Joseph A. Rice; another Josephine County Oathkeeper phony

| July 14, 2015

Joseph Rice OK

Last year when we exposed Daryld “Gil” Gilbertson, the former sheriff for Josephine County, Oregon, for his tales of derring-do, I got a series of email from some guy and he was sending me all of this forged documentation to support Gilbertson’s claims. He wouldn’t tell me his name and he ceased communications when I asked. But his email address was

A few days ago we wrote about Jeffery Prossen another pretender in the Josephine County Oathkeepers. Which got me to thinking about the email exchange I’d had with this coordinator guy. So, it took me only a few minutes to discover that he was actually this Joseph A. Rice fellow. As it turns out, he had a starring role in an entry on the old POW Network website before it came down;

Joe Rice

He had been claiming to be a POW in the 1st war against Saddam Hussein, that his helicopter had been shot down and he was wounded – twice. Folks say that before he had an entry on POW Network, he also had Purple Heart plates on his vehicle, but those disappeared suddenly. The word around Josephine County is that he still likes to tell tall tales, but since his run-in with POW Network, he keeps that off the internet, so to keep it that way, because that’s how I like it, here’s his FOIA;

Joseph Rice FOIA

You’ll notice that there are no awards for his participation in Desert Storm, mostly because he was out of the Reserves before Desert Storm. He began his career as an enlisted mechanic in the National Guard and the went into the rotary-wing pilot program and served in the Army Reserve, all very commendable, but apparently not for Joe.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Gee whizzikers, don’t he look jes’ like George Clooney? Was it that movie where he stared at narcoleptic goats, or the one where he stole all that gold?

These twinkies get sillier and sillier by the year.

Carlton G. Long

Another perfectly honorable – even enviable – service record crapped on.

Just like a guy at my gym whom I have witnessed deadlifting 300 lbs … not bad … but he ruins it by always talking smack (outside the gym of course) that he usually deadlifts 500 lbs.


Does anyone else find it odd that he only made it to WO1? WO1 is the Warrant equivalent of 2LT. IIRC the promotion to CW2 is pretty much automatic at either 18 or 24 months.

Wonder if he got injured or something? The Army spent all that money teaching him to fly helicopters and they got less than 2 years of service out of him?

Question: Does he still have a license to fly? I would think that would be a searchable record.


I don’t know about aviation, but for the rest of the Warrant corps, CW2 is automatic only if you complete WOBC. Finish that course, get your MOS qualification, and then it’s automatic at two years.


At the time Rice was in, I think Aviators didn’t even get their WO1 until they had completed flight training. He was awarded the aviator badge and the WO1 rank so he obviously qualified (wouldn’t flight training be WOBC for flight warrants?)

It may be that he made it to CW2 and then got out at that rank, which I think happens quite a bit but for some reason the CW2 didn’t make it onto his FOIA.


From the looks of it he was discharged during flight school.


Yep. That’s pretty much it in the Corps’. Pass WOBC, i.e. make weight… MOS school (if there is one) and refrain from curb-stomping your crank. Not much else to worry about. I only know of one such curb-stomping individual personally. Mr O (July 2015)are you lurking on here?


“Question: Does he still have a license to fly? I would think that would be a searchable record.”

Per the FAA airman cert. search page, he has a 2nd class medical dated 1/2013 and an ATP cert.

Principled Patriot

He allegedly went to work for Blackwater, as his Linkedin page said until he recently sanitized it.

Just an Old Dog

His FOIA doesnt match the POW Network info on him getting out in 1997 as a WO2… It has 1998 as WO1, either way he didnt do 20.


I think the FOIA says “1988”.
POW Network mentions Maine NG but his FOIA indicates Massachusetts, doesn’t it?


There are a few issues with the FOIA that I would chalk up to transcription errors by the clerks.

Place of entry is probably Ft. Devins, not Ft. Dennis. There is a Dennis, MA, but no Ft. Dennis.

