Joseph Matthew Scott; that pretend Ranger at San Joaquin Delta College

| March 17, 2014

Army WTF

Those of you who only check out the blog at work have been emailing all day about Joseph Matthew Scott, the phony Ranger at San Joaquin Delta College who was confronted by two real soldiers in a viral video. Yeah, we covered him on Friday and found out his real name on Saturday. On Saturday, I mentioned that he had come to Mary’s attention earlier in the month and that she’d filed for his records already. Well, here they are;

Joseph Mattew Scott

He may be a former member of the National Guard, but at this point, there’s nothing. If he’d deployed with a Guard unit, there’d be a record of that with the National Personnel Records Center, but they have no record of him. He’s not in the Guard currently or he’d show up in AKO but he doesn’t.

Category: Phony soldiers

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This is my shocked face.


Yea, what a surprise. I hope the video goes so viral he drops out of school. However, they apparently love his type there so much, they would probably just offer him a full ride scholarship to stay. IF…he will become their Mascot.


hes not even a student he just walks his gf to class in the uniform


So, the brain trust that are the campus cops could have also told tubby to get off campus and not come back after the first incident, then arrested lard ass for trespassing the second time that he was called out, but opted to go after the veteran instead? Good call.

Just An Old Dog

Jeff Bock, the Spokesman for the campus security was so worried about the “Angry veteran” he didnt even think to look at the fed law that covers the asshattery of Joseph Matthew Scott, who it looks like isnr even a student there and shouldn’t be on campus. Good jon barney fife.


So here’s teh thing — the butthurt vetran on the video repeatedly screamed that the unit patches worn do not indicate any real unit (EOD worn with Ranger, etc). What that means is….wait for it……..IT’S NOT A REAL UNIFORM, and legally cannot be taken as an attempt to counterfeit a real uniform. That’s why in all hollywood movies, you allways see one little thing “off” on the uniform — the “errors” are legal loopholes.

Oh, and if on the off chance that he was ever legally challenged on this in court, he has VIDEOTAPPED evidence of two (butthurt) low class, emotionally incompetent vetrans giving their testemony at the top of their lungs that the uniform is BOGUS……OOOPS.

This fake ranger is probably laughing his ass off at the legal ambush he baited emotionally incontinent “warriors” into! HAHAHAHAHAH


Ben, please be quiet now… you are making yourself look the part of a fool. Many uniforms are very correct in Hollywood…”That’s why in all hollywood movies, you allways see one little thing “off” on the uniform — the “errors” are legal loopholes”. There are no “loopholes”…. it’s allowed, by law. US code 45, Subsection 772, When wearing the uniform by person not on active duty is authorized, Sub para. (f) states, (f) While portraying a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, an actor in a theatrical or motion-picture production may wear the uniform of that armed force if the portrayal does not tend to discredit that armed force.
Whether the uniform is bogus or not, also does not matter. SS 771 Unauthorized wear of the uniform, “Except as otherwise provided by law, no person except a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, may wear— (2) a uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.


In addition to what Steve said, hey Ben do us all a favor and learn how to use correct grammar along with the spelling of ‘veteran’… you civilian.


Ben, Ben, Ben. You are a special kind of stupid aren’t you. As was posted, there are exceptions for certain instances to the uniform law. But a military hating moron like yourself wouldn’t understand that. You think you’re smarter than us poor dumb “vetran”s because you are in junior college? We’re smart enough to know you’re a dumbass and we know how to spell veteran. so GFY, moron.


Well I knew there was something up with him the first time my sister spoke about him 2 years ago…..I never met him and was disowned when I said she was stupid for marrying him. The lie he was confronted on is just the tip of the ice berg. He told me and my mom he was a marine…..I laughed in his face!

M. M. Holdren

I saw their mascot costume at Spencer Gifts. It was a giant condom. Perfect outfit for that dickhead.


Shocked, just shocked that he is an utter fake… Douchebag needs to be wall to walled. Damned Cops there need to check themselves too. Arresting real Vets when the cause of all this is a no good honor thief.
They even missed the radicalized jihadi wannabe on campus too.


