Brian Cavalier; another phony Marine at Malheur

| January 6, 2016

Brian Cavalier

The Daily Mail says that they talked to Ammon Bundy’s body guard at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon, Brian Cavalier and that he told them that he was a former Marine.

Then he made his false declaration.

‘I’m a retired United States Marine, I can rage,’ he said, before dropping in that he had served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

During several encounters with Cavalier – who on one day wore a hat with a badge stating ‘major league sniper’ on the front – he gave off an air of a long-time serviceman.

So the reporter confronted him with the fact that the Marine Corps had no record of his service;

When Daily Mail Online confronted Cavalier over his Marine fabrication he seemed nervous and the bravado of previous days vanished.

‘That’s unfortunate that someone would say that,’ he said, refusing to deny the claim.

When asked if our information was wrong, he responded: ‘I’m not commenting on anything, I told you what it is.’

Cavalier asked who our source was and when told the US Marine Corp (USMC) had confirmed he was never a Marine, he said: ‘That’s unfortunate they would say that. It is what it is.’

When it was pointed out to Cavalier that people might be upset once they discover his lie, he added: ‘Hey you’ve got a job to do and I’ve got a job to do.’

According to the Daily Mail, Cavalier is really a tattoo “artist” with a long criminal record that includes “Extreme DUI” and theft. I hope he doesn’t use his own art work to attract tattoo business. Or maybe I do hope he does – actually, I don’t care what he does.

So, I guess if someone is going to join one of these clubs, they had better make sure that they have no discernible honorable military service or they’ll end up being an outcast.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Mmmmm can I slather that Buddha belly with honey and stake him to the ground so the ants eat him !


Aw Shit!! Try getting that image out of your head!?



Did you mean to say, “marine mammal”?

Just asking …

Pinto Nag

Damn that mean streak in you, Jonn….

Now, where IS my brain-bleach???


What in the blue-eyed world is that thing?


Gezzzzees please put a warming before you post stuff like this !!!!!! 🙂



I thought it said “Chevalier” and the picture was similar. My bad.


WTF Who the HELL would hire that as a body guard.


I need brain bleach now.


YEP. I need to un-see that.


He’s a booty guard, not a body guard. He guards Bundy’s Booty.


You know we should give a BZ to this reporter for putting him in check we don’t have many who do maybe word is getting out.


My thoughts exactly. A lot of journalists get put on full blast for not fact-checking military claims. It’s refreshing to see a reporter exercise due dilligence and then having fortitude to confront him on his lies. Big tough militia man goes meek when confronted by a reporter with facts.

A Proud Infidel

I second that AND I’d really like to meet that Reporter face to face sometime when he has time to spare and let him enjoy a shot and a beer on me!

B Woodman

It’s The Daily Mail, a Brit fishwrap. A class above.


-a long criminal record.
-open carry as a body guard.
-fake military service.
-lying POS

He is a poster boy for the leftist gun grabbers.

Green Thumb


Yet another shitbag.

While I actually understand and emphasize with some of this and sorta get why they(clown posse)are doing this, shitbags like this set them back. And not to mention honorable Veterans.

This dude is nothing more than a giant steaming pile of Phil Monkress.

Their organization should be called “Poser/Washout or Wannabe Central”.


He is also a poster boy for conservatives who recognize that criminal freaks of nature do not compile with the law.


good point!


Well, depending on his crimes, he would be a felon in possession which is illegal in every state that I know of.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Not speaking for the individual described, but many states return civil rights after release from supervision, and given period of time. Just sayin.

Hack Stone

Yeah, they return the civil rights because a lot of states need those felons to vote. In fact, in Washington DC, they have a politically correct name for ex-convicts, “Returning Citizens”. In case you think that I made that up,

Combat Historian

Is that an actual person? Or is that Humpty-Dumpty wearing a holster?


These phonies are always ‘POSing’ as recon, sniper, in Our USMC, or SFG in the Army, Navy Seals in the Navy…it just NEVER ends with these butt weasels & I would not give them the sweat off my balls if they were dying of thirst!


SEAL is always capitalized … thank you for your attention to this matter.

B Woodman

I wouldn’t give “him” my sweat, but I WOULD give him a “Mr Brown” handshake and a warm cup of STFU.


How can a whale beach itself so far from the shore?

I just don’t get it!


A really big tsunami.

A Proud Infidel

He’s SO FAT he got a ticket for jaywalking while just standing waiting for the light to change.

Silentium Est Aureum

He’s so fat, Native Americans claim his spirit animal is fried chicken.


Why is it that more and more the only news worth reading comes from some god damn British newspaper website? Why in the f*** aren’t American journalist asking these types of questions to these types of assholes?


Because it’s “politically incorrect” to ask such a thing. We can’t have the truth getting out, can we? Imagine the microaggression, the butthurt, cant you see that he “Identifies” as a Marine? He’s part of the the protected class! You people should be ashamed of yourselves!


The “man” (to use the term loosely) certainly has a Cavalier attitude regarding the truth . . . .


Me and the Daily Mail reporter who outted this sea creature have started a suppoert group for those who have viewed his #######!

