Bless Their Pointy Little Leftist Heads

| November 16, 2016

Ah, Baltimore.  That “glorious” East Coast city with one of the highest murder rates in the nation.

Per Wikipedia, Baltimore’s murder and non-negligent homicide rate in 2014 was 33.8 per 100,000 population.  That’s the highest on the East Coast, higher even than Newark’s.  And it’s the 4th-highest in the US overall – trailing only St Louis, Detroit, and New Orleans.

So, what has Baltimore done to try and reduce this rate?  Glad you asked.  The other day, they passed a law banning firearm replicas.  You know, like BB guns which look too much like real pistols.

I’m serious.  From the linked article:

City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young said replica guns are contributing to violence on Baltimore’s streets. He said people are using the fake weapons in robberies, and children who carry them are put in harm’s way.

Yeah, that’s a real quote.  Apparently the Baltimore city council president actually thinks many criminals in Baltimore are committing armed robberies with replica firearms.  Well, either that or he’s dissembling for public consumption.

But hey – it’s Baltimore.  So it’s entirely possible he really is that freaking clueless.

OK, here’s the background info on what IMO actually caused this idiocy:  apparently last April a Baltimore teen got into an altercation with a Baltimore cop – and got shot because he flashed his replica BB-gun.  (The 14-year-old dumbass was lucky; he survived.)  To prevent another such “unfortunate occurrence”, Baltimore has by city ordinance now banned the possession of such “replica firearms” by its citizens.

I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise, though.  Baltimore is indeed a part of the People’s Republic of Maryland.  Idiocy like this seems to be endemic there.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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I’m surprised that the people of the People’s Republic of Mary-Fairy-land put up with this.

Thank God I’m in Texas.


There’s Maryland and then there’s “Balmer” and Montgomery County. Those last two are pretty much the reasons why Maryland is a blue state.

Hack Stone

Don’t forget Prince George’s County, every bit as lethal as DC or Baltimore. The only efficient service in the county is the landfill, which is ironic, since the rest of the county looks like a dump.


It so comforting to know that the idiots running the People’s Democratic Republic of Maryland are working so hard to fix the problems that their “leadership” has created.

Note that every shithole in the USA is run by a single political party.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I’ve kinda heard that 100% of the crime and poverty-ridden hellholes in the USA have been lorded over by dhimmirats for decades, Detroit being just one fine example.


At the risk of being the materialistic weasel of the group, I would suggest that those places are horrible because the party in power has been so for a long time, not because they’re Democrats.

There used to be Republican party machines running some cities as well, and they were equally powerful and equally corrupt.

Naturally that doesn’t make Democratic Party oligarchies acceptable, but it’s something we should keep in mind lest we become too complacent.

John W. Campbell said it a long time ago: absolute power corrupts less than unchallenged power. We saw that in this year’s election. Both sets of electors were disgusted with how the party was managing things in DC, but the Republicans did a better job (or at least a less bad job) of picking a protest candidate. That’s why Bernie did so well, bless his pointy little head, but the Democratic Party leaders were more successful in defending the status quo than were the GOPe.


They want to outlaw fake guns, that kids are using in robberies? So now the kids have to practice their robbery skills with real guns, and maybe get a little practice in shooting people too….good thinking council of morons!


Well let’s get this started….
God bless Bal-tee-more.


Baltidishu, Maryland… what a town.


Yes, in Shitholistan province.

Peter the Bubblehead

Pointing anything that looks like a firearm at a police officer: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


My-brother-the-cop had a close call with a teenager in his early career.

They’d got a call about a couple of party-crashers who seemed to have firearms (water guns!). He came on the scene as another officer was doing a pat-down of kid A and found one of the water-guns (which looked real in the dusk). Then kid B pulls his out to hand to the officer – pointing it at his face. Fortunately my brother was close enough he could jump, knock the kid’s arm up and plant his face in the hood of the car.
What he explained later, after he had kids of his own, was that he did not know that when kids (teens included) hand an item to an adult, they hand it to their face. It looks like the kids is pointing the item at the adult, but they may be just innocently trying to hand over the item.