I have some new slogans for San Joaquin Community College, let me know what you think:
“Arresting Veterans Since 2014”
“Proud Home of Military Posers and Aspiring Terrorists”
“No Duty, No Honor, No Problem”
“See how in just 3 weeks you can claim to have military training!”


Yeah, that school is seriously going to need to hire some outside help for their PR this week.


It needs to be turned into a garbage dump. That way, it will be a more productive use of the land and be filled with less garbage than it is now.


How about this: ‘We Miss Terrorists a Lot’


“Get your Terrorist Apprentice Certificate here in just 5 weeks!”

Green Thumb



Joseph Matthew Scott wets his bed, ya know…

Mr. The Wolf

He certainly is EOD.

Every Other Day. It was on his meds bottle. (Yeah I stole that)

What I wanna know is who the fucks were defending him. I would have told in no uncertain, doubtful terms they were to stay out of it.

Can you imagine how viral it would be if they ganged up on some service guys outing a poser????

Just An Old Dog

Stopped by their facebook page again, theit lack of regret, along with not a single person supporting the donut-slaying rent a cops actions speaks volumes. They are ignoring it and hoping it goes away.

Frankly Opinionated

I had hit his friends list at FB a couple of days ago, and friended one of the guys. He offered this on the turd:
“Idk the kid very well but he’s been claiming to be in the army for a long time. He was denied by recruiters. every word out of his mouth is a lie. I dont think he knows what truth is.”

Frankly Opinionated

Correction on my comment above. (Too many posers to keep them all separated.)
I did NOT find this guy’s facebook page, but did message the commenter that showed up in the original post.
They’re multiplying, showing up all over the place, like roaches in a cheap apartment.


If anybody in the area is reading this, please drop a note to the nearest TV station. It should make for great interview from the REAL deal vets along with the poser racing to his car and the CC police threatening to arrest the tv reporter too. And of course, the CC prez will be in “meetings”.


This would be more a radio stunt, but, someone should set up shop near the campus and start printing out clearly phony SJDCC diplomas “in honor” of their protection of phonies on campus.
Of course, we may need a LDF to at least post bail when the CC donut inhalers show up.


the guy confronting this fake soldier is named Viera. There is a guy off camera talking too. He was later interviewed by the local television station. His name is Nicholas Teausant, who told the television station he served in the National Guard. He has just been arrested for trying to join a break away Al Qaeda group in Syria and wanted to bomb the LA subway system.

He was charged with a single count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and was due to appear later Monday in U.S. District Court in Seattle.

He tried to join the National Guard in 2012 but did not go through boot camp because he never met the academic requirements

so one of the students complaining about this guys stolen valor, himself pretended to have a service record and has been arrested for trying to be a terrorist

there is a story in the Daily Mail and at KXTV

Mr. Wolf

So is this poser potentially wearing the terrorist-wanna-be’s uniform?


KXTV interviewed Teausant about Scott. He said “Until you’ve gone through basic training and had a drill sergeant yelling at you, doing pushups and losing blood, sweat and tears, and you’re missing your girlfriend and family, you have no business wearing that uniform,” said Delta student Nicholas Teausant, who serves in the National Guard.

They never checked him out.

Then, in The Daily Mail

A California man who spoke of wanting to bomb the Los Angeles subway system was arrested near the Canadian border in Washington state and charged with attempting to travel to Syria to fight alongside Islamic extremists, federal prosecutors said Monday.

Nicholas Teausant, 20, of Acampo, Calif., an unincorporated area near Lodi, was taken off a northbound Amtrak bus overnight just short of the border.

A criminal complaint filed in federal court in Sacramento described him as a student at San Joaquin Delta Community College in Stockton and a member of the National Guard who is being discharged for failing to meet basic academic requirements.

Same guy. The Daily Mail story says he is a guardsman, but in a captioned photo, they write he never made it through basic because of academic problems

The Rigger

How dare you misspell my name. It’s Vieira, and i have nothing to do with this D-bag. He went to my school that is all i know. Also i’m the white guy in the video NOT the Ranger


Yo, Vieira — take a chill-pill, Rigger! I’m certain “thunderb” did not misspell your name on purpose.

