| January 10, 2016

Here we are. Christmas decorations are back in the box, but along with the decorations let us not put away the meaning and spirit of Christmas. That Chinese guy is undoubtedly laughing at me – again. He saw my gold glitter covered coveralls and imagined me trying to stuff his reindeer and sleigh back into the box from whence they came. They are in there, maybe slightly bent, folded, spindled and mutilated, but in there all the same.

I am trying to sort out which emotion to attach to what is before us. It could easily be anger or hopelessness. It could be fear. No matter, unless you are a survivalist living totally unconnected and off the grid, there is at least some anxiety.

I am not certain of which presidential contender will ultimately win my favor, but there is one thing I am dead certain about. If my choices are named Clinton or Sanders on one side and road kill on the other, I will vote for the road kill. It would leave us no worse off, maybe better, if the road kill just laid there like pavement pizza and did nothing. If nothing else, Americans are resilient. If left alone by government, it is common everyday Americans who will return our country to greatness.

I am not a political prognosticator and polls really irritate me. I cannot predict which contender will get the nomination. What I can see is that nothing is going to jive with the norm. If it did, there would be great big GOP group hug for either Jeb or little Marco. Just keep it in mind that the communists-liberals-progressives or whatever their accepted political label is these days, never easily concede power. Just recall hanging chads and 100 percent of a voting district choosing one candidate.

It is interesting to observe. Trump, if he contributes nothing else has demonstrated that Americans want to hear about the issues that establishment types double talk their way around out of fear they might offend one identity group or another. What he has brought out is that there are still many people who believe this is great country and who identify as Americans first. What he has shown with the Cruz birther angle is that at his core he is not much different from other politicians. Willing to stoop to whatever depth necessary to bring down an opponent. Something in which Cruz has elected to not participate.

I heard there was somewhat of a cabal in Iowa of Huckabee and other single digit candidates wanting to take Cruz out. It just reminded me of an episode here in Wild and Wonderful when Huckabee allied with McCain to take out Romney in the first go around and we all know how that turned out. McCain, the man who had a conniption fit when the future president’s full name was used at one of his campaign events. The same McCain that is now, amazingly enough, concerned about Cruz’s citizenship and eligibility. Disappointingly even Rand Paul joined the birther fray. It is insightful how these establishment politicians and some we thought for certain were not ally, even with the commies, to take out a candidate they fear. And Trump is right in there with them. I find that telling.

The polls and the word showed Cruz was wrapping up the evangelical vote. So Rubio practically turned into a preacher overnight. Even more of a preacher than Huckabee who allegedly is one. To me, Rubio’s monotone memorized speeches are wearing thin. Especially when his gang of 8 walk does not quite jive with the talk.

I will not discount anyone at this point although I have my druthers. When it becomes obvious to most of the pretenders that they have no chance, I expect Rubio to get the establishment nod and their collective endorsement.

Nothing much changes does it? Hillary or road kill? I am voting for the squashed possum.

© 2016 J. D. Pendry All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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I really do think that using the words ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ in the same breath as communists or democraps is incorrect. They are neither liberal nor progressive. They are control freaks from the get-go, right off the starting block. Their idea of progress is not to look for other habitable planets, but rather, to keep every single one of us from leaving for one of those planets to get the hell away from them.

They pander. They smirk. They lie, cheat and steal. It’s all to suit themselves.

Let’s do hope that the ‘glamour’, another word for a false front, is wearing thin and the drooling over them and their one-note whining is beginning to fall on deaf ears. Not everyone who votes is still hypnotized by that crap.

As for Rubio, Cruz and the rest of the twinkies in the rowing crew, we’ll see who flubs up first.

It would be nice if someone could up on stage with shrillary and laugh at her twaddle and ask her where the money for her plans is going to come from, but that goes for the rest of them.

I think it’s going to be interesting.

But if you’re afraid, well, I have a nice, cozy cardboard box you can live in.


Ex, at this point in time I’m paying minimal attention to the process. Although I will say I would LOVE to see Shrillary on a debate stage with Cruz. I don’t think her Depends could keep it all in.


OMG, Becky. You just can’t call Chinse guys Chinese!


Chinese, Japanese American, it what we’re called. Chink, slant, etc absolutely not proper..


Make that two for the possum. Step right up ladies and gents. Let the possum guess your weight, age or gender. You know that’s the way it swings these days Brucie.


What I want to happen is for the FBI to move forward, now, with charges to the DOJ. They include obstruction of justice, lying, and the classified shit. HRC needs to be tried and jailed. No waiting since she should not even have a chance to “run”. This is despicable. If Obama instructs Lynch to wait so he can leave office without a blemish (cough, spit) he should go down, too. Bastard. I am done with this guy’s bullshit and the Clinton’s teflon backs. Let. it. burn.

Pinto Nag

The whole world wildly acclaimed Obama, and he wrecked this country. The whole world is wildly condemning Trump, so maybe he’s the one to vote for?

I won’t vote for the lesser evil anymore, though. I’m done with that. That has done nothing but degrade our country to the point it is at now. Either somebody of integrity is going to get my vote, or I’m going to sit back and watch Rome burn. I’m tired of playing the game when I’m nothing more than the ball getting kicked around the field.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

Our liberal friends all know what’s best for us, they want to create the greatest good and can’t understand why we aren’t all on the same page.

I’ve met quite a few conservative assholes who think they know how everyone else ought to live as well, they like to tell you how you ought to be a certain moral creature and how you ought to control your sinful nature often while soliciting sex in airport bathrooms or masturbation fantasies with prostitutes in hotel rooms…

I prefer that neither conservatives nor liberals tell me what to do and instead try minding their own fucking business each day because frankly people mostly suck whether left or right and they’d do well to make sure their own shit is in order and stays that before worrying about what I’m doing with my shit on my own property when it’s none of their fucking business.

There’s no candidate for me on either side offering that option, and there never has been. So I’ve never been casting a for someone who shares my beliefs or ideals. I tend to be voting against assholes who want to rule me and trying to determine which asshole wants to do the least for me and to me…that’s where I tend to go these days….

So I suspect that means you can’t me in on the road kill vote too, because at least the road kill won’t interfere as much as that lying sack of a shit HRC and her advocacy for gays and women which seem to have come to her miraculously in time for the primaries.