The hard part – for any cop – is that sometimes some teens are, indeed, pointing the gun to shoot. But one needs to be aware of this tendency among children and attempt to discern when it is one, and when it is the other. For the teen, it may be an innocent but fatal mistake.


I did a training course with our local PD. They showed us a video demonstration of how quickly a suspect holding a handgun at his side can get two shots into a target before an officer can put his finger on the trigger and get off one shot. It is because of the OODA loop. Which everyone who is a fighter pilot knows all about. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. The perp holding the pistol knows what he intends to do before he makes a move, but the cop has to observe what the perp is doing, orient to it, decide what response is appropriate, and then react. The cop lost the shootout every time; his first shot always came at least a tenth of a second after the perp’s second round.


yep, and in the time you are taking to “discern”, the little bastard shoots you!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You didn’t actually expect anyone to address the failure of the drug war did you?

Most of the shooters and victims of murders are those involved in turf wars over drug sales territory…one thing I’ve noticed about our so-called drug war is that as long as it’s mostly confined to certain geographical areas within our larger metropolitan cities nobody much cares who gets killed or wounded. If we cared we’d have done something about it….

When you look at New York City if you’re white or Asian you’re about as safe there as you are anywhere in the world with respect to being murdered….if you’re black or latino, male between 15-40 not so much…

So why hasn’t our nation actually tried to fight the drug war? Why do we not care if gangs kill each other and the occasional stray innocent in these areas? It’s not like the gangs hide and it’s hard to flush them out, it’s not like the drug sales are sneaky hidden transactions….

We’ve allowed the drug war to erode ever more of our personal liberties in the name of some measure of safety from the dreaded drug killers….but as long as most of the dead and incarcerated aren’t white folks it doesn’t really seem to be much of a concern….thousands and thousands of dead blacks and latinos many of them teenagers and we don’t do jack shit, shoot some white kids in an elementary school and suddenly we need “reform”…all very interesting…


Nancy Reagan realized it was a losing battle.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think she was unaware of just how much Americans like to self medicate…opioids are an epidemic for the moneyed classes, and heroin becomes the back up option for those whose opioid source dries up.

Following the money is always interesting who benefits from the drug war, who gains power, money or something from the drug war. When you consider that you can consider why the drug war is a fucking joke.


It is absolutely a joke. A complete waste of time, resources, and oxygen … but politicians get good sound bites out of it so …

Hack Stone

As long as they are willing to riot over one African American youth (usually with an extensive criminal record) being killed by law enforcement than the 600 African American youth being killed by other African American youth, no one will care.


Thank you Hack Stone. I never see Al Sharpton or any of his ilk in places like Baltimore, talking to the black community about murder among blacks. Never. But let a LEO defend himself against a black or Latino with a weapon and the walls come tumbling down. The worst racism in America is perpetrated by blacks against blacks and Latinos against Latinos.


It’s unlikely you will see the ‘reverend’ al talking reality to address the black-on-black crime wave. There is no money in it for him, and his audience for the most part doesn’t want to hear it. It doesn’t fit the agenda of either party.


Mining group “grievances” for $$$$ is an occupational specialty for professional race hustlers. Alinsky discovered that concept over 60 years ago.

The Other Whitey

Numbnuts brandished a supposedly-realistic-looking toy gun at a cop. Why would he do that unless he wanted the cop to think that he’s armed and willing to employ violence? There’s really no other reason. So this dipshit attempted to menace a *police officer* with a toy, trying to give the appearance of threatening the officer with a firearm…

And somebody, ANYBODY, is surprised that the little fucktard got shot???!!

Seriously, was the kid suicidal? If not, he should be, because he is genuinely TOO FUCKING STUPID TO BE ALLOWED TO LIVE.

Baltimore would be a much nicer place if they would just let Natural Selection run its course.


TOW – see my comment above.
Teens are not adults – they are children. Sometimes they are fatally ignorant, sometimes fatally stupid. But we need to recognize the difference.


Ban the toy guns and watch the real firearms blackmarket flourish. There won’t be enough demand or profit in blackmarketing BB guns so the kids will resort to more theft and drug-dealing to get the money to buy the real deal.

Young males have a fascination with firearms and if make-believe guns aren’t available, just where do you suppose they’ll go?

