Utah III%ers arrive at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

| January 10, 2016


According to OregonLive the III%ers of Utah arrived at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to relieve the Joe Rice-led Pacific Patriots Network. I guess the PPN was disappointed that their plea for socks and snacks went unheeded. I predicted last week that Joe Rice, the phony POW and Purple Heart recipient wouldn’t be able to stay away from Burns.

Joseph Rice, a spokesman for the [Pacific Patriots Network], told reporters that his group presented occupation leader Ammon Bundy and other protesters with “articles of resolution.”

He didn’t say what was in the document, but noted that his group wants to move the sides to an end to the standoff.

Then network members got into most of the cars and trucks they’d parked nearby and started heading out of the reserve.

Rice didn’t address whether his group would return, saying only: “We are moving on to present them (the articles of resolution) to other government agencies.”

There have been rumors flying around the internet that the folks who we exposed last weekend as the liars and pretenders that they are, have been holed up in a nearby motel drinking themselves into a stupor daily. Including Brian Cavalier who left soon after he was exposed by the Daily Mail as a phony Marine. Of course, who wants to hang around a protest when there is a shortage of snacks and socks? Pogue bait shortages have brought empires to their ruin. Piss-poor planning, I guess. A real veteran would have showed up with enough Twizzlers and Gummy Bears to last for weeks.

The PPN posted their proposals for resolution of the standoff last night on the website;

PPN Resolution1

PPN Resolution2

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Club Manager

Being the kind sole that I am, permit me to propose my own Articles of Resolution:
1. Listen up scum bags, you have 15 minutes to pack up and leave federal land or we will let the local Indian tribe that you thoroughly pissed off remove you.
2. The clock is ticking.
3. When leaving, remember our safety policy and don’t let the cattle gate hit you in the ass.


“Pogue” bait? I always thought it was “Pogey bait”?

Pinto Nag

You do know that a ‘cattle gate’ lies flat, right?


Cattle GUARDS lie flat. Cattle gates, or livestock gates, are panels of fence through which livestock can pass and be secured on either side of.

Hope this helps.

Pinto Nag

No, you’re being a jerk — but that’s okay. It’s Monday.


After reading their proposal, I’m convinced that “PPN” stands for “Pathetic Pinheads Network”. Because, if they actually believe all of the drivel included in their proposal, that’s exactly what they are.

An example: Clause 17 of Article 1, Section 8, gives Congress exclusive legislative authority over DC – which was formed from land ceded to the Federal government by Maryland and Virgina and afterwards became part of no state. (Virginia’s contribution of land was returned by Congress in 1846 and accepted by Virginia in 1847.) It does not address whether the US government may own other land elsewhere as the PPN seems to believe.

Dave Hardin

I have contacted Vontaze Burfict since he has some free time now, to go out there and bring to two side together.

If I can just locate those two FBI Agents that murdered Randy Weavers wife and baby to do a recon of the compound I should be set to bring this to a resolution.

The Feds can’t let this go on, it will send a message that anyone can take over a public shit house anytime they want.

These militia guys should have Youtubed what goes into a bug out bag when they packed. I always keep extra socks and skittles in mine.


Having my own Unicorn means that I will never run out of Skittles®™. So I’ve got that going for me.


I meant to offer the BLM $1.00 for the land, so that I could go up there and post ‘Private Property – No Trespassing’ signs everywhere, and tell those bums to get off my land. But the distance and the snow got in my way.
I had plans in place to stock the Conestoga with Ritz crackers, Cheezewhiz, stale popcorn and peanuts, and bring an astronaut blanket for a windbreak. It was catching the mules that stopped me. They’d heard about Donner Pass and would have nothing to do with me.


Don’t forget the Cocoa Puffs.
Took them on a lot of field problems.
Great munchies with or without milk !!!


Camping out in this weather? Not real bright, are they? Brrrrrr.

Seems that they don’t do well with math either. All of anything is 100%. Doubt that they represent even three percent, much less all of the people. What are the odds that they would oppose the use of the decimal system, but think using Roman numerals is cute?

Oh, well. Folks this desperate for attention can be anything from silly to very dangerous.


OWB…..Thanks for bringing to those of us who are numbers challenged the fact that it was Roman numerals used in their name. Seriously, I had been wondering if those idiots knew 100 % was All inclusive. My plan was to inform them of their mathematical error once they hit 279%. Think about it, maybe they were counting space aliens as an added 11 %.

