Iran ready to “fill the gap” when US leaves Iraq

| August 28, 2007

From Breitbart (h/t Ace), Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims to be ready to “fill the gap” when the US occupiers leave;

“The political power of the occupiers is collapsing rapidly,” Ahmadinejad said at a press conference in Tehran, referring to U.S. troops in Iraq. “Soon, we will see a huge power vacuum in the region. Of course, we are prepared to fill the gap, with the help of neighbors and regional friends like Saudi Arabia, and with the help of the Iraqi nation.”

Yeah, I wonder how those regional friends, the Sunni Saudis, like being included in the plans. If ever rememberances of post-US Vietnam were needed it’s now. I’m sure the Kurds will be pleased to see the Iranians in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Kamangir reminds us that it’s the birthday of the Imam Mahdi – the guy that Ahmadinejad claims will rise from his magic well and rule the world. To celebrate his birthday, the religion of peace has a firepower demonstration;

What’s the best way to celebrate the birthday of a massively politicized Messiah? Well, throw a party for gun-lovers and fanatics.

Kamanzir posts more pictures here.

If you can’t wait for the 12th Imam to read the message you’ve dropped down one of the several magic wells from which he may rise – you can always call him;

Have a quick question about when the Mahdi is coming to save mankind, according to Shiite Muslim adherents? Need to know the signs?
Just call the new messiah “hotline.” Or log on to Bright Future News Agency to get the latest religious readout – all part of the effort by freshly rejuvenated true believers in Iran to spread their message of the imminent return of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam who is expected to return to impose justice and spread peace.
“People are anxious to know when and how will He rise; what they must do to receive this worldwide salvation,” says Ali Lari, a cleric at the Bright Future Institute in Iran’s religious center of Qom.

“The timing is not clear, but the conditions are more specific,” he adds. “There is a saying: ‘When the students are ready, the teacher will come.’ ”

Paving the way is a renewed commitment to “Mahdaviat” beliefs by the ultraconservative government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who lives so modestly that declared assets include only a 30-year-old car, an even older house, and an empty bank account.

These ideologues see the creation of the Islamic Republic in 1979 and efforts to rekindle its revolutionary ideals, as critical to paving the way for the Mahdi’s return.

A religion that still has public hangings and stonings think they can bring peace and justice to the world.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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