You’re on OUR side and we’re on YOUR side. We know you have nothing to do with the dirt bag.

And a hearty THANK YOU for busting that fake ranger — I truly appreciate what you did. And I’m sorry to hear that the PD arrested the citizen and not the criminal!

By the way, thank you for your service to our country and to our Airborne troops! As a Rigger, the reserve you packed may have saved a life. A classmate’s main chute malfunctioned and his reserve saved his life.

Ranger Class 14-80


Thanks for the explanation. I had a sinus headache and wasn’t connecting the dots!


holy shite!

Just An Old Dog

I looked through the interview, No one looking like Tuessant was there. He was mentioned in the news release or interviewed, The Vet with Viera was Hispanic with dark hair, quite a biy bigger than Touusant and he had a Ranger tat. Think you are mixed up.


Correct, I am not sure why he mentioned that kid.


No. Viera is the chubby Hispanic looking guy with the tat on camera confronting him

Teausant is off camera, perhaps holding it, and was interviewed by KXTV in another interview talking about the incident with Scott

And then he was arrested for terrorism


Okay. Viera is the not the one sporting the tatt. Viera is the one stating the reg about the ID. I’ve exchanged messages with him multiple times over the weekend. He is a former Rigger, not Ranger. He was the one arrested/cited the next day for confronting the phony again. Teausant was not in the initial video. He was interviewd by local news crew when they came to do a story about the altercations with the phony. The guy with the tatts name has not really been released that I have seen. I spoke to Kris Viera this morning. All he has said is that the name that has been circulated as the name of the former Ranger is not his real name. Are we clear as mud now?

The Rigger

WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! Vieira is the White guy in the video with hair. The Ranger is another person, completely different.

Just An Old Dog

I stand corrected, touuant wasnt on the video but he was interviewed.


Viera, the guy on camera, sounds legit. I do not know..

but Teausant never even went to basic, and is complaining about the rigors of basic in the interview to KXTV.

Stolen Valor on Stolen Valor


News10 interviewed Nicholas Teausant on March 14 at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton regarding a controversy involving a man wearing military clothing on campus. This is raw video of the interview

I can’t figure out how to link it


perhaps he was trying to join the guard to go jihadi


Here’s the comment from Viera posted on the Friday post:

Worth reading, he provides some additional details on the CC’s police farce.


I sent a reply to rigger asking if he knew Nicholas Teausant. Weird

The Rigger

No I do not. If I knew he was like this he would’ve been reported as well.


OK I get it. Viera is the thinner guy with the beard citing the regs. He got arrested. Marcus Caden is the heavier guy with the tats that is more vocal in the video. Teausant was interviewed by KXTV on March 14 about the incident and claimed to be one of the vets who confronted Scott and claimed to be in the Guard. He is the one who has been arrested for terrorism.


Good job, as usual.

I firmly believe that ANYONE who served honorably in ANY capacity deserves to be honored for that service.

So thank you all, from a VERY proud vet.


Has anyone talked with the reporter who interviewed Viera? The reporter states that it isn’t against the law to wear a military uniform like that asshat was. Now folks, correct me (gently please! I’m fragile) if I’m wrong. But I cold swear that it’s against federal law to fraudulently wear a US military uniform even if there is no intent to deceive.

The Rigger

code 10 USC § 771 – Unauthorized wearing prohibited
You are correct but apparently this law is mistaken for Stolen Valor which it is not.

Old Trooper

Yeah, that’s the part that a lot of people don’t understand. They figure that they can play dress up and we’re the ones with the problem, when we tell them to take that shit off.


