Monday morning feel good stories

| January 11, 2016

John S. sends us a link to a story that happened in Chicago, Illinois where two thieves tried to rob a liquor store. One jumped the counter and smacked the clerk causing a ruckus that a relative of the clerk heard. The relative came on the scene with his gun and made both of the criminals DRT (dead right there). The liquor store had a sign forbidding guns that the criminals apparently missed when they brought their own firearm into the gun free zone.

Amy sends us a link to events in Houston, Texas, where two more armed thugs tried to rob a convenience store. While one thug demanded money from the clerk, another clerk took the opportunity to shoot the thief – he was DRT and the other criminal escaped with the loot.

In Rehoboth, Delaware, a father was awoken by his son when the boy encountered a stranger in the bathroom of their home. Dad was attacked by the thief, but successfully overwhelmed him and held him until the police arrived to cart his ass to jail.

In Sacramento, California, a security guard was attacked by an intruder with a tree branch, so the security Guard made him DRT.

In Lithonia, Georgia, an Atlanta off duty police officer had a fire-fight with two burglars in the home. One of the perps was shot and dropped off at the hospital by his chum. The officer was unharmed.

Avery Nelson, in Aurora, Colorado, was issued a summons for firing his own gun at a fleeing robbery suspect, poorly it seems – no one was injured during the pursuit and the thief escaped even after he was pepper-sprayed by police who responded to the gun shots.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

“The cure for Violence of Evil Men is Righteous Violence in Return.”


Stand Your Ground


There is whining going on in Chicago about the DRTs. I guess they didn’t stay in school long enough to learn to read signs.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let me guess, were they “good kids who didn’t mean any harm”? Next we’ll hear about how they were “innocent victims of society lashing out at their oppression”! 😀


he wa a goo kid, he dindu nuffin

HMCS(FMF) ret.

“He was a pillar of the community”…

Bill M

And now they’re filler in the cemetery.


They were just turning their lives around ?


I’m way late…I really needed a good laugh and a email from a friend. Thanks PROUD ?

Old Trooper

Well, I would cause a ruckus, too, Ex-PH2, because it appears that the DMFs were baited into it by the sign advertising that it was a gun free zone, which should have made their foray into the establishment risk-free. It, also, appears that the owner thought the establishment should be gun free for everyone but the owner, which makes them hypocrites.

If I were a customer of that place, I would hand them a card telling them that they won’t get my business, anymore, because they have false advertising on their door claiming that it is a gun free zone, when it is clearly not and I feel like I’m being microaggressed by them.


Old Trooper, would you like a beer chaser with your whine?

Old Trooper

Luv ya babe! 😉


Sarcasm detector malfunctioning today, lass? (smile)


Naw. Just having some fun.


Art Leal just smiled like the Grinch. lol

frivolous lawsuit in 3…2…1


Probably our fault too. Making them go through medal detectors every day and teachers don’t want to work in a violent school. Me? Not even with my sidearm…


Never bring a tree branch to a gunfight, I guess.


This is not the first time an uninvited guest has been found invading a bathroom in a home. Why do these people target bathrooms? Do they need facial cleanser? Aspiring or Advil, perhaps? A bit of Mentholatum for nasal congestion related to a cold?

We never get the story ending with the homeowner stuffing the turd’s head into the toilet bowl where it belongs, do we?


It’s obvious, the punk was looking for drugs….not new, they been doing that for years!


Drugs…although you shouldn’t keep medications in the bathroom. Mine, right next to my gun in my safe, in a compartment in my ride…


But I thought gun-free zones were the answer to gun violence?


The two Chicago DRTs were 17 (or 18, reports differ) and 15. The older one had been arrested over 30 times, and the younger one had been arrested four times in the last six months. Now their budding careers have been cut short.

NR Pax

And they probably had just found out that they had a full ride to the local community college.


Nah, a full ride to law school, so he could have become a “constitutional scholar and community organizer”.

Roger in Republic

The Second City Cop web site has a link to a photo of one of the DRT perps staring at infinity as he assumes room temp.


I don’t care how old they are..attack, be prepared to die or end up eating out of feeding tube FOREVER..