Festival of John Moses Browning

Tomorrow we celebrate the birthday of John Moses Browning, and his Gospel. Sit you down and harken. The Holy Gospel of JMB As translated from the original ancient manuscripts by Friar Frog. 1) In the beginning was the 1911, and the 1911 was THE pistol, and it was good. And behold the Lord said, “Thou […]
Tuesday shorts

OK, folks. Holiday’s over, those of you who glom onto freebies should be well stuffed – back to the grind. In a big, and welcome, win, Judge Stephen McGlynn, a Federal District Court a lower court and declared the Illinois “assault weapons” ban unconstitutional. He banned enforcement of the law as well, but allowed 30 […]
Hawaii Supreme Court flips off US Supremes

Apparently Hawaii’s state government is under the impression that the US Constitution is a set of suggestions, and that they and their state can just sort of blow it off whenever they want to, and “The Spirit of Aloha” is the governing law of their little island paradise. The Supreme Court of Hawaii has handed […]
Guns Are The Problem

Is that sign saying no guns, or no prohibition on guns? The usual suspects are once again calling for stricter gun control if not outright bans on private ownership of guns, rhetoric justified by the most recent school shooting. Wherever you land on the gun debate, I submit this knee-jerk response, and the uproar it causes, […]
A breath of judicial fresh air

Been a lot of higher court decisions on guns this year. Some have been good, some questionable, some downright bad (Maryland’s AR ban, I’m looking at you. I don’t care if God himself upheld you. By the bye, Maryland is going to the Supreme Court on that one – an appeal against the 4th Court […]
Thursday tidbits

First up, the 4th Circuit Court upheld Maryland’s assault weapon ban “The assault weapons at issue fall outside the ambit of protection offered by the Second Amendment because, in essence, they are military-style weapons designed for sustained combat operations that are ill-suited and disproportionate to the need for self-defense,” the opinion stated. The Center Square […]
Follow-up Friday- Quantico spies, AR ban, Osprey crash

Let’s start with the Jordanian fellas who wandered onto Quantico May 3. Illegal, trespassing on a military base… throw the book at ’em, no? Uh…no. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official confirmed to Fox News Digital that Hasan Yousef Hamdan and Mohammad Khair Dabous were allowed to bond out by an immigration judge in […]
Watch Joe self-contort

Tonight it will be interesting to see which Joe Biden shows up. Is it gonna be “I’m so successful that crime is falling” Joe? Or will it be “crime is out of control ban all the guns” Joe? Can he do both in one debate? The smart money says “Oh, yeah, without even breaking a […]
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