So just to bring everyone up to speed. Kristopher Vieira, former Army rigger, and an yet-to-be 100% positively ID’d soldier confronted this turd Joseph Scott on the video. On that day Roscoe P. Coltrain and his dimwit patrol advised Vieira & Co. to drop it. The next day the fat turd was seen on campus at a bus stop wearing the same uniform, when Vieira saw him again. He called him out, again. BECAUSE JOSEPH SCOTT WAS BREAKING THE FEDERAL LAW. And not the Stolen Valor act as Roscoe alleges. So Roscoe and his crew were called back out. They ALLEGE…let me repeat..ALLEGE that Vieira threatened the turd. And arrested/cited him for an assortment of charges. So now apparently here is where it stands. The school is telling Vieira to back off. They are holding FELONY charges over his head. FELONIES! Which not only will get him kicked out of this school, but make him ineligible for finiancial aid from any other school he chooses to attend. Brothers & Sisters of TAH, Kristopher Vieira needs relief from the front lines in this battle. We cannot let this kid be railroaded for doing the right thing! The campus police have proven on camera that are completely unfamiliar with the laws involved. I don’t know what their agenda is, but they are obviously going after the wrong person.

A Proud Infidel

I hope this keeps going viral, and that both the “college” and the chickenshit jelly doughnut-guzzling excuses for cops that arrested and charged him get an even bigger tsunami of shitty PR than what the college has!! What’s next? Will the chickenshits that run that Skool demand that the real Vets apologize to the poser?




That is EXACTLY what they are demanding of him. But Jonn is helping him craft the letter. The adminstration wanted a public apology….I think they may regret asking for it.

A Proud Infidel®

I hope word of that gets out, that skool’z administrators need to keep taking tsunamis of flak for their chickenshit stunts!

Army Sergeant

Do we have info on which DA’s office is considering pressing felony charges?


Unbelievable. Is there a legal defense fund for Viera?
He’s basically being charged for contempt of Stupid Administrators.

Blue Star

When Acts conflict with Amendments gray areas are created. He can really only be charged with Stolen Valor if he commits a crime while wearing the uniform. When you commit a crime, you are forfeiting certain rights and are no longer protected by some amendments.


According to reports he never even made it to Basic because he failed to meet the education requirements for enlistment. So, please let’s not call him a soldier.


Lemme see if I got this right. The wannabe terrorist didn’t meet the educational requirements to get in the Army, yet this college admitted him. Something is way off here or this college will admit anyone with a pulse.


How does someone attend “college” and not meet the educational requirements to enlist?


Bobo–it’s Califunny. The requirements to get into a community college there are basically have 1–money, 2–a pulse, and #2 can be waived.


When I worked in recruting and the only folks being let in were High School grads, a GED alone would not get you in. You also had to have so many hours at a Community College in order to be considered for enlistment.
It is possible to get into a Community College with a GED and even without havuing taken the SAT’s.
I have no idea what the situation is for certain there, as there has been a lot said about a lot of people and I am thinking most of it is muddled and confused.
So I am going to stop and only post what I know for certain about the fucksticks in question. In other words my original post could be completely wrong… and there is no way to Edit it in order to clarify it.


IIRC, IF you don’t have a HS diploma or GED, 15 semester hours of college from an ACCREDITED school or 675 hours of vo-tech will put you in the same category, but again, IIRC, for both the GED and “8” category, you still require over a 50 on the ASVAB.

Needless to say, I really don’t see this clown cutting that.


I’m going to guess that, between this and the little boy terrorist wanna be, that coveted Victory Media Military Friendly School distinction will be gone at the end of this cycle.


Here’s his Facebook (didn’t check to see if this was already posted):

Have at ’em, boys.


Oh, and best part? The vet that called him out was detained/arrested:


Okay … I need the “S” in the SALUTE report from either Rigger or the Real Ranger … or some indigenous local who has visually seen the Pretend Ranger.

S: Size — height / weight; eye/hair color
A: Activity — Douching ATTEMPTING to look cool
L: Location — Chilling around the student union
U: Uniform — ACUs with unauthorized rank/awards
T: Time — Between classes when chicks are around
E: Equipment — Simple tool

I need this for some “hearts & minds” civil affairs propaganda … errr … educational materials.


Just An Old Dog

Joseph Matthew Scott, the junior dunkin donut Ranger has pulled hif facebook down and crept off
likr thr rat he is.


