Media Targeting Dakota
Of course, you’ve read that Dakota Meyer, a former Marine sergeant and a Medal of Honor recipient has declared his intentions to marry into the Palin family. Well, apparently, he’s also marrying into the histrionics of the Leftist media that swirls around that family, as well. The UK’s Daily Mail and Raw Story have published a picture from his Instagram account that shows him playing with a toddler while a gun rests on the table “next to them”;
The outspoken fiance of Bristol Palin can be seen playing with a newborn baby in a Instagram photo as a gun sits next to them on a side table.
Former Marine Dakota Meyer is holding the baby, identified as Rowan, with his gun by his side.
‘Just love the fact that there is a pistol laying on the little table behind you,’ wrote one person on the post.
‘That’s just how we roll haha,’ joked Meyer.
Of course, the narrative is that Dakota is a gun nut and that it’s irresponsible for him to have a hand gun in the same room (maybe the same house) with a toddler. But the gun is clearly out of reach of the child, and upon closer examination, the magazine for the 1911-style handgun has been removed – it’s chamber is probably empty as well.
I think if the media thinks that they can chase Dakota around and stir up controversy about him, they’re going to get a life lesson. The Marine sergeant doesn’t seem to take any shit from anyone. The Inquisitr feels a need to tell us about the laws in Kentucky where Myers resides;
In Kentucky, the state from which Dakota Meyer hails, it is legal to openly carry a gun even without a permit or license.
As if any of this is relevant. None of the three articles about this photo bother to point out that the pistol is cleared and unloaded and so it’s as dangerous to the health and welfare of the child as that lamp on the table.
Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.
Category: Guns
when the kid has the hand strength and size to flip off the thumb safety and engage the grip safety while pulling the trigger I’ll start to be interested.
yeah that
They do develop faster than their parents ever think, and they can find anything.
Valerie, is this your way of saying that the baby is in danger because there is a gun on the table?
My nephew was 9 months old when he figured out how to get into the liquor cabinet. He was found sitting in there, sucking on a wine cork.
(No cheese or crackers were in evidence.)
Yup. Pretty much.
Lefties and anti-gunners know nothing of Marines esp. grunts and their obession with firearm safety. Nor the way a Marine w2ill protect any kids anywhere. Rowan will be traught the proper use of firearms when he is old enough. The Palin husehold is not in the city and the Brown Bears are out looking for food after their winter nap. The hot bulb in the lamp is more dangerous to the child. Joe
Sure it is, Joe, but, you see, that’s a rational rebuttal that is misplaced. The reason it is misplaced is that the child’s safety is just a pretend concern of the whacky commenters. They could not care less about the child. It’s just a golden opportunity for the Left to try for a twofer: fault a war hero and a Palin.
I am hanging my head in shame. I was using logic and common sense against Libtards. Joe
Shame on you Joe…
30 lashes with a wet jock strap…
Don’t be too hard on him, Thunderstixx. We all make mistakes.
Just freeze the jock strap and make him wear it.
You are one cruel woman, aren’t you?
Now, now. There’s a big difference between cruel and fun. Cruel means she enjoys the suffering of others. Fun means…
Oh, wait. You’re right. She’s cruel.
I was just about to tell you to put that thing on then. I was talking nice to Ex in another thread too? Joe
I’m sorry, fellas. I forgot to put the winking smiley face in that post.
I froze my brother’s jockstrap an hour before football practice because he pissed me off.
LMAO !!!
THAT is one hard hearted woman.
And the reason we all love her. 😉
I knew there was a reason I like you so much…
Did the same thing to my brother once.
Phildo would not consider that punishment.
He would consider it a reward.
Phildo would be happy if he had something to even put IN a jockstrap.
Three-fer–the rant about the E-VIL GUN!!
