to put my impressions out there as soon as possible.
No need to apologize. Your words ring loud and clear. Thanks for doing the job, and putting the real word out. Your professionalism comes through very well.
I love how these IVAW moral retards only come up with stories of evil doings that they saw whenever anyone questions their integrity.
“TSO said: I challenge you to find a bigger douche than Christopher Arendt”
Easy… John Forbes Kerry!”
If we’re going to make a contest of this I’d like to nominate Geoff Millard. Kerry was at least a wildly successful douche. Millard is an equally obnoxious, but failed, wanabe douche. A metaphysical point, but is a failed douche even more douchey than someone who once managed to succeed at something – even if evil? This is a question for the douche-osophers.
Let me begin by saying that every day I went on the blocks my first stop as a Block SGT was to go into the air conditioned enviroment that Arendt calls a hardship or his time as a guard and pick up my keys and batteries for my radio from Arendt or someone else doing the same job, as I watched in envy as they sat in pressed uniforms drinking or eating something out of the fridge that all those that sit in protection usually do, and come up with the stories that they do by hearing things and distorting them to get their time with like what WARHOL said their fifteen minutes of fame. He was protected and marked from the beginning as weak by leadership and we tried to protect him and if memory serves me right about two weeks you spent on the blocks while we trained with the more experienced units leaving, help me out Arendt it has been over four years. And help out those that you are talking to better understand or see the real truth. Cutting close aren’t I that feeling you are sensing it’s almost like a smothering feeling like at FT DIX when they sprayed us when we were certified that was the first day we knew you could not handle it. I think your bullshit card is being pulled and remember even the group you are with now the veterens against the war will smell you out sooner or later at least they stand up for what they have experienced you are just bullshitting your way to a new form of welfare. Congratulations from our conversations I always thought you would be a world traveler just not on the bullshitters ticket program but nonethelees at least your getting to see Europe. Also how did you even meet the Brits they were in a different area then were you worked remeber you were up by the front Gate after you enter the main gate I thought maybe you needed to refresh your geography of how the camp was really laid out.… Read more »
Anyone notice he looks like Clay Aiken’s more effeminate brother? What a waste of oxygen!
The rank and file GITMO Soldiers, as explained by Maydayog, secure and guard the terrorist prisoners IAW prescribed regulations.
CIA interrogators have to use a different approach. And on that note:
While Arendt has his cammo panties in a wad over GITMO, he needs to get beat with a big clue bat.
He wants torture? Try being trapped in a burning sky-scrapper 90 stories high thanks to a crash caused by Islamic thugs, who used planes like human-filled missiles. There’s no escape except the choice of being incinerated to death or jumping out of a window.
THAT is torture.
The American public has to tear itself from the fantasy that we are fighting an enemy that plays by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules, or can find Geneva on a map. They don’t, and they can’t. They understand our way of thinking better than we ourselves. They don’t hesitate to use children as suicide bombers or human shields.
They’ve got considerable occupational experience at torture, mutilation, and gratuitous executions. Feeling sorry for these shit bags is tantamount to weeping over a little humiliation meted out to former Nazis.
Whomever makes the decision to release any of them to pick up where they left off; planting IEDs that kill American troops, targeting the West, and slaughtering innocent civilians, has a crap factory for a brain. (Read: B. Hussein Obama) He wants to ‘negotiate without preconditions’. The Islamofasicts and the rest of the world’s malefactors are salivating for a ‘change they can believe in’.
If connecting a terrorists’ testicles to a 12 volt battery will save American lives, I’ve got just two things to say: The RED is POSITIVE. The BLACK is NEGATIVE.
I don’t give one hair on a dead rat’s ass about the interrogation methods we have to use to get information that will save our lives.
That’s not Chris Arendt! That’s Lynndie England in butch!
It’s fascinating when these guys start quoting the Geneva Convention, which specifically denies rights to unlawful combatants in an effort to discourage such rude behavior. Regardless, I doubt they’ve read it. Just us being weak again in the eyes of the Arab and Persian worlds. Won’t prevent anyone from getting their head sawed off. Wait a minute. How long has it been since that’s happened?
God love him, he’s simply an oxygen thief who’s found his path to fame. The real morons are those who put him in front of a camera. How is he supposed to support their cause? That gelatinous mass of fecal matter couldn’t coax a dog out of a burning building let alone make a thinking human follow his line. Of course, the non-thinkers are already in tow so it’s a waste of electricity. Bless his heart.
PS “God love him” and “Bless his heart” is the polite way of saying “He’s a freakin’ idiot!” in Texas.
My god, you are all absolute scum.
TSO Wrote: Actually, as Obi Wan said about us earlier, you’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than you will at TAH.
I’m just going to assume we are good scum. You know, like penicillin. BTW- Breaking news, Arendt is still completely full of
I prefer either to be called Smart Ass or Ass Hole thank you very much Mr. ‘I’m too scared to post my real name’…. 😉
“My god, you are all absolute scum.”
That would qulaify us for a free life membership in IAVW and VFP, the Revolutionary Communist Party would still charge though.
I think a certain I.V.A.W. “ARMY SGT” and I use that term in the utmost of contempt is a bigger DOUCHE than this jackass is.
As a 1/119th member, I can tell you this guy is full of shit…