I got some of the photos off of it before it went down incase anyone needs them.


Big, bad EOD Ranger pulled his FB profile down like the true POG he is. I hope he’s rocking himself in a corner squirting last night’s dinner into his pants.


Ha! San Joaquin Delta College blocked me from commenting on their Facebook page. What’s that sound? <<>>

Oh, that’s the sound of chickensh*t hippies while they train their terrorists.


I know that it may be a felony for the accused to wear the uniform. However, sad to say but it is not the police who’s job it is to make sure a federal law is followed. Just like people in Colorado are not being punished by the local pd for smoking and growing pot.


Who said it was their job? There were also people defending the guy in the video who was uneducated. Problem is Police was uneducated in knowing how offensive it is to imitate a person in uniform even though there is a law in place for people impersonating police officers.


Except it is the job of the police to enforce state laws. California does have its own Stolen Valor act as well.
Also, it is not the police’s job to override the 1st Amendment, or help an embarrassed administration try to cover up their bullshit by threatening a young veteran with a felony prosecution.


I think it was on a Memorial Day, a local police officer called me over and asked if veterans really had it that bad. I said I have no problems and I asked him why he was asking. The officer told me he was going to arrest some citizens for being drunk in public and disturbing the peace, but he let them off with a warning. The officer told me the citizens cried about all of the trouble they had re-adjusting after Viet Nam and they needed to blow off steam now and again.
I asked the officer if he was younger than me, he said he was. I asked the officer if the citizens were younger than him, he said they were. I told the cop since I was born in ’57, I was too young to have been in Viet Nam. The cop got angry because he had been fooled by wanna-be’s.
I would say to all Police officers and the like, if you don’t understand the anger towards wanna-be’s just ask or stand there looking foolish.


So here’s the thing — the butthurt vetran on the video repeatedly screamed that the unit patches worn do not indicate any real unit (EOD worn with Ranger, etc). What that means is….wait for it……..IT’S NOT A REAL UNIFORM, and legally cannot be taken as an attempt to counterfeit a real uniform. That’s why in all hollywood movies, you allways see one little thing “off” on the uniform — the “errors” are legal loopholes.

Oh, and if on the off chance that he was ever legally challenged on this in court, he has VIDEOTAPPED evidence of two (butthurt) low class, emotionally incontinent vetrans giving their testemony at the top of their lungs that the uniform is BOGUS……OOOPS.

This fake ranger is probably laughing his ass off at the legal ambush he baited emotionally incontinent “warriors” into! HAHAHAHAHAH

Old Grouch

Well, no.

You are quoting an often repeated myth that any small error in a fake uniform makes it real. That is simply not true, there is no law that says that. A faker in a fake uniform is a faker in a fake uniform and errors in the uniform don’t change that, they just display their stupidity. If you are going to claim there is please cite the law.

Is this you Joseph? The piss poor grammar and numerous spelling errors would seem to indicate someone of the mental capacity of this idiot. If not, it shows the type of person that would defend this scumbag..

IP Check on aisle 4 please……..

Old Grouch

Uggh, I should never have typed a response to this moron before my coffee.

Anyway, what I was getting to is the claim that having an error in a uniform makes it ok to wear is pure bullshit… and “ben” is either our faker or his buddy.


ben opines (incorrectly) …the unit patches worn do not indicate any real unit …

No. The charlatan wore a 101st Airborne Division (Screaming Eagle) indicating he was in the 101st. The Ranger Tab implies he was a graduate of the US Army RANGER School.

I was in the 101st Airborne Division (A/2/503 back when it was Air Assault). I wore that same patch and Ranger Tab. EOD did not have a shoulder identifier when I was in.

So, your premise is entirely incorrect. The fraud WAS indicating he was assigned to a REAL US Army unit.

What was BOGUS about the fraudster were the qualification patches and unit patch — since the young boy could not possibly have been a Master Sergeant (the rank he was wearing). IF>/b> the fraudster wore the rank of Specialist, Corporal …. maybe even buck Sergeant rank, the two veterans would probably not have jumped him as they rightfully did.