All kidding aside, in their issue of the defense not introducing evidence of a BLM horseshoe- shaped fire being set…..at least SOME of the complaints might have some validity. Had they pursued that specific line of issues and have been able to get the word out to the public, in a different approach altogether the public might well have been understandably sympathetic to their grievances.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Damn it’s one hundred eleven? I thought it was three letter I’s and it stood for Intellectually Incompetent Imbeciles….

Nice to know they’re seeking to surpass the quota by a whopping 11%, nothing like a declaration of ambition stating you will be 11% better this year than last year.

Dave Hardin

I often question if anyone else pays attention to the media’s deliberate sanitation of religion from events. Why is it so hard for us to accept that the religious component to these matters even exists.

Bundy Senior had announced that the Lord had commanded him to face civil war if the Feds didn’t back off. The Bundys believe in a militant brand of Mormonism.

He has stated publicly many times that he has been told by the Lord what he should do. “I began to understand what the Lord felt about the Hammonds . . . [and] Harney County, and about the country. I clearly understood that the Lord was not pleased about what was happening with the Hammonds.”

Bundy has a 20 minute video in which he explains exactly how the Lord called him to fight tyranny and defend the Hammonds.

While I aggressively defend the right for any American to worship as they choose…the right to be full of shit has limits.

He believes that an invisible being is communicating to him through his telepathic superpowers. If someone does things because their dog tells them to, we accept the fact that he is nuts. Everyone talks about it, the press reports it, books are written about it.

The American press is too chicken shit to point out that taking orders from invisible friends is bat shit crazy. We can not even mention the fact that this is some warped incarnation of a God that was introduced by a guy that threw magic rocks into a hat so he could read mysterious golden tablets he found in New York state about the time Andrew Jackson was president.

Religion all too often has a way of warping the human mind. Our fear of confronting bizarre religious beliefs allows these nut jobs to go on for years.


You keep talking like that and the Lovett’s are going to pull that CTA franchise opportunity away from you!


“If someone does things because their dog tells them to”

Son of Sam’s dog “Harvey?”

Those demons can be such beyotches at times.


What Dave Hardin said…..

Pinto Nag

Religion is a main theme that runs through survivalism, and survivalism is the bedrock of the militias. I actually went as far as to make contact with a couple of the buy-in survival compounds, to see how much they charge and what their philosophies of survival are. “God and guns” pretty much covers it. A lady from one group told me they were all born-again Xtians. The basic tenet to the militias is that they are preparing for the Apocalypse, to fight God’s war — that’s pretty much it, in a nutshell. Like you said, Dave: bat shit crazy.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The truly sad part about all of this Dave is that even our christian friends are atheists, they don’t believe in the hindu gods anymore than the hindus believe in their god…

Once they realize why they don’t believe in the hindu gods, maybe they’ll begin to understand why some of us don’t believe in their god either.

Shit the media is afraid of scientology, a more egregious example of bullshit is hard to find. Some sci-fi writer comes up with an explanation for why he’s so fucking miserable and sells it as a religion and there are so many weak minded numbnuts in our society the guys sucks all of these fucktards in. They include lots of famous, but apparently fucking idiotic, people who believe that aliens inhabiting their bodies is what’s making them feel the sadz…

In 200 years perhaps folks will be laughing at us and our beliefs like we laugh about the egyptians believing their gods pulled the sun and moon across the sky with a chariot….

Nothing funnier than humankind trying to explain the whys and wherefores of our existence.


Someone should convince this platoon-minus (or is it a squad-plus) to find a different hobby. Preferably one that doesn’t annoy the majority of America and makes those that share their positions look like aluminum foil hat wearing basement dwellers.
Oh, and these cammied airsofter idiots should contact the Cato Institute. I’m sure Cato would be happy to supply them enough copies of the Consititution for them to take notes on with those big crayons they keep in there LBVs.


No excuse but…iOS hates mobile text blocks.


dont you guys care about the ranchers an what the government did to the hammonds


keith, both of those subjects have been covered extensively in the past two weeks. Check the previous posts here concerning Malheur Refuge.