I don’t see anything wrong. Baby Rowan looks happy and healthy. My thought is when a cop says goodbye to his children in the morning as they leave for school, the political Left would think this would be child abuse. Because the children would see his weapon, night stick, handcuffs, and pepper spray. Oh the terrible abuse that happens every day. The mere sight of a gun, must send chills down the liberals spineless backs.
Would they be crying if the picture was taken in the kitchen with about 10 very sharp kitchen knifes in a block in the background?
The left manufactures things to be upset about.
The UK is already after pocketknifes. They have already limited their lenghts. Talk about target rich nation.Certain Cricket bats are already a no go. Next walking sticks and full size umbellas. Joe
When the kid grabs the weapon, field strips and reassembles it, locks and loads, then call me. So, I can come in weapon at the ready! Until then, meh. I love the photo though! “We should both see other men.” BWAAHAHAAAHA!!!
I was doing that at 8 years old with an M1911A1. My dad asked a Gunny friend of his to babysit me one day. The Gunny let me fire my first M16 at the range. It was awesome. Then we cleaned it and he showed me how to do a -10 on a pistol.
Just another example of America’s morally bankrupt gun nut culture.
Ed (or should that be Ad – clever pun),
you forgot the “/sarc” tag. Otherwise people might take your comment seriously.
I don’t think he was being sarcastic. He’s from Canada and he made several similar comments yesterday.
Is that right Jonn? Oh, well in that case, hey Ed, go fuck yourself with a hockey stick. If you can get your boyfriends “puck” out of your ass long enough. Don’t forget to clean your mangina afterwards. Two hole licker!
No, he was not being sarcastic at all. Puck Boy was here yesterday striking a blow for socialism and against the 2nd Amendment. I referred to him as Lars North. That should tell you all that you need to know.
Card carrying member of the Conservative Party of Canada. The difference between the CPC and the GOP is we don’t live in constant fear and paranoia, and we actually care about our fellow citizens. If that makes me a “socialist” compared to conservatives in ‘Merica, so be it.
No, Puck Boy, what makes you a socialist is your explicit condemnation of the “rich getting richer” and your implicit belief in the inherit goodness of government. There were one or two other things that you wrote that revealed your anti-capitalist view, but I’m not interested in searching for them.
Not anti-capitalist, not anti-rich, just don’t believe in people getting rich while the middle-class suffers.
American tax policy and “trickle down” economics has resulted in middle class salary stagnation and the mega rich getting mega richer.
That puts me about as much as a commie as Eisenhower. But let me guess, I just bet you though trickle-down economics actually works right?
Hey, Ed, you’ve got your ‘classes’ mixed up.
I’m in that middle class group and I’m hardly suffering. I own my home and I probably have better food on my table that you do.
You’re confusing the welfare slacker ‘poor’ with people who work for a living, like me. I may be retired, but I work for myself now. If I get ‘rich’, it will be because I WORKED FOR IT, DUMBASS, AND IT’S MINE.
Jesus would be proud…
Oh, lookie here! Now Ed is using Jesus to support his trollness.
Misusing, Ex-PH2. The more applicable quote for the picutre would be John 12:8.
And regarding Jesus’ stand on using a weapon to protect oneself, our “friend” here from the Great White North should probably go consult Luke 22:36.
ED…”we don’t live in constant fear and paranoia”. Yea and if I lived in a country with America ever present on my southern border I would feel pretty safe too. So, you’re welcome for decades and decades of the U.S.A. covering your Canadian asses.
Get the FUCK out of USA business.I have to take the long drive to hunt in Ak. I will trust your goverment to ship my firearms to Nome. Joe
What you mean, Hominem, is that we don’t have to deal with the ideological throat gonorrhea from living on our knees and sucking down and swallowing whatever propaganda spunk the leftards pump out.
There’s a reason I use such “imagery” when describing persons such as yourself. ie, leftist filth pretending or self deluded into believing their not leftist filth.
The psychological, emotional and mental weaknesses that cause an inmate to become a prison bitch are exactly, without exception, the same as those that create leftist filth and their useful idiots.