Joseph Matthew Smith apologized for his actions during a televised news segment; therefore, this episode is closed. Unless he repeats his error.



He didn’t apologize for wearing the uniform, he apologized for making people upset. Then had the audacity to say those veterans that were confronting him weren’t REAL veterans or soldiers because they hurt his feelings.

This was no apology this was a half assed regret at being caught.

Pinto Nag

So here’s the thing, ben — the veteran who confronted the poser has seen men he cared about die in the uniform the poser was parading around in. “Butthurt”? No sir. Cut all the way to the heart and bone is more like it. The poser is lucky he ran into a combat vet that DID have emotional control, because otherwise he could have ended up in the hospital.

Your laughing at the combat vet’s reaction to the poser, as well as your focus on what you term as “legalities,” tells me that you know absolutely nothing about what actually happened in that confrontation. You have no life experience, particularly of the painful kind, and no ability to sympathize, empathize, or understand. The pain will come with time; it might give you some insight into both sympathy and empathy, but unitl then, you’re nothing but a shallow fool.


Hey Ben, go fuck yourself you ignorant twat waffle.
Only thing worse than a poser is a scumbag anti military fuck like you.


Damn! Wish there was a preview button.

Correction to the above:

IF>/b> the fraudster wore the rank of Specialist, Corporal …. maybe even buck Sergeant rank, the two veterans would probably not have jumped him as they rightfully did.

Joseph Matthew Scott apologized for his actions during a televised news segment; therefore, this episode is closed. Unless he repeats his error.


Toasty Coastie©™


For those not on Viera’s FB…

He’s getting threats now on his phone…

Time to turn up the heat Troops…


Are y’all sure, absolutely sure of what y’all doin’ or sayin’ in judgement of another. If “selfless service” is part of why you’re doin what you’re doin. If honor, integrity, respect, loyalty & commitment is why y’all doin wat ya doin. Why the fuck are y’all so concerned about what an individual is doing? The same individual y’all raised your right hand during recruitment, and swore to protect and to die for if need be? You call yourselves leaders, who have you led? If anybody around yous had any kind of smarts, you ain’t leadin shit!!! you are just takin a fuckin walk. Now y’all upset ’cause someone who is not you, is popular! Yes he is! otherwise you wouldn’t be talkin’ a mile a minute about him. You fucking dumb asses. I think y’all just want to be acknowledged because y’all insecure about yo selfs. I went soldiering in my early years and I truly believed soldiering at the time meant kill, kill, kill and get killed. But through all that, and to keep your sanity, don’t forget who you’re killin for. Listen to y’all and y’alls petty cries of woe be me. You fuckin punks. And we’re baffled and confused about what the fuck is going wrong with our Beloved Country commonly known as USA !!!!! !


y’all! y’all! y’all!


I would comment on what a fucking moron you are, but you made it way to easy. It would almost be like kicking a puppy.


Is that the phony non-Texan from IVAW again?

Didn’t I tell you, if you weren’t born there, y’all is SO not available to you, you imbecile?


It’s obvious that your semi-literate ass is easily baffled, numnuts. If you think that monkey fuck is popular, then it’s even more proof that you’re a moron. Oh, sorry. I should have said, “Hits mor proof that y’alls a moeron.” There, hope you understood it, shitbird. Now why don’t y’all go off somewhere and fuck y’alls self, y’all.

Just an Old Dog

No where in our enlistment oath does it say that we swear to defend people being lying sacks of shit. We defend the Constitution. The last time I looked the Constitution wasn’t a tubby braindead fuck playing phony soldier.
Eat shit and die.

Kinda old ET1

” If honor, integrity, respect, loyalty & commitment is why y’all doin wat ya doin. Why the fuck are y’all so concerned about what an individual is doing?”

Did the individual who this post is about display any of those characteristics?


We are simply protecting the honor and integrity of service and the uniform that goes with it.

You don’t like how we go about it? That nice.

Now kindly fuck off.