Good news is, we will employ Jameson shot therapy to erase the memories.

Contact me at my aol account or router SIGNAL 329er to sign up!


PS: I have the winning lottery numbers.


It’s time to go full Irish and kneecap the fat bastard


Oh, I thought you meant Jenna Jameson.

Well, the booze is a good substitute.


My bottle of Jameson is always referred to as Jenna. I thought everybody did that.


Mmmm. Jameson. Yum. (I keep a bottle of Jameson handy in case I see a snake – which I also keep handy). Apologies to WC Fields.

A Proud Infidel

BE CAREFUL Folks, he looks like a HIGHLY trained and experienced JELLY DOUGHNUT ASSASSIN!!
I’ve seen shopping mall Rent-a-Fuzzes that look like Ninjas when compared to him. The more I see of these pus-nutted gene pool filter cloggers the more I want to find out just who the Lifeguard is and GET HIM FIRED for letting those damned things in!!!

Green Thumb

“So, I guess if someone is going to join one of these clubs, they had better make sure that they have no discernible honorable military service or they’ll end up being an outcast.”

Much like the False Commanders’ Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) Florida based MC.

I bet the “Big Turd” Riley Keith Keeton is working his balls as he is watching this nonsense unfold.


Now things make sense.

All Points Logistics is providing the logistical support to these clowns. That’s why they’re asking for stuff through the mail.

Another satisfied APL customer.


My Pug, Lucy told me she thinks he’s kinda cute.

I have to have a serious talk with that girl!


This boy hasn’t seen his dick in a decade.

Formally known as JR

An tattoo artist with a tattoo that shitty is not someone I want giving me a tattoo


I’d be curious to know his convictions,considering he is armed. But, they wouldn’t arm their club members illegally. 3%ers my ass…


I’m just impressed by the tensile strength of synthetic fibers nowadays…


At first I was thinking, “Give the guy a break, after all he looks to be around 8 1/2 months along and may need a “C” section before it’s over. But after looking at him and reading his fake bio., I really think what might be best here would be a “Deluxe Exorcism”. His picture above was about two seconds too early. People like me wanted to see his tits. If he is to go full term and deliver, no doubt he will be claiming the father was Chesty Puller.
Dude sure makes us Marine Proud! Staying in shape like that after getting out of the Corps, he probably does at least one sit up every six months.
Ammon Bundy is probably the only person in the world who goes to Sea World to look for body guards!


You do realize that will be a “marine mammal budda dual C section” first ever in sea life human history!

I hope it is filmed!


Good point Commentor. We could work on this project together and title it “No-Sperm Whale Gets A C-Section Right Through Buddha’s Belly Button”. Why not pitch it to Sea World as advertising for time share sales, and advertise it on the Amos and Andy show?


I thought the GMC that was the Royal Baby when I crossed the line had a fat, disgusting belly but this tub of guts takes the cake. Eating a maraschino cherry out of that greasy belly button would induce vomiting for sure. But he’s a badass though.

B Woodman

He’d have to flip over for his bad ass. (eewwwwww!!)

Slick Goodlin

Major,”Operator”, with

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Another “Call of Booty – Anal Buttsekks Warrior”… must be playing the “Rump Riding Ranger” add-on pack.

And these buttmunching assclowns think people are taking them seriously???

Old Trooper

Ok; if Buddha Belly here has a long criminal record, it makes me wonder how he is able to carry a firearm. Maybe one of our Johnny Law types can get his fat ass rolled up? If, for some reason, he is still able to be legally armed; stay as far away from this asshole as you can get.

Old Trooper

Also; I just read the story and I noticed they displayed the 3 Stooges prominently in the article.


Jabba the poser.


This worthless turd appears to be the #1 candidate among all of those worthless occupying turds to be proclaimed The Biggest Loser (among all of those losers).

But appearances can be deceiving, he needs to be weighed for verification. Any truck scales available near their location?


truck scale is five miles south of Burns on US 95….


Wonderful! Now all we need is a lowboy to haul his fat worthless carcass to the scales. Or roll him down the road like a beer barrel.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

“Extreme DUI”? WTF is that? Did he down five gallons of Mescal and try dorking the neighbor’s Pomeranian or Siamese do get charged with that?

The tat on his “belly” must have been done by him looking into a mirror while using a Sharpie. And the tats in the eyelids… priceless.

And Rump Riding Rangers like him want to be taken “seriously”? Got a feeling that he’s a big fan of a certain frustrated Austrian painter from the 1930-1945 range.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

So he only downed 3 gallons of Mescal? And tried to get amorous with the neighbors pet iguana?


What a wonderful self promoter. If I were him, I’d also be proud of that one-pack belly


I quote: “he gave off an air of a long-time serviceman.”

I don’t know about you, but when I give off the air of a serviceman, I tend to clear buildings…….


If you want to REALLY Vet someone that has been in the military for a while, ask them if you can still smell farts in MOPP 4.
😀 😀 😀 😀

Joe Mama

Fat Bastard: [to Mini Me] “I’m bigger than you and higher up the food chain. Get in my belly!”


Now that there is some funny shit.

Brian Cavalier: Code Name “Fluffy Unicorn”