The only difference at all between the two are the prison bitch is just a little bit more obvious.
Take your bullshit concern trolling, wrap it up around something sharp and jagged, and jam it up yourself. In other words, Move On to somewhere else with your thumb-sucking, mouth-breeding, snot-gobbling, intellectually inbred, knee-crawling bullshit, mmkay?
And why exactly should we care about your opinion?
I’d say that he is entitled to his viewpoint but, if he’s writing and posting from Canadia, that’s not necessarily true. He could be brought up on criminal charges if he writes certain things and none of them have to be threats.
Calgary, Alberta. The conservative part of the country, but only in comparison to the Eastern part of Canada.
Eastern Urban part of Canada maybe. Rural Eastern Canada is as conservative as Alberta.
Only if those things advocate hate, violence and/or genocide.
We do have non-criminal “Human Rights Tribunals” which are kangaroo courts run by left wing activists, not judges or legal experts. They can fine people, but not throw anyone in jail.
319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred
(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Criminal Code of Hockey Land
“I hate (fill in the name of an identifiable group)and I believe that they should be eradicated from our land. Better still, I believe that they should be wiped off the face of the earth and I call upon all right-thinking Canadians to join in this effort.” Silly? Insane? Ridiculous? Laughable? All of those things and more but, in Canadia, that statement is sufficient to land the writer in prison for up to two years. It is hate speech.
Calgary? OH, I’ll bet he just hates the Stampede, too. Another smokescreen example of bourgeois entertainment.
Jam it, Ed. And I mean that sincerely.
Oh, hey Ed. You’re back. Dumb as ever I see. This comment coming from a guy living in a country were a guy ran into the Canadian version of the U.S Capitol building and tried to shoot everybody.
What about it? So we’re supposed to build bunkers and armed survivalist compounds now? Crazy people do crazy shit. Can’t stop them all.
Gun violence is so rare here, because we have reasonable restrictions on firearms and we don’t have a “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo” mentality.
Firearms Related Deaths
Canada: 2.2
‘Merica: 10.3
Canada: 1.6
‘Merica: 4.7
Accidental Firearms Deaths
Canada: 0.04
‘Merica: 0.30
The point being is that bad shit happens in Canada too. Do they have a “violent gun culture” problem? And shut the fuck up about the whole “gun culture” thing, as if it were an actual thing. It’s a made up term by beta male pussies like yourself.
By the way, what’s the deal with foreigner’s obsession with America and what goes on in this country? Do you think Americans sit around huffing and puffing about Canada’s superior zamboni technology or the merits of dumping gravy all over fries. Fuck off hoser. Eh.
Here, it’s the exception. You have more shootings in Chicago on a typical week, than we do all year.
But keep your head in the sand and keep pretending you don’t have a gun violence problem compared to every other first world country on the planet.
And our Zamboni tech is decades ahead of yours. Maple syrup harvesting too. And our stealth snowmobile program is coming along nicely too.
Of course they’re relatively rare in Canada, you twit. Your entire country has a bit over 1/10 as many people as does the entire US. And per your 2011 census, you had only 4 urban areas (not cities – urban areas) of more than 1M population (you might have 5 now, sine Edmonton was getting close then). And you don’t even seem to have 10 urban areas that break 500k.
Violent crime is well-known to in general be an urban phenomenon. Urban, as in larger cities vice small cities and towns. Canada just doesn’t have that many larger cities.
Are you really so dense you missed those two facts?
Canada is still safer. Bottom line.
I remember one time I looked up the stats regarding murder by knife as the weapon in Canada. I came away from it feeling like maybe you Canadians were compensating. Know what I mean?
