Reversing Obama’s social justice sailor’s fundamental changes

| November 16, 2016

Obama appointee Ray Mabus, über-liberal head of our Navy, has been a very busy lefty during his time in the Pentagon, much to the chagrin of almost all sailors, active and veterans, particularly old retired salts with twenty years or more. It is doubtful any person in the puzzle palace is more despised than the smug Mabus, a social justice warrior of the first order. He makes no secret of the fact that his goal was to break the back of the Old Navy culture and install his politically correct dogmas and he has made every effort to accomplish that goal with edicts that have brought joy to the hard left while infuriating most of the force he theoretically leads. Here’s the future SecNav in his fierce sailoring days. He certainly doesn’t look like a future hard left, social justice warrior, now does he?

Future Social Justice Sailor

The secretary of the Navy’s most egregious edict, which Navy Times labeled a tectonic shift, came recently when he ordered a revamping of the Navy’s enlisted ratings titles to make them gender-neutral, in effect changing aspects of everyday naval language, which in some cases dates back to the Continental Navy. He has imposed mandatory cultural training to compel male sailors to be more accepting of their female, homosexual, and transgendered shipmates, as well as same-sex marriage and civil unions, training time that most sailors would agree could be better spent in preparation to fight a real, not social, war.

But the most maddening of Mabus’s busybody social justice meddling comes in his decision to name new naval vessels after heroes of the LGBT movement like Harvey Milk, a gay San Francisco city supervisor who was assassinated by fellow supervisor, Daniel White, a former police officer and troubled Vietnam veteran who later committed suicide. Like Mabus, Milk served briefly, without particular distinction, as a junior officer aboard a small vessel in San Diego during the Korean War. The class of ships to which the USS Harvey Milk belongs is called the John Lewis class of oilers, Mr. Lewis being the same John Lewis who currently serves Georgia as a very leftist and demonstrably dishonest Democrat congressman, as even Daily Kos says. Somehow the oiler class seems fitting for Lewis. Others who will have ships in that class named for them are those ever popular feminist figures, Lucy Paul and Sojourner Truth, whom the left seems hell-bent on our recognizing, wanting them on our currency as well.

Another class of ships that bears Mabus’s banner of social justice around the globe is that of the Lewis and Clark dry cargo ships, most of which will wear the names of naval heroes such as Admiral Byrd and Commodore Perry or aviation pioneers, astronauts and other figures of distinction…well, except that Mabus just had to slip in two more icons of the left. Those would be labor organizer Cesar Chávez and Medgar Evers. I think most of us could live with that, knowing that Chávez is an icon to many Hispanics and Evers, a civil rights movement leader, is a hero to blacks, if either had made any significant contribution to the Navy, which neither has. Ditto the ship named for the Lewis and Clark expedition’s female Indian guide, Sacajawea, giving Mabus a twofer: female and minority.

Another ship in this class is named for an enlisted sailor, Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate Carl Brashear, of notable naval accomplishment, being the first black to become a U.S. Navy master diver despite having only one leg.

Most sailors should have no problem with there being a USNS Carl Brashear, as that is a ship upon which American crews of all backgrounds can serve proudly, knowing it is named in the proudest traditions of the United States Navy; but the USS Harvey Milk?

Let us hope that whomever Donald Trump selects to be the new SecNav will be more traditional in his ship-naming policies by sticking to a pool of valiant sailors and marines who have served this country with distinction and valor since its beginning. And just as, if not more, importantly, let’s hope our new SecNav, following the lead of his commander in chief, shows little tolerance for social justice engineering in our Navy and puts a quick end to the forced political correctness imposed by the worst SecNav ever, who, in turn, was appointed by inarguably the very worst commander in chief ever. As for the few now serving in the military who like and profit from all this social engineering…

Hey! Elections have consequences!

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Navy

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I think he looks like a stank-ass hippie in a navy officer’s uniform. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought, “Hippie at Halloween.” He has the ‘SlamoNazi beard going on there. When was it that the Navy’s grooming standards were this lax?

