Jimmy Carter; still clueless after all these years

| January 26, 2009

Curt at Flopping Aces has a video of perennial dipshit Jimmy Carter on the Today Show this morning. Just when you think the branch this fruit is hanging from can’t droop any lower, down he goes;

I draw your attention to this exchange;

VIEIRA: Do you believe that Hamas can be trusted?

CARTER: Yes, I do. I think they can, because of their own self- interest, not because they’re benevolent, or kind, or that sort of thing. But yes, I do. I think they can. And they’ve never betrayed any commitment that they’ve made to me, or publicly, as a matter of fact. …

VIEIRA: But Hamas has said its goal is to destroy Israel. How can you involve them in a peace process when they said their goal is to destroy Israel? They don’t recognize Israel.

CARTER: I’m not here to defend Hamas….

Then what the hell is he doing? He claims there was “no serious rocket fire” during the 2008 cease fire – well, unless you count those three thousand rockets they fired into Irsael. Just because Hamas haven’t fired any rockets at Jimmy Carter personally, I guess he feels that makes them trustworthy.

I’m glad to see that Carter is willing to goof up any Presidential administration, that he’s a nonpartisan fly in everyone’s ointment. I wonder how he explains away his one term presidency to himself.

Category: Jimmy Carter, Liberals suck, Terror War

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Carter is proof that Veteran status alone does not ensure rational thought, nor does nuclear knowledge. Speaking of which it appears the officers mess may have been too close or serving the wrong dishes to that former naval officer.



Submarines have low overheads (ceilings) with lots of projections. James Earl took at least one too many hits to the head.


Don’t worry, Jonn…Dopey will also be a one-termer. Of that I am confident.

Peter T. Pomonis

I just sent the following e-mail to the Carter Center at emory University.

President Carter’s latest antics prove that he is suffering from Alzheimer disease, or at very least severe dementia. His strange behavior is beginning to embarrass himself and the Presidency of the United States. President Carter needs medical care that he can only receive in a nursing home or special care unit. He shouldn’t be traveling around the world exhibiting his odd behavior and stating his positions on world events. He is no longer President. As President Obama stated several times prior to his inauguration, “There can only be one President at a time”. I suggest that President Carter cease embarrassing himself, the office of the Presidency and the United States, and quietly retire to Plains Georgia where he can fish and fight off killer rabbits to his hearts content. He should by all means stay out of the limelight. Most other former Presidents do this, so why can’t he.

AW1 Tim


I am convinced that although he might have physically left the White House, Jimmah still considers his self as “on duty” and important enough to warrant interjecting his self into every event possible.

One should take note, however, of the many millions of dollars donated to his Presidential Library by the Saudi Royal Family, among others. Not that that would have any influence on his bigoted and myopic views towards Israel, mind you… nope… Sigh… 🙂

Holger Awakens

Holger Awakens has linked to this article at the following post: “Jimmy Carter,Once Again, Sticks Up For Hamas”


[…] He will never get it will he? H/T This Ain’t Hell […]


Jimmy Carter. Still trying to be everyone’s Nutty Buddy.


Peenut set the course on the very first day of his maladministration, when he amnestied all the Viet Nam dodgers, deserters and traitors. That marked the point I took another oath, also still in effect, that I would bite off my own right hand before permitting it to ever cast a vote for a Democrat candidate.
They need to either commit him or chloroform him. I would be willing, even eager, to help.


Raoul –
Some would say he’s had one too FEW hits to the head.