Clarity about San Joaquin Delta College in the news
Apparently there’s been some confusion since San Joaquin Delta College has been in the news twice this week, once for their police officers arresting a veteran, Kristopher Vieira, for confronting phony Joseph Michael Scott, and again for their student Nicholas Teausant who was arrested for being a terrorist supporter at the Canadian border. It seems that Teausant was interviewed for the Joseph Scott thing by the local news and here is the video;
Scott and Teausant are similar in that neither have been trained by the National Guard. As near as I can figure from his records, Scott signed up for the Guard, but for some reason never went to basic training, neither did Teausant. Even though Teausant, the terrorist, is in AKO, they list his unit as the local recruiting station. Scott would have records at the NPRC if he had gone to basic training.
I hope that clarifies stuff. Yeah Teausant was a dipshit for claiming to somehow be better than Scott when they are basically the same type of shitbag. It’s pretty amazing that he was involved in the first incident and then arrested days later for absconding to Canada to join al Qaeda. It must be a tiny community at San Joachin.
By the way, ghp is working on a Joe Scott poster for the folks to plaster across the campus and make Scott famous and, perhaps, put an end to his buffoonery.
Category: Shitbags
Nicholas Teausant; what a shitbag. Am I allowed to call Nicholas Teausant a “shitbag” here? I don’t know for sure if shitbag is a term we’re not allowed to use when describing Nicholas Teausant or not, but shitbag is the term I’d personally use to describe Nicholas Teausant if I were to meet him.
Oh, and nice jacket dude.
What a shitbag.
They must need a hell of a doorman at the V.F.W.s around there with all the fake vets.
Jeebus, this story has it all: fatass poser, wannabee jihadi, wronged combat vets, know-nothing students, Dean Wormer-type idiot faculty, and clueless keystone kops. The only element missing from this story is pretty blonde cheerleaders wearing halter tops…
CH. The article has been updated and is available through this link:
Damn, I’m at work and the linked article has been blocked, so it must be some good shit…will have to check out later at home…
Linky is for ebaumsworld – Check.
Linky is in response to a comment about Blonde Cheerleaders in Halter Tops – Check.
Not gonna even think about clicking it at work? – Double-Check!
That is all.
I forgot my smily. Here you go:
Now that is all.
So the number one thing trending at that link at the moment: Poser called out by real vets. Looks like that assclown is already pretty famous. The poster will just be icing on the cake. 🙂
Thank you.
Pretty blonde cheerleaders are too smart to go to this crap school.
Someone who has commented on Scott in an earlier post is now friended with me, and when I asked him yesterday if he sees Scott, his reply was:
“I dont see him anymore. He fed the cops a bunch of lies about my grandpa so he’s scared to come around now.”
Sounds about right for a poser, eh?
I prefer Douche Nozzle to describe this shitbag
Only one thing missing: San Joaquin Delta College needs to hire Jodi Rives Meier for their faculty.
You win the internet for today.
Jonn wouldn’t give us the ability to provide upvotes to the good comments, so I had to find a way to do so. This is for your post, MrBill. ↑ ↑
Jodi and the phonies could spend whole semesters gaming each other. The posers could pretend to be real .mils, and Jodi could pretend to be a real educator.
Local paper describes Teausant as a ‘guardsman’ and says he was training to be in the Guard – last I heard if you were still in training you were still a f***ing trainee. They reported he was en route to Syria to teach the rebels how to “shoot straight”. Apparently he felt he had invaluable expertise, no doubt from his vast experience at the NG center.
AKO shows Teausant being assigned to RSP Fresno. In the Guard, people enlist against specific vacancies in specific units (a specific paragraph and line) and there is no DEP. In this case, it looks like Teausant enlisted against a vacancy in a CA ARNG maintenance unit. In the old days, Teausant would have gone to the maintenance unit and drilled there doing OJT until he shipped to boot camp. Now the new enlistees go to a Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) where they do kind of a pre-basic training before they ship. If they are doing a split option and won’t be going to AIT immediately after recruit training, they return to the RSP until they complete AIT. After AIT, the soldiers start to drill against the paragraph and line that they enlisted against.
This is one of those legal nuances that most people outside of the National Guard don’t know.
Before I went AD I joing the NG. I was also split option. Before I went to Basic I went to drill. Between Basic and AIT I still had to go to drill. I felt bad for all the OSUT guys as I was getting ready to finish Basic. It wasn’t until the March-April time frame that it hit me “Oh my gosh, I have to go back”. OSUT didn’t seem like a bad option after that.
Bet he ride his little bike around campus without a seat. You know…for that little “bicycle smile”. Wussy
Just as well Teausant was caught before he actually figured out how to do anything besides act stupid. Why does he look like Son of Nosferatu in that photo?
Yes, I think that San Jaoquin Delta College needs to have some embarrassing moments plastered around its campus and should be persuaded – gently, of course – to drop charges against the real vet, as welk as giving him a public apology for the ‘misunderstanding’.
“Son of Nosferatu”? I thought he looked more like a boy cheerleader in that pimped out leather jacket.
I’m thinking more the Borg Queen in Star Trek/TNG. All he needs are some biomechanical appliances.
MEH, he looks like a casting call reject from “Revenge of the Nerds”!
once for their police officers arresting a veteran, Kristopher Vieira, for confronting phony Joseph Michael Scott, and again for their student Nicholas Teausant who was arrested for being a terrorist supporter at the Canadian border.
Nice.. Wonder what else will crawl out of the rocks at this location.. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….
With that punk little beard action going on he tried to tell the reporter he was in the military and the reporter ate that shit up without asking about grooming standards?
Geez, do people think Stripes was a documentary?
One traitorous rat bastard maligning a fake poser rat bastard, when the liars start arguing about who has the right to call themselves what and play dress up, it’s time to get some GP beating orders issued and square these turds away.
Excuse me, VOV, you (as a longer-term resident of this asylum than I) should know the proper term for that “punk little beard action.” We call that a “Ballduster.”
Let General McSoulpatch’s memory never be forgotten!
I wonder if the FBI agents did a spit-take when they saw that Teausant had given a TV interview and got him on the train to Arrestville immediately after.
That kid needs a ham sammich. I heard his new bunk mates like their jail house punks with a little meat on their bones.
Atkron yea the “boys” inside are going to love him long time. What do you think? Is he worth a carton of cigarettes or just a pack? I say half a pack.
What really amazes me is that this reporter just eats up this guy’s claim he is in the military, and does not question it at all. If somebody like that had tried to tell me he was in the military, I would laugh and call him a liar to his face.
That hair and beard, and the reporter actually believes he is in the military. Shows the level of competence of most reporters.
Am I the only one that looks at that first picture and thinks of Andy Dick’s character from In The Army Now?
“The few, the proud, the Waterboys…”