About That Possible US-Iranian Nuclear “Deal” . . . .
This headline hits the main point. But it doesn’t tell the complete story.
For those who can’t place the name: “Khamenei” above refers to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – Iran’s Supreme Leader. In Iran, his opinion matters far more than that of the Iranian president.
So, to recap: the leader of Iran has just once again called called for America’s “death”. But irrespective of that fact, the current DC clown krewe Administration is still trying to give away the farm in a nuclear agreement with Iran – even though Iran considers us an enemy.
Brilliant. Just freaking brilliant.
What’s more, it appears that even Europeans are getting worried that we’re giving away too much to get a deal. Hell, France is pushing for a much harder line on any Iranian deal than our own SECSTATE. Given France’s history and its pro-Arab and pro-Iranian bent over the last 2 decades or so, when your country is taking a more supine position than the French . . . something is seriously wrong.
I really didn’t think it was possible for a US Administration to screw things up “by the numbers” in foreign policy worse than Carter’s gang of clowns and amateurs did back in the late 1970s. But I have to admit I was wrong.
In foreign policy, this current Administration is clueless. Simply clueless.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Foreign Policy, Government Incompetence
Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry are trying to make a deal. That is good. They are trying to make a deal with someone who has said over and over that they want to kill America. To me, that tells me that Iran is not honestly negotiating with Mr. Kerry. The subject of the negotiations – nuclear weapons – are something that the Iranian government has said numerous times that they have a right to have. Iran has an active and effective ICBM program. Iran has also said, on numerous occasions, that they want to destroy Israel. Israel has nuclear weapons. I am a fan of Israel but regardless of what you may think, Israel will not go down without a fight and regardless of Mr. Obama’s childish whining about Mr. Netanyahu, the US has treaties with Israel. If Iran strikes Israel with a nuclear weapon, even if it is their last national act, Israel will drop nuclear weapons all over Iran and if Iran strikes Israel first, the US is bound to support Israel. Allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons does not enhance Middle East stability. The timing is interesting. It is two years to the 2016 election. Unless the Republicans do something titanically stoopid, they will take the White House. Based on previous patterns, they will keep it for two terms then it will switch back to the Democrats. The publicly available information about the “deal” is that Iran will not develop weapons for 10 years. That corresponds to the election of the next Democratic president. Obviously it is all speculation but, Eisenhower (r) was elected in 52 and served two terms until ’60, Kennedy & Johnson (d) served two terms until ’68, Nixon & Ford (r) served for two terms until ’76, Carter (d) served one term (he was an idiot), Reagan (r) served for two terms until ’88, Mr. Bush Sr. (r) served for one term and lost because of “read my lips”), Clinton (d) served for two terms until ’00, GW Bush (r) served for two terms until ’08, Obama (d) served for two terms until… Read more »
Richard…Thank you and well said. “The publicly available information about the “deal” is that Iran will not develop weapons for 10 years.” Iran will of course underscore that deal with a smile and a hearty photo op, handshake to Kerry. Along with the personal head of state gift, of a bottle of authentic Iranian sand in a gift box. Kerry will come home waving to the crowds and his loving media lackeys, like Neville Chamberlain, as the savior of the mid east and toss his hat in the DNC ring for 2016. His real chances of sitting in the Oval office big chair, 0.0. But the Iranians can hope he would win.
Richard, Thanks for the good infro.. I will point out that the Koran allows them to make and break treaties when furthers the Faith. The Muslims can also lie to unbelievers without sin to Allah. Meaning whatever Kerry and the Won get on paper is not SHIT. Joe
Joe Williams…thank you for your post. It should be, I don’t know, maybe a three way tie of liars. Between Obama, Kerry and Khamenei. I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Khamenei, “No shits yous guys, here we are, a humble peoples, trying to make clean nuclear power only, no bombs, no bombs, no bombs. You gots us all wrong guys.” Kerry, “Really! I didn’t know that but you know, problem is, we have these Israeli loving, tea party type folks who were all worried you fellas were over here trying to make bombs to, I apologize for even saying this but, to destroy Israel and you’ll really get a laugh out of this one, some even think, a bomb for America! Whew! I feel better and I know my boss Obama is gonna love it also. It means a great deal to us that you fellas are being so open, transparent and forthcoming. Just like us in the Obama camp. Means the world to us! I don’t know about you but I feel better already. I don’t think we even need to sign anything. You folks have been so “come clean” with me I say, to hell with papers! We’re good to go! What do you guys say?” Khamenei, “Mr. Kerry, I think we are, how do you say in America, singing from same papers of music…yes!?” Kerry, “Righteyo we are! I’m on Air Force One in an hour to take back the great news to all America that you folks in Iran are our friends and allies. And just between me, you and that camel…screw Israel. Eh! Right, am I right!” Laughs all around and then the Iranians, in their after meeting debrief say, “Okay brothers, we’ve got till Obama and his homosexual administration leave to get a working warhead on our missiles. We can do? Yes? Yes?” A resounding chorus of Allahu Akbar is heard. Meanwhile, Israel having already bugged the meeting via the camel’s ass, will be starting their highest level of tactical nuclear warhead, preparation and readiness and putting pilots and crews on… Read more »
Iran has one government, it’s the one headed by the Ayatollah. The other one is for show, and to keep those who don’t wish “Death to America” quiet. The bad part of this is that sKerry and Øbola actually believe that they’ll negotiate a deal that the Ayatollah and the Mullahs will honor.
But, as Sparks said, we will have the video of sKerry stepping off the plane, waving that “treaty” in the air and promising “peace in our time”.
Little good that will do when the mushroom clouds rise over Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Too bad it wouldn’t be over Washington District of Criminals, Lost Angels, Sham Franshitgo, and Shitcago first.
B Woodman – how did you get ahold of my TOT list? I’ve gotta check on my OPSEC.
I wonder how much of a killing I could make in the market by starting a company to make white flags, and selling them to Teh Goobermint at Mordor-on-the-Potomac. With (un)appropriate markup, of course.
Tell them that the surrender flags are made of recycled Pampers and Depends and the recycling process will provide electricity at zero cost to the poooor peeple’s and you could no doubt get a couple hundred million from Ozero in their green energy program…
The Clintons ensured that the Norks developed a deliverable nuke.
The Obamas are ensuring that the Iranians develop a deliverable nuke.
Anyone see a pattern here?
I’ll go ya one better, Grimmy.
Who stood by and ignored it while the USSR stole Manhattan project info via espionage, then developed nuclear weapons?
That’s because those guys thought no one nation should own that technology…
Iran getting the nuke will happen, it’s inevitable. Once a nation starts down that path they can’t stop on their own and they have no reason to stop.
If the Pakistanis can have them, Iran can see no reason why they shouldn’t either.
A few of the scientists involved indeed felt that way. However, that was not the official policy of the US govt. The information was released to the UK because they were involved in developing it. It was not released to other nations, and after passage of one of the early laws concerning nuclear energy could not in fact be legally released even to the UK.
The FDR and Truman administrations willfully played ostrich. They didn’t want to believe the Soviets would rob us blind – so they didn’t bother to check until the fact of same was undeniable. By that point, it was to late to prevent squat.