Quinn McCarthy phony war vet in Tucson PD makes local news

| March 7, 2014

quinn mccarthy

We first wrote last month about Quinn McCarthy, former Tucson cop, who embellished his perfectly honorable career among his brother officers. After I wrote our post, I called around to local journalists who were unaware of the story. KGUN9 took up the banner yesterday, I guess;

[Chief Roberto Villasenor] says TPD works to attract veterans, who do not appreciate when a vet inflates his record.

The Chief says, “Because we pride ourselves so much in our connection with military vets, it also hurt a lot of people and angered a lot of people when they found out about it.”

When Internal Affairs confronted McCarthy, he denied claiming he’d earned Bronze Stars, and denied many of the claims against him, but did say he let fellow police think he’d been in combat to enhance his influence with groups like the SWAT team.

“No I did not serve in Iraq, he said, Have I said I served in Iraq? I’ve let it, I’ve let people believe that I have, yes.”

There’s video report at the link. And, even though they didn’t mention us, you’re welcome for the tip, KGUN.

Category: Phony soldiers

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So he lied, he got caught and then he was able to *sneak* away before he was fired.
BULLSHIT. He should be retroactively fired and then have his pension taken away.

Combat Historian

“…When Internal Affairs confronted McCarthy, he denied claiming he’d earned Bronze Stars, and denied many of the claims against him, but did say he let fellow police think he’d been in combat to enhance his influence with groups like the SWAT team…”

Is it worth having your honorable military/police careers destroyed just so that “you can enhance your influence with groups like the SWAT team”? Too bad you didn’t think long and hard about that before your pulled your poser bullshit…

A Proud Infidel™

To me, it all looks like a self-inflicted career wound!


Well put Proud, well put.


Maybe KGUN is like all butthurt from when Sheriff Numbnutz and his highly skilled rookies on the Puma SWAT team fucked up and shot Jose Guerena or something?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

An interesting aspect of that story is the lies told by police to obtain the search warrant in the first place…the sheriff claims none of the officers were involved in any wrongdoing relating to the shooting…

Apparently lying about a person having 5 felony arrests when they actually have zero felony arrests in order to obtain a warrant to search a home where no drugs were found is an acceptable practice in that neck of the woods…

His brothers were scumbags so I guess guilt by association was the base line for search criteria.

Green Thumb

I wonder if they will audit his arrest record?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well if I had any clients arrested by this liar I certainly would like another go at him to get my client out of jail….

Here in Massachusetts we are experiencing a nice review of about 42,000 drug cases because of the ineptitude of managers and outright criminality of a worker at the drug lab used by the state (not the state police lab) to verify substances as actual drugs to gain convictions….

Several hundred have already been released…


Yep, VoV…havent heard much since that chick was indicted of that lab chick who is often seen on camera smirking as if she did nothing wrong.

For a while, springfield media was covering this every day till that lesbian murder trial showed up.


As for this McCarthy assclown, fuck him and the horse he rode in on. It’ll really suck for him when Tucson ends up auditing (and they will) all of his arrests and traffic citations.


And this from the article:

“His attorney Mike Storie will not speak about specific claims but says the investigation proved minor infractions at worst.”


“Minor infractions”? No such thing in a case like this.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, UpNorth, it’s actually amazing that a lawyer would allow that bald-faced lies are infractions at all. So, there’s that. Howver, a lying police officer is worth ZERO to his department. What is he going to say, “Yes, I lied to my fellow officers, but I would never lie on the witness stand regarding a defendant I arrested.”

Paul L.

Mike Storie has already been shown to be a liar.

One should note that last time he claimed that his client did no wrongdoing resulted in the settlement of $3.4 million for the Jose Guerena shooting.


I wonder of this asshat ever lied on the stand about his awards and combat service.

2/17 Air Cav

If so, the attorney who lost the case will raise the matter. Once perjury is established, an officer beconmes a former officer quicker than greased lightning. Still, even w/o perjury, if a testifier has a reputation for lying–and an able attorney goes there in a future case–he may as well have perjured himself. It will be all over for him.


Raised to no avail: Harmless error. (This, however, is why prosecutors oughtn’t add too much frosting introducing LE and forensic techs: jurors don’t much care about an MS/PhD in an irrelevant field; they do pay attention, however, when said degree came from a diploma mill.)


This one hits close to home. I know him personally but have not seen him since ’94.
He was my Plt Sgt. This would have been the last person I expected to pull this crap. One clarification, I do know for a fact that in the first gulf war, he was active reserves for 8/40 armor and lived on post in huachuca for a bit then moved to Tucson and worked @29th st reserve center. (Dont remember either being overrun by anyone then save illegals)
Cant understand why he would embellesh and possibly confuse his LT. Brother’s experiences who was in the sandbox, with any of his own yarns.

Prior to 94 he was one of the most highspeed soldiers I knew and had a hand in turning around a ragtag platoon of reservists and into motivated tankers that were able to pass tank table VIII on first run.
We had pride and a higher sense of unit cohesion than any other platoon.