Just An Old Dog

fuck the Ham-heads. They aren’t poor folks scrapping by, they are arrogant fucktwats that own plenty of land themselves and think they can do what the fuck they want and get away with it. They burned over 130 acres of public land and then were mistakenly given a short sentence.
We have a lot of wild fires here in So Cal and the shit gets out of hand quick. People loose everything they have and some die because of these fires. Some are caused by nature and some are caused by idiots.
A firefighter or another citizen could have been killed by these entitled pricks, so yeah, fuck them.


Here is a second story this week about “occupy oregon” needing supplies:


From the article, ” ….

BURNS, Ore. (AP) — The occupation of national wildlife area by a small, armed group upset over federal land policies stretched into its second week as the mother of the group’s leader asked supporters to send supplies – everything from warm blankets to coffee creamer.
On Saturday, Ammon Bundy’s mother, Carol Bundy, sent an email to supporters asking them to send her son’s group supplies from a list of more than 80 items, including sleeping bags, wool socks, cigarettes, toiletries, food, coffee and “French Vanilla Creamer.”


Riffing off a comment another poster made – “What these guys didn’t ask for was ‘a clue’.”

someone else called ’em – ‘tea-beggers”.

OIF '06-'07-'08

On Saturday, Ammon Bundy’s mother, Carol Bundy, sent an email to supporters asking them to send her son’s group supplies from a list of more than 80 items, including sleeping bags, wool socks, cigarettes, toiletries, food, coffee and “French Vanilla Creamer.”

I can see that this group of dingbats has absolutely no idea what they are doing. You would think that they would have taken the bare necessities for this occupation.


At least one of them brought knee-pads.

Geesh – what the hell else do they need?

Perry Gaskill

I’m going to go against the flow, and say you can have utter contempt for some of the clowns running the Malheur standoff, and still find the PPN document to be not unreasonable.

The first request is that Commissioners of Harney County respond in writing to the next two parts. What this would do is make any dialogue over a commission decision a matter of public record, and not a backroom deal resulting from arm twisting.

The second request is that the commission prompt an investigation into the professional ethics of the U.S. prosecutor in the Hammond case, including allegations he failed to disclose a material witness during discovery. There’s also the matter of the plea bargain and the issue of double jeopardy.

The third part is a stretch, but amounts to a request that the county commission file a petition to have the Malheur Wildlife Refuge revert back to local control under the administration of the the county and Paiute Tribe. The relevant section of the Constitution is quite clear on acceptable eminent domain on the part of the federal government. The establishment of Washington D.C. with an allocation of 10 miles square to establish a seat of federal government was a one-time-only event. What’s less clear is if, when, and how the state of Oregon ceded ownership of Malheur in the beginning.

Personally, I don’t care if the Bundy’s talk to imaginary friends, or if Brian Cavalier is a disgusting fat body and poseur. All that is simply an ad hominem argument directed at a straw man writ large.

Just An Old Dog

My take is that there was no credible witness, and they are going off of rumors.
Remember all the “witnesses” in the Micheal Brown Shooting case that saw the cop stand over him and shoot him in the back execution style?

Dave Hardin

So, just curious here. Will they be able to get a puppy and join a circle jerk of tears later so they can get their PTSD Disability?

I know this much, in no time at all we will be exposing fake veterans from the Shit House War. Who do we FOIA the records from for this conflict?

Dave Hardin

Since I already have your records I will just go ahead and update your combat history page to read:

“Participated in Operation Fecal Frost”

You qualify for the Poo Pourri medal with the “R” device for remote participation.

A grateful nation wants to thank you for your service during this difficult time.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

They can be awarded the Order of the Frozen Taint…


that would be the sand in da vag. or the all new SV device on the ribbon

bhwhahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!

Just An Old Dog

“Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.”

I didnt know there were women and kids dragged into this shit.


It’s rule #12 in the Cowards Handbook, “Have women and children around because real Warriors won’t shoot through them to get to you”.


Lol I hope the FBI releases the tape recordings of this whole thing. I can only imagine the war stories being told by the people up there.


What a mess…. I feel so sorry how our clowns in DC have managed to cram laws on us with the you have to pass it to see what’s in it. This is the result, people being screwed over by federal agencies,
with every crack pot claiming some sort of prior military service coming out of the woods to make others feel secure in thinking hey the Calvary is here to save the day.
Instead it makes all of us look like a bunch of unhinged nuts


When you lay down with dogs….