RM1 USN ret.

I’d say early 70’s to 1981. After 1982, CNO Thomas Hayward started kicking out the dirtbags, druggies and general malcontents with Project Upgrade.


Wanna bet? the nickname for the USS Harvey Milk will be…..wait for it…….”the milk can” LOL


He looks like a sloppy sack of shit with that gross beard.


Oh, yeah. He was most definitely unsat. He needed a good ass kicking from the XO.


“particularly old retired salts with twenty years or more”

You sir, are correct.


I’ve got nothing good to say about that man…NOTHING.

Speaking of nothing, there was a response to the petition to bring back Navy Ratings. Apparently they are still going with the whole it will be easier for sailors transitioning to the civilian world thing (my ass)…and that bringing them back would go against SECNAV and FLOTUS policies.

Yes, that’s right, apparently FLOTUS is no longer seen as a consort. But actually has a hand in policy decisions. (I’m sure HRC set the precedence for this)


They must have worked for months, hell, maybe years to come up with that bullshit excuse.


How will it be easier? That has yet to be explained to anyone with any common sense. Likewise, the notion that shifting people around in their ‘jobs’ from one type of work to another is going to somehow make it easier for them to transition to civilian life.

I’m mystified by the sheer ignorance of people who say these things. No civilian corporation would do that to its trained employees.


Considering that the Navy is the only branch to actually use Dept of Labor job codes, I don’t see how this plan makes it better.

And WTF is up with that half-assed beard?

As the Diceman might say….”I think he’s a joik off”


Training would be the key word. The SecNav has no training to do anything.


Funny, I always thought we had everything covered…Ratings for general job groupings, and then (what Detailers paid attention to) NEC codes for specialties, like in my case type aircraft.

Not only that many rates had Journeyman Apprenticeship programs so that by the time you got out you, I believe, could walk with qualified in a particular field. Like Electrician Mates could have their qualification as a Journeyman Electrician.

I fucking hate this administration, and every damn thing it has stood, in many cases knelt or bent over, for.

**NEC is Navy Enlisted Classification**

The Other Whitey

As an outsider, most Navy enlisted rates make perfect sense to me.

Hmm, let’s see how hard these are to figure out…

Electrician’s Mate–wires shit
Radioman–uhhhhh, radios?
Signalman–talks (signals) to other ships
Gunner’s Mate–shoots things, blows shit up
Machinist’s Mate–machines, machines…uh, engines?
Sonarman–ever see “The Hunt For Red October?”
Torpedoman–blows shit up underwater
Mineman–booby-traps the ocean
Storekeeper–makes sure shit doesn’t get lost
Fire Controlman–tells the Gunner’s Mates what to shoot
Bosun’s Mate–swabs the deck
Hospital Corpsman–even if you’ve never seen “The Sands of Iwo Jima,” *hospital* is kind of a giveaway
Pharmacist’s Mate–see notes on Hospital Corpsman
Quartermaster–okay, that one’s a little weird, so they have a point about 1 out of 12 so far
Cook/Culinary Specialist–come on!
Yeoman–fancy word for clerk/secretary

Seems 95% straightforward to me.


QM Quartermaster – manages uniform clothing and small stores, supplies, munitions, etc; on a ship, also responsible for navigation, signals, etc.


Actually QM was straight up Navigation. SK handled supplies.

I roomed with one at NAS Sigonella while in transit back home from CV-67. We spent a few days together discussing what we did for the Navy.


Ph-ck the first lady….err….man….err michael, whatever the hell it is!!!

The Other Whitey

I could see naming a ship after Sacajawea, and Carl Brashear should get a destroyer or a frigate. The rest are pure bullshit.

I propose the Navy start a new tradition: any time an old ship is to be used for a SINKEX target, that ship should be renamed USS Ray Mabus.


Oh, I really, really, REALLY like that idea.


I remember when The Simpsons were airlifted out of the U.S. Embassy in Australia. The chopper pilot said they were being taken to the USS Walter Mondale, “It’s a laundry ship!”

