Emily Thornberry; Lieutenant Colonel (Hon)

Larry sends us a link to the Daily Mail in which they report on the mocking of Emily Thornberry, the UK’s Labour Party Shadow Defence Secretary, who claims that she was made an honorary Lieutenant Colonel for her work as a barrister for courts martial in order to bolster her arguements against the British government’s use of drones in combat;
She said: ‘I have quite a lot more experience than people might think I do. I was made an honorary lieutenant colonel when I was doing court-martials [sic] when I was a barrister so I have a certain amount of experience of the military there.’
But when The Mail on Sunday put her comment to the Ministry of Defence, senior sources dismissed her claim, insisting there was no record of Ms Thornberry, or any other civilian legal representative, being given honorary rank in respect of their work as a barrister or a solicitor.
Last night, General The Lord Richard Dannatt, who led thousands of British troops in Iraq, said Ms Thornberry’s claim raised further concerns about her level of understanding of defence affairs.
He said: ‘She’s tried to give herself some credentials but I’m afraid in doing so she’s made herself look incredible.
Someone in the Ministry of Defence supplied the photoshopped picture of her at the top of the page in the pretend uniform. I wonder if she has a pretend certificate from the NANP to bolster her claim.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
“barrister” “honorary” Where have we heard that before? Is “disbarred” mentioned?
Sorry for reporting your comment (easy to fat finger on a smartphone). Anyway, she’d have the SV trifecta if she was an aviatrix with a penchant for miscalculating fuel consumption.
Barrister, Attorney in England.. WHAT?
I’d hit it.
With a truck?
With a tazer, maybe.
Photoshopped eh? Nice rack anyway.
Yeah, nice rack. But since her face was photoshopped onto someone else’s photo . . . they ain’t hers.
Yeah..but, so?
In the words of the man, the myth, the legend “The Greaseman”,
“In war, any hole is a trench”
I think you would probably “hit” the crack of dawn if you ever got up in time to catch it.
IDC; you’d hit a rock pile if you knew there was a snake in it.
Who, in their right mind, would claim an unearned “honorary” title? In their right mind…
This is like the guy who made up for his boring life by fantasizing…about actually being Walter Mitty.
She certainly has the look of a comrade.
And the look of All-Points Logistics next VP of International Operations.
That uniform actually looks like something left over from WWII. But it’s a Brit uniform. What do I know?
I will now return to watching QVC hawk stuff I don’t really need.
It’s It’s Swamp Donkey Bernath’s wifey poo lolololol
I was thinking the same thing. Her and Bernath should hook up. They could be honorary idiots together.
No “honorary” about it.
They ARE idiots.
Blobfish’s next near Mrs.?
Is she Mensa material?
If I’m not, hell no..
Has she been to SWEADEN???
Has anyone asked her to comment on Don Shipley’s toupee?
so, she was arguing AGAINST the use of drones by the Brits, and because of this the MoD decided to make her a honorary light col? Makes perfect sense.
“By the authority vested in me by…well, I’m sure the governor won’t mind…I hereby appoint you a temporary honorary colonel in our state militia.”
The quote’s more apropos than you might think…if she really is faking this, she may not think much better than a sponge.
Now I could imagine a foreign court-martial giving a civilian defense counsel some kind of “temporary” or “honorary” rank…just to put him on equal footing with the prosecutor (who in our system is almost always a captain or major)…but I haven’t heard of such a thing actually being done.
Actually there are several instances where civilian attorney’s defend military members in court martials.
I believe Bergdahl has a civvie attorney.
Back in the 90s around Camp Pendelton there were a few lawyers that specialized in fighting urinalysis charges and DUIs. The Service members paid out of pocket but the Lawyers were really good with military law.
I’m aware of that, and some of them are friends of mine, but they don’t receive military rank (even “honorary”) when they appear in court.
Then you obviously have not seen the “legal department” at All-Points Logistics.
You know, the one everyone of their employees refers you to when you call seeking clarification of Phony Phil Monkress’ Native American, Law Enforcement and Navy SEAL claims.
Only problem is that one can never find it. Hell, even the “Less-than-Honorable” COL KW refers you to it.
Lori Benton would be ashamed.
Hon. Colonel Henry Drummond to get on an equal footing with Hon. Colonel Matthew Harrison Brady.
Her picture was photoshopped? Wonder if she was flat chested before the camera work was done? Her smirk says it all…”Look at the honkers whydontcha?”
Honorary rank? Can she read a fuel gauge? Does she pay child support? Has she ever been arrested for assaulting a federal employee in an elevator? Inquiring minds want to know.
I am not touching this story with a 2.5 inch level of AVGAS!
While serving in Iraq, I worked on various historical matters with two female British officers at MNF-I (a British Army Captain and a Royal Navy Leftenant). This phony socialist sack of shit pretending to be a Lt. Col. is a walking breathing insult to those officers and to every other real British female service member serving in the U.K. and on the front lines…
She’s an insult to the Queen, who served in the military during WWII as an ambulance driver.
On the other hand, Lizzie does have a wicked sense of humor and is probably laughing herself silly over this right now.
Just a thought here, but in no way defending her statement.
I wonder if she was given the “assimilated rank” of Lt. Col., and has somehow (either mistakenly assumed or deliberately twisted) decided that it meant “honorary Lt. Col.?”
When I was stationed at Kelley Barracks in the late 80s (then VII Corps Headquarters, now AfriCom Headquarters) I saw both civilian DoD employees and various foreign national military personnel given badges with an assimilated rank when they were visiting. Mostly (this is my understanding anyway) this was done for travel quarters and other perks associated with the rank.
Again, just a thought.
She looks like the lunch lady from the middle school up the street.
Her smirk reminds me of a certain senior manager in my agency, brought in from the outside. Had zero knowledge of the people or the work she was overseeing, but was a subject matter expert in HR policies, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint.
She was, of course, promoted to even more exalted positions as soon as feasibly possible.