Again. Not trying to make excuses because there are none.
Just will never understand what drives perfectly good honorable people to this.

Sitting in my car on lunch going over this in my head I dont know whether to cry or punch something.



My sympathies, it hurts when the people we admire fall.


I was in the 8/40 from 1985 to about 1989, when did Quin start with the unit, and which line company did he belong to? I don’t remember him.


FOIA reply in previous article appears to say he was RA from Jul 1984 to Apr 1988, Jacobite. He’d almost certainly have to have joined 8/40th no earlier than late Apr/early May of 1988.


He was with Alpha from at least around 87/88 until I left in late 93,(and went active reserve starting around 91) not sure how much longer after that he was there. He was TC on Alpha 34 and was the NCO that ran that computer simulator trailer next to the motor pool we got right before I left.


Not too strange that I never crossed paths with him I guess. I was in HQ Co assigned to the HQ Co Commander’s M60A3, but spent the majority of my time with the Battalion S4 driving their assigned M577.


Why is my TPOA union attorney! the one that was unavailable when 3 of ours were forced to shoot and kill a guy, representing this lying commander scumbag anyway? This is NOT why I pay union dues! FOP here I come…


Why is my TPOA union attorney! the one that was unavailable when 3 of ours were forced to shoot and kill a guy, representing this lying commander scumbag anyway? This is NOT why I pay union dues! FOP here I come…

Servare Vitas

Wow, the KGUN 9 story fills in some blanks for sure here at TPD. What a complete fraud. …and for the record he was not as smart as the chief said. He was good at reading and regurgitating stuff, but his inexperience was obvious. Very insecure. It all makes sense now. What a fake. Shame on him for disrespecting our true combat vets and for misleading us. Also interesting was how the chief seemed to defend his abilities and even made him chief of staff. When he was our commander he bad mouthed the chief all the time. “He doesn’t know #%^* about leadership! he is wrong! that is bad decision” etc. good for the bosses that called him out before he got someone hurt or killed. Everything with this guy was, “in combat we…, in Baghdad we…, when I kicked doors in Iraq,…, when I was shot with an AK… What a disgrace! Shame on TPOA and their lawyer for defending this fraud.


“Shot with an AK???”.. Did he ever claim a Purple Heart?

Career Cop

This guy McCarthy was a master BS artist. All shiny on the outside but hollow. Typical politician type- yap, yap, yap, I’m the greatest, I’m the smartest, blah, blah, blah. Known him for decades. No real experience. I give him credit for experience in DUIs, but even there he was investigated for bad P.C. Long history of poor ethical decisions. Can’t keep his you know what in his pants, disciplined for having his mistress and get this, an ILLEGAL ALIEN in his patrol car on an unauthorized ride-a-long when he as a sergeant. This guy lied and BSed about tins of stuff, not just military service. Adios. Better off without this fake clown…..


Yup, his mistress was an officer. Tanya Rivera. Ironically, she got fired for misconduct too. This guy was a mess. Can’t pay his bills, house foreclosed, sued by homeowners association, TPD check garnished. It’s all public record and avail on the Pima County Superior Court web site-public records search. Even lies about this. Currently being sued…

Minus 1

From the Quinn McCarthy book of lies:

Was hit with nerve gas in Iraq. Still suffer stomach issues from that -Lie
Shot twice in shoulder with AK47. That’s why I have this shoulder tic. – No, it’s because you are a sociopathic liar.
We told “Achmed” to wrap his shoulder fired missiles in plastic to help it pierce armor, but it really messed up its navigation. We sat on our tanks and watched them do it and then kill themselves. – Really? Another lie. Where do you come up with this shit?
I have the longest tank shot in US history. – Again, BS
I led the battle of Fallujah. – Not
I have a Bronze Star(s) – Uh, no….
I kicked doors in Iraq. – Again, not so much…
Hey, come look at this YouTube video of tank battles. That’s me. That’s my tank, watch me kill these guys, that’s me again. That’s my buddy Jimmie, here we blow up a village. – nope. Not there. Maybe he was confused. Training in a non-combat environment in Korea or CONUS is similar. Anyone could be confused, right? Geez…..

Proud TPD Vet

I found it interesting that McCarthy would state in his own leadership book; “The key thing that is pertinent to all leadership styles is leader credibility and ability” (p.45). Well, if your ability has been fabricated around your military career which has turned out to be one big lie then what does that say about your credibility? I feel like after all of this, I am a character in the movie the Great and Powerful Oz. Who is really behind the curtain?


This fuck stick wrote a book about leadership? Wait, wait! THIS muthafucka wrote a book about leadership?? I wanna see that wounded shoulder of his, too. Ain’t no f’ng way…Does he drool while drinking liquids too? lmao!

Green Thumb

I wonder if I bought his book and sent it to him, if he would sign it?


The linked article says he is eligible for a government pension of $61,000 – I know lots of good people who have never made that much in their lives. Sure hope (and suspect it will never happen) there is an audit of what of his retirement is attributable to his fraudulent claims.


What a weasel and a phony phuck.