A Proud Infidel®™

I always heard that the USS Mondale was the companion ship to the USS Jimmy Carter, it shadows the Carter and goes belly-up anytime the USS Ronald Reagan is near.


As a non Navy vet I have to ask this. Can the next Secretary of the Navy change the names of these ships Mabus has hung with such twit names? I could not imagine saying I served on the USS Harvey Milk.


Ahoy, on the Man Milk, permission to come aboard?



Every Military Sealift vessel I was ever on was named after a Medal of Honor recipient… and I KNOW we haven’t run out of names to use from that list yet, or other honorable admirals, generals, presidents or politicians.

Forest Green

Most of those were supporting USMC programs. There are others named after a wide variety of people, places and things; Bob Hope, Red Cloud, Guam, Montford Point, etc.

Found the link:


I believe ships’ names can be changed, through recommissioning. That’s happened before, with some ships coming out of WWII and continued use during the Vietnam War.

Forest Green

It can be done, but they have to break another good bottle of booze to do so. As long as they take from the Chief’s mess, no problem here.

Jon The Mechanic

The chief’s mess NEVER has booze.

Anyone who tells you different is a liar and a scoundrel and should not be trusted any further than you can throw a battleship.

Forest Green

Retired Marine here; jerking your chain; successfully I might add.


Yes he can rename and halt the social experiment…..Hope he has some big cajones and deep sixes the entire Mabus operation….


Recommendation to the Navy brass: slow roll the changes. The seas are shifting.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep shitcanning Mabus and that fucktard Ashton Carter will be most enjoyable to watch…perhaps the next two can undo some of the damage these two assclowns have created in their efforts to put image over mission.


We can certainly hope. . .


I would be more than happy to pipe those two overboard off a short plank. Do I sound as though they annoy me?

E-6 type, 1 ea

Yep, and you KNOW they were banking on having a high-up position in Hillary’s White House. That alone makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.


If my beard looked like that rat’s nest when the were allowed, my Div. Chief and LPO would have reamed me a new one.


Doesn’t it kind of make you wonder what was growing in it?

A Proud Infidel®™

It looks like something a disbarred CA lawer would wear.


I think my beard may have looked like that when I was a freshman in college – before I could grow a real beard.

I certainly never thought I’d see it on an active-duty military male.


Looks like Captain Obvious.


Really isn’t a beard. It’s more like a rat’s nest. That’s why I wondered what was growing in it.

Wasn’t the regulation that beards had to be neatly trimmed? I did see officers and sailors with beards in the 1970s, but they looked good. He just looks like what he was, a slob who did not care about anything. He never made it past LtJG, either, so he must have been a real jackwagon.

Bill R.

In addition to saying the new system will aid in transitioning to civilian occupations, they also say it will give the Navy greater flexibility in training and assignments. More bullshit!! How will it do this when the sailor still has his or her rating? Whether he is called a Machinist Mate or Petty Officer, he is still limited in the slots he can fill. All they have done is piss away a more than 200 year tradition in the name of political correctness. Nothing else changes. As a retired airman, I feel really bad for the Navy right now.


It means that if you’re a media communications specialist (MC), you can spend some time as a yeoman answering phones and doing filing and typing, while the yeoman you relieved can go down to the galley and cook.
Now, since no civilian corporation would do that to its trained employees, the concept doesn’t make any sense. Just be careful if you see someone coming around to act as a corpsman when s/he’s wearing a quartermaster’s rate badge.


The photo of rayme maybe tells you all you need to know. He was and still is a slob who flouts whatever he can flog into oblivion, including traditions.

If possible, rename the USS Milk something more appropriate, like the USS Rosa Parks or Frederick Douglass, if you really want to address so-called social justice and all the rest of that.

Otherwise, the crew will probably see to it personally that the Harvey Milk will be nicknamed the Milk Dud, or Hersheybar (milk chocolate) or even better, the Buttermilk.


USS Chuck Norris:Fukk Yeah!


