Tuesdays with Claymore
Good Idea Fairy says we need a guaranteed basic income.
Somehow, this is Bush’s fault.
David Gregory interviews Giant Douche
Moral equivocation; US vs. Russia
Most transparent administration evah!!
Paul Ryan is racist for pointing out the obvious.
More from the “we deserve what we get” crowd.
The Cult of Neil deGrasse Tyson
$15 Big Mac’s equal no jobs to protest for higher wages
Republicans want to bring back slavery…true story.
Low information voters are also low turnout voters. Whodathunkit?
…#3, lie about everything and scare the shit out of seniors.
To everything, spin…spin…spin…
Jimmy Carter, the last great progressive president.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
I remember when they were going to boycott Florida oranges because of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. I made another account on my wife’s computer and pointed out that California also has a SYG law and got banned AGAIN within four minutes.
Ah, to mole, or not to mole–that is the question.
Nah, better not. Every time I go there I feel like I need to take a Crying Game-type shower after I’m done.
Nice job, Claymore. The retitles were especially good this week. Crimea River?