This is a really stupid, knee-jerk, liberal law that is only going to increase crime and increase firearms deaths in Baltimore. If it weren’t so sad it would be laughable.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Great idea. Now the criminals will stop using fake firearms. /sarc/

Jonn Lilyea

Everyday while trolling for FGS, I see stories about cops who shoot folks with BB guns or Airsoft guns, but it seems more like a parenting problem than a government problem.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed it’s a parenting issue when you have dipshit parents suggesting that someone committing armed robbery shouldn’t be shot dead it’s pretty clear where their little shitbag learned his criminality.


Yeah, when Mommy and Daddy (do they ever share the same last name?) weep over their poor harmless little gansta’s body you get a hint of where things started to go wrong.


My dad (LtCol D) promptly snapped my Red Ryder in half after he saw me point it at a neighbor kid. I did it, I knew it was wrong when I did it, I did it anyway, and I held my 10 year old tears in when dad clamped the barrel in a vise and snapped it off. No words were spoken, none were needed.


It is a sad, sad fact: Pain is the best teacher. I wish it were otherwise.


Exactly so.


21st century words for Ralphie. “Can I take my new BB gun out to try it mom?” “Okay Ralphie but be careful! Don’t point it at anyone! They’ll shot your eye out!” 😀


I joined the increasing flock of diminishing producers and working people to leave that craphole of a city for good last year. I will never go back.


While you’re at it, an Alderman in St. Louis (think city council member in St. Lousi-speak) has proposed a bill to outlaw “asault rifles” in St. Louis – and if you still have one 60 days after the bill is in effect, it is to be confiscated. And ‘theye’ wonder why when they say “no one really wants to take your guns away” the rest of us just mumble and hide them better…

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Do you have a link to that? Some friends in STL may want to be made aware of it.


Hondo, those numbers of deaths per 100,000 take on even greater meaning when you consider that the rates are based on the total populations of the cities while most of the murders take place within relatively limited areas. For instance, New Orleans (where we lived for a year in the 70’s and couldn’t get out of fast enough) has a murder rate of 38.7 per 100,000 but most of those take place in the black wards of the city. Almost a third of the city, occupied primarily by whites, has a relatively low murder rate.

I’m not going to take time to do the math but I’ll wager the real murder rate in those black wards of New Orleans is much closer to 60 or more per 100,000.

2/17 Air Cav

So, if I understand the impetus for this cockamamie ordinance correctly, hereafter, cops who shoot anyone carrying a replica firearm can then charge the guy with carrying the replica–provided the guy isn’t dead. I rather like it, in that sense. And only that sense.

2/17 Air Cav

“Hey, is that a replica .45 you’re pointing at me? If so, I need to inform you that it’s against the law to have that!” OR

“Gun! Blam-Blam..Blam-Blam..Blam-Blam!” Done.

Marine 0331

I am from Balwmer and I can attest to this for anyone who thinks otherwise, but…..yeah our city officials really are that stupid. The Chief Prosecotor is a media hound looking to either be the first female president now that the Hildabeast is gone or get her star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Either way she is an idiot and a racist. And the mayor…. useless as tits on a bull. And a racist. And stoooopid too. Racist to the max all of them. So for an idiotic comment like the one mentioned in the article to be made, it comes to no surprise to anyone with at least a partial brain who lives here. They all know the true reasons for the crime in the city but no one has the guts to admit it in this PC world we live in. It’s not the weapons or the replica or toy weapons that cause the problems. It’s the thugs who yield them who are the problem and the arrogant kids who are taught in their home to NOT respect the police (or any other person of authority for that matter) and put the fucking gun down when the cop tells you to. Over here in B-mo our poor cops are treated like the slime balls who commit the crimes. Our own elected officials are against them. It’s the thugs and the asshole mayor and the useless Chief Prosecutor or whatever the hell her title is that are the problem. I seriously doubt it, but maybe the incoming mayor will have taken a notice of the other two’s complete and utter ineptness and try to really address the issues for what they are.


Maryland Shall Issue, a civil rights group I may or may not *cough* belong to, is all over this. Check ’em out at:

Guard Bum

Hey, shout out for Missouri in the top 4 – Woot! Woot!

Went through Ferguson not too long ago…..still a shit hole…imagine that.