I’d go for that one!

The Other Whitey

Would have to be a battleship.


It would have to be nuclear powered with 24″ guns and do 50 knots to even remotely be considered for that name…

The Other Whitey

Douglass was a Republican. We can’t have that!


We can beginning 21 January 2017.


Or the Lollipop!

Sgt K

One of the networks did a bit on the Navy’s “green” energy programs (while tonguing Mabius’ ass all along of course). They showed an F/A-18 taking off and breathlessly reported that said aircraft was powered solely by “green” fuel. All sweetness and light right? Of course not once did they report that this “green” fuel costs over $20 a gallon to manufacture. But it’s “clean” right?


Isn’t Jet-A mostly alcohol anyway?


Jet A is normally high grade kerosene.


Thanks for the heads up on that, rgr769


Am I the only one who was alive when Milk was shot? I distinctly remember that all the hooraw was over Moscone’s killing….Milk was an “and also shot and killed was councilman Harvey Milk, whoever that was” adjunct. Until he was taken up by the LGBTQRSTUV crowd, no one gave a shit.


No, I barely remember his name being mentioned at the time. It didn’t come up until that skankazoid LaLaland lizard Penn made a film about it.

The Other Whitey

Because we all know what a great guy Penn is. He opposes violence against women by beating his girlfriend.

The Other Whitey

And they’ve made it out to have been a hate crime because Milk was gay (and preferred teenage boys, but that’s one of those “inconvenient truths” that doesn’t need to be remembered, evidently). White apparently did hate Milk, but mainly because Milk had screwed him over politically.

The Other Whitey

Hell, Milk would’ve still been a weasel even if he wasn’t a pedophile.


You do know that Milk and a guy named Jones were mutual fans, right?

No, not Davey Jones. Jim Jones.

As in “Rev. Jim Jones”. Yes, THAT Rev. Jim Jones. The one of People’s Temple and Jonestown infamy.


Milk was collateral damage. I was here in Mexifornia when it went down. The shooter was after Moscone and Milk just happened to cross his path.

Perry Gaskill

I’m not convinced Milk was purely collateral damage. He and White had apparently been in bitter conflict over a mental health clinic in White’s district with Milk changing his vote in what amounted to a stab in the back. Moscone was shot because he went back on a promise to reinstate White to the Board of Supervisors. It’s almost a sure thing Milk influenced that decision too. Milk was also shot in his own office after White had already shot Moscone. YMMV.


Cocksucker then, cocksucker now.

The Other Whitey

Tell me Mabus’s scraggly-ass beard doesn’t look like something you’d see on an Amber Alert BOLO.



And pretty soon we will see his nasty cock-sucking face on a Silver Alert BOLO.

2/17 Air cav

There was this Italian gal I spent some time with years ago. Name was Rosalia. Well, the long and the short of it is that when I saw the Mabus pic, the hair reminded me of Rosalia–from her lower waist to her upper thighs.


Ahhh,yes – the joy of tiptoeing through the forest. Find any secret skrewrils in there?

The Other Whitey

Rumor has it Italian ladies have finally joined the 21st Century in that regard. Can’t say with real certainty, though, as I never sampled that flavor.



Curse you, 2/17.


Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi is pretty damn hot.


Very well written post about a disgrace of a Navy Secretary. Another revision I would love to see is the renaming of the ship named for dead congressman Murtha. God bless the poor Sailors that have to sail a ship named after that piece of shit. I bet the Abscam photo and the quote about US Marine War criminals in Ramadi on the quarterdeck look grand next to all of the freshly polished brass.

The Other Whitey

Mabus spent his short career on a ship that was drydocked the whole time right? Well, I stumbled upon this quick excerpt from William Brinkley’s novel “The Last Ship” (source material for the show, but instead of a plague, USS Nathan James is trying to survive the aftermath of a major US-Soviet nuclear exchange).

