Tuesdays with Claymore

| March 18, 2014

Crisis is Big Oil’s fault

Crimea river

It’s lonely at the top

Good Idea Fairy says we need a guaranteed basic income.

Somali Air Pirates

Gun Free America

Somehow, this is Bush’s fault.

Putin bad…pizza good.

David Gregory interviews Giant Douche

Glimmer of hope for DU?

Beer goggles

Cracking the crackhead code

Moral equivocation; US vs. Russia

Most transparent administration evah!!

Go West, Young Comrade!

Paul Ryan is racist for pointing out the obvious.

Vladimir Putin – Republican

More from the “we deserve what we get” crowd.

The Cult of Neil deGrasse Tyson

$15 Big Mac’s equal no jobs to protest for higher wages

No French ships for Putin?

Republicans want to bring back slavery…true story.

Pantsuit Mafia

Low information voters are also low turnout voters. Whodathunkit?

Run Obamacare run!

…#3, lie about everything and scare the shit out of seniors.

The Purple Star of Texas

To everything, spin…spin…spin…

Jimmy Carter, the last great progressive president.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I remember when they were going to boycott Florida oranges because of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. I made another account on my wife’s computer and pointed out that California also has a SYG law and got banned AGAIN within four minutes.


Ah, to mole, or not to mole–that is the question.

Nah, better not. Every time I go there I feel like I need to take a Crying Game-type shower after I’m done.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice job, Claymore. The retitles were especially good this week. Crimea River?