Ed…Wow! I must say now THAT post will shut me up! Zambonis and maple fucking syrup! Canada’s greatest and biggest gifts to the western world. Right up there with France and their phoney baloney pride in their “wine wonders to the world”. You should be so proud you want to sing your national anthem! As I posted before, just keep YOUR head in the sand while we in America keep OURS looking out for and covering your Canadian asses with our protection. Move Canada away from our border and you’d collapse. That is, unless the Queen and British Parliament decided to take you back and cover your asses. Without us here and the support of our military and the comfort it affords you socialist ass holes, your chances of survival are about as good as YOUR chances of splicing DNA anytime soon. So simply GFY and then GFY again ya fuckin’ canuck hose sucker.
Ah, Chicago! My old home town. Yes, for your information, ED, Chicago also has stricter gun control laws than any other city in the USA except maybe New York and Washington, DC.
Le cerveau il etait en option chez toi, n’est-ce pas?
Eddie Rudy-poo, the biggest drops in violent crime rates have always occurred right after US States passed Concealed Carry Laws. The average response time to a 911 Emergency call is around twenty minutes, the response to a home-invading criminal from my M1911 is 850 feet per second, after which I notify the Sherrif’s Office to send a Deputy to fill out the paperwork and a Coroner’s truck to pick up the perpetrator’s corpse(s)!
Eddiepoo what is violent crime rate and armed robberies rate ? Is it True that RMP and local LEO have been told to word their reports on violent crime to sound like a disagreement? You know like the Bobbies in the UK? What is your assult with knifes rate? Oh,and ever so popular beatdown rate? Joe
A couple of comments on your data here.
1. Your data for “murders” above is incorrect. The correct rate for the US – from the chart you cited above – for homicides is 2.83, not 4.7. (The number for Canada is also wrong.) And that’s only true if you consider all “homicides” murders. That’s not necessarily true. A justifiable homicide is not a murder.
The chart you cited actually does not list “murders” – only “homicides”. It is unclear whether this includes justifiable homicides (e.g., incidents in which the death was ruled to be self defense or other justified use of deadly force) or not.
In any case: sloppy. Very sloppy. Or maybe intended to mislead?
2. The bulk of US firearms deaths are suicides (61+%). However, the US and Canadian suicide rates are quite similar(Candada, 11.5; US, 12.5 – as is the UK’s at 11.8). Since the two nations are broadly culturally similar (except for the Francophone parts of Canada), that’s to be expected.
Additionally, take a look at the overall suicide rates for Austria, New Zealand, and classic NW and central Europe (UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Hungary Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, and France). With two exceptions, all are between roughly 10 and 18 – and all of those nations have, by US standards, rather restrictive firearms laws. The two exceptions are the Netherlands (8.8) and Hungary (21.1)
What this shows is the well-known fact – which gun control advocates don’t ever want to talk about, because it contradicts their false “fewer guns means fewer deaths” mantra – is that suicides are in general not deterred by lack of guns. If a gun is available, someone wanting to off themselves will use it; but not, in general they’ll simply find some other way to off themselves.
Removing guns doesn’t prevent suicides, it just changes the method of choice.
…or choice of method. 🙂
That too. (smile)
I thought you would eventually get around to citing that.
That may be true, but it is also irrelevant regarding your earlier comment. That’s not the same link you cited above to justify the earlier comment.
The link you cited above to document your numbers dealt only with firearms-related deaths. You cited nothing else to back your original statement.
We can only read what you write. If you meant one thing but wrote something else, well, that’s not our problem. Rather, it’s your error.
I don’t read minds. Hell, if I read minds I’d be making a very good living in about 3 hrs a night at high-stakes poker tables in Vegas.
It appears the Russians are kicking our ass because of you slackers. Get with the program or get out of the ‘Americas’.
Honest to f’ing God, if I ee one more “statistic” quoted from Wikipedia, I’m going to puke. Really, there are no real sources available north of the border?
Isn’t a good chunk of Canada really French anyway? With that many of them prancing around in the numbers it has to make your statistics a little light in the loafers.
Dave Hardin…Love it! Canadians, French, “little light in the loafers”. LMAO brother.