“As it is true, by a process akin to natural selection, that the very best men and officers in the Navy make certain that they go to sea while the worst just as diligently seek out a “dry” career, earnestly managing never to set foot off the land onto blue waters—an odd, forever incomprehensible sort of sailor to my mind.”

As Mabus’s brief time in the Navy was spent on a ship whose keel was dry, it seemed fitting to me.


Rename it the USS Harriet Tubman, a Union Army spy and paid scout, who also helped people find their way to the Underground Railroad.

I’d approve that any day.

The Other Whitey

Well, Jackson was kind of a douche…Personally, I’d vote to replace him with Ike, Patton, Pershing, or MacArthur, though.

The Other Whitey

Fair enough, though my point was less about dumping Jackson’s portrait than it was about an appropriate (non-PC) replacement.


Abigail Adams.


Sally Ride?


Okay, Donut Dolly.



I had a horse named Nokomis a long time ago. Buckskin, patient as all get out.


It’s hilarious the far left idealize a woman who was their staunchest enemy. Spying on their (Confederate) operations and leading their countryman to the North.

I wonder if they are trying to re-write history to make President Lincoln a Democratic Party member?

Pres. Abraham Lincoln – First Republican Party President

The Other Whitey

They cry about Strom Thurmond while pretending Robert Byrd and his ilk didn’t/don’t exist. They also like pretending that the Civil Rights Act was a democrat thing.


They’re just trying to cash in on someone else’s glory, Poetrooper. If we’re going to really get into the minority + warrior thing, why not name a ship after Sitting Bull? He did, after all, defeat the vainglorious George Custer.

I can come up with more.

If you look at from my viewpoint, these people did something extraordinary, and nobody will deny that Sitting Bull deserves to be acknowledged as a great warrior, under any circumstances.

Or maybe we could just go with Richard III???


Red Cloud was my last ship. Great ship and his story was worth the read!


But it was not named after the Indian Chief, it was named after posthumous MOH recipient Mitchell Red Cloud… for awhile I thought it was the Indian Chief until reporting aboard and seeing his placard in the officer’s mess.

just some feller

Hell … I thought the Red Cloud was named after chewing tobacco.

comment image



Great pic…. 50 feet away from the falls is bare rock…so much for the National Forest part of the description!! (And, yes, I am VERY familiar with the area and realize what a contradiction “National Forest” can be. At least it’s not the Oro Grande National Forest!)


Okay, here’s one you cannot resist: Boadicea.


Speaking of lesbians, the Isle of Lesbos was the home of the Greek poet Sappho, so naming a ship the Isle of Lesbos would kill two birds with one stone, wouldn’t it?

The Other Whitey

I believe there has already been an HMS Boudicca (variable spelling).

While not a bad idea, I can’t see where a Briton Celt warrior queen (badass though she was) would get a ship in the US Navy.


Well, y’see…. (channeling the Duke here) she was a warrior queen and my tribe is the Celts, aka the Galicians, which is also the tribe of a great many other people everywhere, so that makes it good enough for me.


Beautiful place. I did not know it existed. There are lots of little spots like that everywhere and they are not as well-known as the bigger parks. Just as well. They remain unspoiled that way.


How about naming a ship after Elizabeth Warren. The “Liawatha” has a nice ring to it.


I feel like quite a few of those names did appear, albeit briefly, on Liberty Ships in WW2.

They were honored before, and I’d rather honor them again before touching people like Chavez, Milk and the like…

The Other Whitey

My Grandpa served in the Naval Armed Guard detachments of several liberty ships, including SS Richard J. Gatling. Now there’s a guy who should have more shit named after him!


Joined the Navy in 1972. 18 years old.
Beards were allowed until January 1, 1985.
If you could not grow sufficient facial hair within 1 week to look halfway presentable…you shaved.
Looks like this one got special treatment due to being an “officer and a gentleman…” I’d say he probably got downsized in the force reduction we went thru in the early 70’s. (and good riddance) Unfortunately he came back….


I used to think it would take a decade to recover from Mullens & Roughead. Mabus increased it to several decades. If The Donald appoints the right SECNAV willing to use HIS pen, maybe not so long.


