Mike Storie Should STFU For The Sake of His Clients

| May 22, 2011

So Mike Storie, the idiot attorney that is representing the SWAT team that killed Cpl. Guerena, is now pushing this story that Guerena was “linked” to a home invasion outfit.  His evidence to support this theory is that body armor, a “partial” police uniform (which could simply be a left over khaki shirt from his Marine Corps days), and get this, a PICTURE of a dead drug dealer, were supposedly found in the room. I say “supposedly” because this contradicts earlier statements by the Pima County Sheriff’s Office that this raid was related to drug charges and that none of these items were found in any of the houses that were searched. However, based on Pima County’s history with changing their story and not getting the facts right, it is possible that these items were find in the home, along with the body of Jimmy Hoffa and the Holy Grail. Anything is possible.

What I find odd though is that even though Storie keeps repeating that body armor and other “dangerous” items were found, he has also admitted more than once that these items were not illegal and if the SWAT team would have made a proper entry into the home that Guerena probably wouldn’t have been arrested. Additionally, this version of events inevitably leads to a question we have asking here at TAH for the last couple of weeks: Why do the raid in the first place? Assuming Guerena had all this stuff at his house and Guerena was Tucson’s Pablo Escobar, wouldn’t it have been better to pick him up at work, where he likely lacked weapons and body armor? Or maybe a preplanned traffic stop near the mine and out of residential areas? Additionally, by admitting none of this is illegal, it shows that by saying all this stuff was found, all Storie is trying to do is smear Guerena and his family.

Then there is the issue of the surveillance car that was supposedly during pre-raid reconnaissance on the house. Storie claims  that they were forced to abort after someone ran the license plate and he claimed someone in the neighborhood was doing “counter-surveillance” on law enforcement. Well according to the AZ Daily Star:

Under the Federal Privacy Act, the MVD in Arizona cannot release information on a license plate to anyone other than to law enforcement.

So that part of the story is probably complete bullshit or, even worse for the SWAT team, they were running multiple, uncoordinated surveillance teams on the house. Wow, these guys look stupider every day.

This SWAT team, even though they by all accounts appear incompetent, unprofessional, and totally unqualified for their jobs, deserves a thorough investigation and a fair trial with a professional and competent legal defense team. Based on his statements up to this point, Mike Storie is neither competent nor professional and if he really wants to help these deputies out, he should shut his mouth and go away.

Category: The Guerena Killing

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“…all Storie is trying to do is smear Guerena and his family.”

That would be my guess, also. He should be ashamed.

Frankly Opinionated

“…a PICTURE of a dead drug dealer, were supposedly found in the room. …” Sooo, how about all the Code Pinkos and other protestor types that have Che images on t-shirts bandanas, and such. With this criteria, aren’t they guilty of being tied in to a Communist/Cuban bunch????

Jonn Lilyea

If Corporal Guerena had evil intentions for that body armor, why wasn’t he wearing it when the cops came through the door?


This is shaping up to be one massive payday for Mrs. Guerena. Question being: does Pima County, or Baja Arizona on the hook for the payout?


As I said in another post here, Mr. Storie is treading very close to the line for slander. Nothing he noted is illegal for a citizen to possess.
As to the Az Daily Star, if you google “license plate lookup”, you’ll get approximately 1,170,000 hits. The first two entries list “an instant and private search for any license plate owner” and, “50 state license plate lookup. Perform a license plate search with complete DMV records.”
Dan, don’t forget that they supposedly found handguns, rifles and shotguns. And, now, the dead Cpl is a member of a “home invasion gang”. The bullshit just gets deeper.

Doc Bailey

You know I don’t remember ever hearing insurgents having 70 rounds in their body. Even being opened up on by a fire team, or squad usually at most they’d have two dozen rounds, and most fall well before that (usually in the single digit range) so it strikes me as odd that this guy gets hit by 70 rounds and was still standing.

the only comparable amount of ammunition used was the North Holywood shootout, and I’m not entirely clear on how many actual hits they had.

Another thing that pretty shady, the previous article posted on here talked about how Rep Giffords got to the Hospital in about 14 mins. The ambulance came and were not allowed to enter the scene for an hour and 14 mins. The rationale was that “they weren’t sure if there was another shooter”. There wasn’t even one shooter! I’m pretty sure he’d have been dead all the same, but that’s still pretty shady.

AW1 Tim

So lemme guess…. they couldn’t tell if there was another shooter because of all the screaming from the guy’s wife and child?

seriously… these assmaggots took 1 hour and 14 minutes to clear the house?

More like they took 2 minutes to murder the good corporal, clear the house, then an hour and 12 minutes to call their lawyers and get their stories straight.

That’s MY personal opinion on it. I hope not a single person on that police department who was involved in this situation ever works in law enforcement again.

Old Trooper

The more they talk, the more this is smelling like week old fish in a hot, humid environment.

Jonn Lilyea

I’d like to point out that I almost predicted what the Pima County SWAT associates found as ‘evidence of a conspiracy. I guessed it was a phone number of a known drug dealer in one of the cellphones. Turns out it was a photo of a known drug dealer…much more innocuous, but almost the same thing.


#7…how long before the family’s lawyers lawyers ask for the cops’ cell phone transcripts.


That was my guess, too, Jonn. A picture of “known drug dealer”? OMG, I wonder if the Pima Co. SD will now try to get an indictment against Cpl Guerena’s wife and child, for, uh, whatever they can come up with?
Aiding and abetting a “known home invasion” suspect? After all, she cooked for the corporal, and let him live in the house. The son probably told his dad he loved him, so that makes him suspect too./s.


That “picture of a known drug dealer” is probably a Scarface movie poster.