There is no Co. “D” AVN, 126 Inf at Otis, MA. Otis was shared with Camp Edwards, and Edwards was the home of some the aviation units of the 110 CAV. I’m guessing that he was with the 110th and not the 126, which was a Michigan unit.

Aside from that, it looks like he was in the air ambulance unit in Maine. At the time, they were all part of the 26th ID. There might be more paperwork for the guy that covers from 88-97 that the clerk didn’t find. Fortunately, I know some guys from the old 110th. I’ll ask around.


I was in the unit in Maine (101st Air Ambulance) on Bangor from 1988-91 while I finished college as a medic/ CE Our unit sent sections to Germany during DS/DS and only a very select few went on to KKMC and into Iraq. Never heard of him… And I’m checking with some of the old commanders, CSMs and other friends


Why no Aviator badge? He has a crewchief badge…


Army Aviator Badge is listed.


Yep. Missed it. Saw the Crewmember badge and completely glazed over the Aviator badge.


The guy is an Army Service Ribbon “veteran”, and a helicopter pilot to boot. That’s pretty good for a short amount of time he was in. Sheese, some people’s kids. 🙄


So basically, the phony tried to out a phony for his own gain in Oregon? This story is pretty funny. Josephine County should have a reality show. Living rough in Oregon.

Just an Old Dog

Actually quite the opposite, he was backing another phony, Gilbertson, with fake documents.


lol whoops, sorry early morning shift for me. I had about 2 brain cells this morning. Had to re-read finally. That makes this even worse, phonies sticking together.

Principled Patriot

“for his own gain” … when he set up the Oath Keepers chapter in Josephine County, he would not allow the treasurer to see the bank account, paypal account or cash flow. He maintained that status, violating Oath Keepers rules, throughout the Sugar Pine Mine operation.

The first Treasurer quit, so he appointed another one who he also would not allow to see the money. Rice and his assistant, Bruce McFarland, did what they wanted with the cash without accountability. Seeing the peril Rice was placing her in, the second Treasurer also quit.

Green Thumb

Yet another “Oathqueefer”.

These dudes are nothing more than some sort of “nationalistic” bizzaro poser cult.



I was thinking the same thing. It’s always the “Oathkeepers” that seem to come up as Posers or phony’s. Must not be a very organized organization.


For what it’s worth, I had a very short stint in Oath Keepers. One meeting, one year’s dues surrendered, and no return of dues when requested. Not even a “Thanks sucker, but we are keeping your money.” I did, however, have some replies to which they prevented response, when I called them on a video which made Marines at 29 Palms appear to be sheep because they followed orders.
Final communication from them was suggesting I was a trouble maker for bringing forth the notion…. which Ray Charles could have seen. BTW, in those days they asked for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prove you were military, former military, LEA or any other potential member requirement. As long as I paid the dues, I could have told them how I bombed Hanoi in my gyro copter.


I don’t mean to steal any of sj’s thunder but;

No NDSM? Pffft!!!


The Interweb is forever just ask Bernasty.


You guyz are cluueless, he is most definately LEGIT!

What he meant to say was, “Prisoner of the Game of War”.

That is all!

A Proud Infidel®™

Candyassed swamp muffin of a poodle turd!


The area of Oregon that he is from would make him a salmon fucking turd !!!!! 🙂


lol @ Islam do-rag use.

It’s like a sign saying “I watch too many Hollywood military films and am a huge phony”.


Check out the articles he has written in the News With Views. Com. Has an updated picture. He talks about government being deceptive and misleading.

The article gives a brief synopsis of his military career, saying he was a helicopter pilot and worked all over the world as a combat pilot. Most recently flying missions in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force with the D.O.D.


Take a look at his Facebook profile pictures. In the comments of his flight school graduation photo, he makes mention of CW3 Donovan Briley who he says “we” lost in Super 61 in Somalia, as if to infer he too was with 160th also, since he graduated with Briley, RIP.



Thank you for producing the posers for a while.