M. Thompson

I hate to break it to you, but the USNS SACAGAWEA (T-AKE-2) was named in late 2001, and is the sister ship to the USNS LEWIS AND CLARK (T-AKE-1).

The bad luck comes from changing the name after christening/launching. Note what happened to USS ST LO (ex-MIDWAY)(CVE-63) after they changed her name.


Carrier sunk by enemy gunfire? Yeah. That was unlucky.

However, she was part of the task force that freakin defeated the IJN “center force”, one ship of which (Musashi) out weighed all of the US TF.

They fought so fiercely, so valiantly, that the Japaneese were convinced they were fighting fleet carriers and cruisers, not escort carriers, destroyers, and destroyer escorts. St Lo is credited with good gun hits on enemy vessels. (5″)

She was lucky, in that she beat a fleet that should have -crushed- them all.

Valliant to the end, she and her comrades saved the Philippine liberation from disaster.

“Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors” is a -great- read.

The Other Whitey

USS St. Lo went down swinging, and her Air Group and her 5-inch made the japs feel it.


Bad luck changing a ship’s name? It’s been done before and done a lot.

“The Civil War expanded the Navy to an extent undreamed of in prewar times. More than 200 new ships were built, and another 418 were purchased for naval use. Ironclads, including monitors, and shallow-draft river steamers fell into new classification categories, and their naming reflected the abrupt pace of growth. Names like Hartford and Brooklyn, Ticonderoga and Monongahela mingled with Trefoil, Stars and Stripes, Penguin, and Western World. Many ships, including gunboats and monitors, bore names of American Indian origin, such as Owasco, Sagamore, Saugus, and Onondaga. Four big monitors, laid down but never completed, were given such tongue-twisters as Shackamaxon and Quinsigamond. A large oceangoing ironclad was, fittingly enough, named New Ironsides. Ships acquired for Navy use were known by such strange names as Hunchback, Midnight, and Switzerland. In 1869 one Secretary of the Navy, who disliked the Indian names borne by so many Navy ships, renamed a large number of them, substituting names from classical antiquity such as Centaur, Medusa, Goliath, and Atlas. A few months later, his successor changed most of the names back again.”

That don’t sound like bad luck to me.
In fact, if a Navy ship’s class is redesignated, the ship’s name can be changed to one suited to the new classification.


Looks just like a pole smoking douche nugget. Bet he was a delight to work for back then. Buh bye dickweed, won’t miss you.


No one has addressed the real issue: if this change was so important that it had to be done, why did it take place in the final 4 months of this lame-ass administration?

Why wasn’t this brought up 4 years ago? It’s nothing but a slap in the face toward everyone who has ever served in the Navy, never mind the military.

Aside from the idiotic scramble to kick sailors in the nuts, male and female both, it serves no purpose other than an ‘in your face’ pffffttttt!’

There is no reason the next administration can’t shut this crap down. It is not permanent. It isn’t even legislation. It’s just BS, and everyone knows it.

Way to go, jackass. Way to make people remember you and your asinine decisions. From now on, if some dorkwad does something abominably stupid, everyone in the military especially the Navy, can rightly say s/he ‘pulled a mabus’. ‘Mabus’ will become the simple descriptive for ‘doing da stupid’ or ‘dumber than a box of stale Twinkies’.

Congratulations, imbecile. That’s YOUR legacy.


“It’s nothing but a slap in the face,,,”

That is precisely how I have seen it interpreted by every former and current Sailor I’ve spoken with. I have also yet to meet a single female Sailor that supports it, every one of them has said it’s BS.


I agree ☝️ ☝️️ ☝️️ ☝️️

Change is coming and the left is not going to like it at all


I hope it is stopped in its tracks on January 20th, 2017.

Semper Idem

If we wanna’ do gay/lesbian equality so badly, how about gay/lesbian Veterans who served with distinction? Surely the gay/lesbian community can find quite a few Veterans in their camp worthy of such distinctions as having ships named after them?