And you clearly don’t know shit about America, Eddy.
Maybe not. I travel 4-5 tie per year. Have family there. Most of the people I’ve met are fantastic people. I’m talking about paranoid gun nuts.
Granted they’re probably disproportionally represented in American culture, and yes, I’m a sarcastic prick, but I have no problems with average Americans or responsible gun owners.
Do us all a favor and stay in Canada. We have enough morons in this country, we don’t need to be importing them.
No. 😛
And we don’t put foreigners on our currency either Ed.
I guess in a Country where you can’t really own guns, one pistol does make you a gun nut, right Ed? All the Canadian soldiers I have met are pretty cool guys, so I’m just going to not use you for a baseline on Canadians.
Hey Ed, blow it out your ass along with the KY and used condom your boyfriend deposited there last night! We don’t surrender and cry to Government like limp-wristed omega males such as you!
So, Ed, what is your interest in Phil Monkress? It seems that you come here on a Bing search for Monkress – 131 times, so I have to wonder.
I enjoy your work on Stolen Valour. Saw your postings on him and wanted to know the back story.
131 times? You’ll excuse me if I’m suspicious, but Phil Monkress hired a hitman to take down the blog, a fellow with whom we’re still involved. This fellow who Monkress hired doesn’t like the current gun policy in West Virginia because it prevents him from coming here to hurt me. In fact, guns have been the focus of his entire attack since his first threatening phone call to my wife.
Yeah, so I banned this fellow because I’m suspicious of all new commenters and because of the peace order I can’t take chances that someone is going to set us up. Wickre has tried to do that before, so, Ed, if you want to blame someone, blame the judge and her crackpot ruling the other day.
Good idea.
My best guess is that he looking for a job at All-Points Logistics.
I am curious as to his CV/resume.
He could be, all things considered, a “Phildoesque” dude.
That would push him to the top of the stack.
Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics has been doing his best to “scrub” the Internet for a while now. Especially with all of those different, bizarre and strange sites. Just look. The proof is in “Google”.
Giving to charities, commenting on sites, blogging, etc. But not once will you find any references to his claims.
Odd, huh?
Makes one wonder if Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) is back into the fold or into Phildo’s sites again?
The more Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) runs his mouth, the more coverage Phildo (CEO of All-Points Logistics) achieves.
Word to the turds.
Phildo style.
Meanwhile In Canada…*NSFW*
and then there’s this…
and finally this…
Eddie-boy, don’t be a douche-canoe.
Oh look. Brit tabloids getting hysterical about Americans with guns again. Ranks right up there with Mad Magazine complaining about Brits teeth.
I happen to like the Brits as a general rule, but sometimes wonder if they’re not still pissed about that whole Lexington and Concord thing.
I seem to have noticed that in the past, also. Even granting that they burned DC as part of the price of doing business, I still detect a ‘tude at times.
Meh. In the picture, I see a young man practicing to be a responsible young father. As the Libtards would say about any current administration scandle, “Nothing to see here, move along.”
More and more, every day, the LSDM (Lame Stream Dinosaur Media) prove their rapid slide into irrelevance. So STFU, GTFA (Go The F**k Away), STFD; any or all combination of the above.
And no mention of the fact that he’s being a responsible young father to a child who (through no fault of the kid’s own) was sired by a deadbeat. He doesn’t have to take care of the wee baby Rowan, but he does anyway. There are few things in this world that speak more highly of a man’s quality.
I don’t know who originated this quote, but I first read it in a book about Bill Guarnere and Babe Heffron of “Band of Brothers” fame. In the introduction by Frank John Hughes, who played Wild Bill in the show, he says that the real Bill told him, “A man is never bigger than when he bends to help a child.” I think that fits perfectly here.
OH NOES! A gun is in the house to defend his family? How fucking terrible…..
Apologies for the wording of that, I haven’t been here in awhile and just read the last weekend open thread. Ill try to reword these from now on.
