Census data shockah; DC has lots of poor people!

| August 29, 2007

Life in this intellectually vacant city, Washington, DC, isn’t made easier by idiot social scientists. In today’s Washington Examiner, the District’s government announced that *shockah!* there’s a disparity in incomes in the District;

Nearly 80 percent of the 108,100 District residents who live below the poverty line are black, according to the figures for 2006 released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the District has the second-highest poverty rate in the country at 20 percent, far above the national poverty rate of 12.3 percent. It trails only Mississippi, where 21 percent of residents are below the poverty level.

In a city where Blacks are nearly 70% of the population, why is anyone surprised that 80% of any particular data grouping is Black? And why are 20% of the District’s population below the poverty line? Because the District can’t provide basic services like snow removal, downed-tree removal and street repair.

The drainage systems explode, the water is only barely potable, the streets are strewn with trash and panhandling hobos, the police can’t seem to find the door handles of their cars until shift changes, the council passes laws they don’t expect to be enforced and pass out money hand-over-fist to any “research” organization that asks. The schools are beyond repair as well as the education system itself. City officials are corrupt and inept.

Why would anyone with any money stay in the District? The people with the means to leave (except the HillaryClintonJohnEdwardsJohnKerry-types who all have mansions in the Georgetown and Southwest area) leave. The people without the means to leave stay for the handouts. The most amazing part of the Examiner article;

If recent trends continue, this disparity will continue to grow. Median income for whites has grown by 10 percent since 2004, while black income growth has been stagnant.

Wait for the money shot;

“It certainly suggests that the city needs to be going the extra mile to reach out to [poor black] residents,” Lazere said.

350,000 people in this city of a half-million residents are Black. The city government is run largely by Blacks - nearly half of the City Council is Black. All are supposedly residents of DC. How are they just now noticing this?

Outside Washington, median incomes were among the highest in the country, while poverty rates were well below the national average.

Wonder why? Federal employees don’t want to expose themselves and their families to dangerous and poor living conditions. About 500,000 people come to work in the District everyday and then leave before nightfall. Most of the crimes in DC happen after nightfall. I don’t need census data to tell me why.

How is this a shocking revelation worthy of a headline? Who’s really to blame about the poverty here? The voters – they keep sending the same incompetent boobs year-after-year (a fine example), for superficial reasons, to run the government into the ground and drive away more income-producing residents, which lowers the tax base and makes the government even more incompetent, which drives the tax basis down…. 

Stevie Wonder could see it from space f’pete’s sake.

Category: Economy, Society

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You obviously do not live in DC proper. Your exaggeration onf the lack of diversity and crime is ridiculous. Please stay in your sheltered suburbs and leave the rest of us alone.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Oh, for cryin’ out loud. Imagine that – a DC resident engaged in class envy.

I lived in Northeast DC for seven years until last summer. I work here, blocks from the Capitol (where you obviously work according to your IP) everyday. In fact your criminals commute nightly to my neighborhood.

If I exaggerated, instead of making vacuous, sweeping statements, show me how I’m wrong. Or - to borrow from you – leave me alone.


It’s been over 40 years since I was in DC, and I didn’t think much of it then. What can you expect though when they elect a crack head for mayor. I guess the residents thought he’d legalize crack. 🙂

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Or get them some free crack.