It’s not bad words that we want to limit, it is writing about bad actions that we want to control. At least until our RO gets reversed.
Don’t know what an RO is, but it sounds bad.
If I post anything out of line please delete it post haste. I do try to behave but I’m not real good at it.
I believe that is Restraining Order?
Yeah. After I thought about it a bit, and dealt with the rash that thinking always gives me, I kinda figured that out.
Thanks anyway.
Now, am I supposed to use the report comment to up vote it for being helpful?
Have any of those frightened people seen the videos of Amazon tribes who let their toddlers learn how to handle a machete properly and responsibly? I have, and I was impressed with those Amazonian parental skills.
It would make the leftears lose control of their entire digestive systems.
Actually, the lamp poses more of a threat to the infant than does the pistol.
-120V will ruin your day
-Lamp cord will not only strangle you but can be used to pull the lamp off of the table and onto the youngster
-Unless they’re using a CFL bulb, serious burns can result from a hot bulb
-Broken glass from the light bulb can not only cause serious cuts, but can be ingested by curious toddlers.
Yep-that kid is hanging out with unsafe adults and should be removed immediately.
This message courtesy of the TAH Safety Department.
Show me a picture of a swimming pool in their yard and I will flip the fuck out.
Don’t get me started on the Hazard Assessment of one of those 😉
God help them if they have a pool AND a trampoline!!
Check out some of the videos of people who have been cut by glass from a CFL bulb. Thanks EPA.
Not just glass, EVERY fluorescent light bulb contains Mercury (Hg) compounds, and used f-bulbs are classified as Hazardous Chemical Waste by the EPA. A toddler can ingest enough of that to be at risk from Mercury Poisoning just from a broken CFL, THANKS, GREENIES!
How do I know? I used to make my living as a HAZMAT Technician/Contractor, and at times I processed used f-bulbs from USG Facilities by the pallet load while wearing OSHA-required protective suits and a respirator (Gas Mask for the uninitiated). Fluorescent lights pose a bigger health hazard to kids than guns.
Hey, CFL bulbs – and especially the ceramic housing for the exciter electronics – can get pretty damn hot too. You really should use caution if you have to mess with them while they’re operating.
Glad to see that everyone has been paying attention during the weekly safety meetings.
I think the take-home message is that if handled or used improperly or in a careless fashion, a common lamp or (insert virtually any common household item here) can be as dangerous as a firearm.
Note to anti-gun people: Bite Me.
Another message brought to you by the TAH Safety Department.
ICE HOCKY DEADLY! Razor blades on ice with clubs. God help the children of Canada’s PEEWEE leagues.
First things first, I doubt any of these hand-wringers have the balls to say any of this to Sergeant Meyer’s face. If they did, he’d have zero difficulty both educating and embarrassing them.
Secondly, well shit, they’d probably have a stroke if they came to my house in the “liberal bastion” (falsely advertised) of California. I’ll watch “Harry the Bunny” with my daughter (her favorite show on BabyFirstTV, great show for little kids) while I’m cleaning guns. I even let her handle some of the disassembled parts. I just keep her away from the solvent. Once everything is reassembled, I let her touch whichever weapon I happen to be holding, while telling her that right now, she can only do that while Daddy is holding it. Why? Because that will satisfy her toddler’s curiosity and reduce her impulse to get her hands on them when I’m not around (at which time everything gets locked up anyway). My Mom, Dad, and Grandpa did the same with me. And she LOVES it when I take her to the gun shop.
Kids are inquisitive. If you tell them not to touch something, they want to touch it. If you let them touch it under your control and supervision, they satisfy their curiosity and look for something else to explore.
I can guarantee the tabloid lefties that Bristol’s kid will never shoot himself while Dakota Meyer is raising him. I would be happy to bet my house, my job, and my marriage on that, because it’s a sure thing and I would have nothing to worry about.
” Because that will satisfy her toddler’s curiosity and reduce her impulse to get her hands on them when I’m not around …”
That’s good thinking.
All of my daughters were taught about guns at an early age. Their first trip to the range was on an intentionally cold wet day… there was NO ‘forbidden fruit’ syndrome allowed. All have grown up to be responsible adults, two who own guns and one who does not – by choice. They know guns are simply inanimate tools which must be safely handled and stored.
I am not the biggest fan of Sarah Palin or her family.
That being said, her relationship with Meyer is no one’s business but their own.
The media is looking to stir up something that is not there. Funny how that works.
If these two have fallen in love then good for them and I, for one, wish them the best.
The media should step back.
They should step back but they won’t. The media’s hatred for the Palin family is only exceeded for their hatred of George Bush.
Yep. I’d still vote for ya, Sarah!
I only wonder how soon the thumb-sucking booger-eating bedwetting sniveling liberal media lackeys will start blaming SGT Meyer and the Palin family to supplement their perpetual exhibition of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome)?
It’s called selective outrage.
In that one thing that is truly outrageous, the mercury in CFL’s in people’s houses is not dangerous but let Ford Motors drop a mercury thermometer breaking it in a sink and then washing the mercury down the drain and the libs will have a cow and fine Ford multiple millions of dollars…
Same as the shit with the pistol.
All they are is bed wetting pansy ass immature girlyboys and cry baby ugly women seeking attention. Fuck them…
Ed, I have traveled a lot in Canada and learned much about your culture. By your writings here it’s obvious you don’t understand US military culture or what it means to have the right of self defense woven into the fabric of your life. I understand the fierce indendence of what it means for Canadians to be a people unaligned with Eroupe or the US. We are not your big brother nor desire to be, But your not understanding our culture makes you appear far left of Center. I know your quite conservative by Canadian standards, but here you would be considered middle of the road politically. We stand united here and would die to preserve our freedom, and our rights to own firearms to preserve that freedom. That makes me neither a republican or democrat, that’s makes me an American. (On the right side politically)
Ahhh you had to get me started on Canadians…the sanctimonious ones at least who fail to realize their national security is riding on the backs of the US tax payer. My wife is Quebecois and she says the limy part of Canada is an occupying power and in her words….they still kiss the queens ass and are just Brits with dentists so fuck em. I am a little less harsh since I have a lot of Canadian friends and actually trained with the Princess Patricia Light Infantry…..cant imagine a more un motivating unit name but they were actually first class Soldiers. But what does Canada do or produce thats worthwhile besides some seriously hot women? Their hockey stars all move to LA, they call ham Canadian Bacon, they put gravy on french fries (couldn’t even call them Canadian Fries for crying out loud), they make those really cool cars names…oh yea…nothing. Steve Smith who was Red Green moved to Florida and the Canadian government has a President that no one has ever heard of and seems to have no purpose, they talk a lot of crap about their open society but then if you try and emigrate there the welcome mat gets rolled up real quick unless your a doctor or engineer. And they harbor dumbshits who desert from a military commitment that they entirely volunteered for and from which if they returned to face the music like adults they may get 6, 6 and a kick but usually a hell of a lot less. I say we break our mutual defense pact with Canada and let them fend for themselves. They can afford to be so sanctimonious when they can keep a low defense budget knowing we will cover for them. Oh, and David Suzuki is a douche bag. Canadians rape their environment with their oil sands, they log and mine their first nations land (Google the Chief Tulsequah mine or Chieftan metals). No Eddy, you have enough issues in your own country…just keep sending down your good looking women but keep your maple syrup…Vermont’s is better. There…I feel… Read more »
They can have Justin Bieber back too…
Yep. And after they take the spoiled brat back and keep him, they can have Taco Bell breakfast. (smile)
Considering how many break ins occur in the United States a day, statistically that kid is safer with that weapon in the room than not.
I bet that rustles Libtard jimmies real good.