Sinclair Pleads – to Some Charges

| March 7, 2014

We’ve featured BG Jeffrey A. Sinclair multiple times here at TAH; past articles are listed at the end of this one.  But it’s been a while.

Well, it looks like the “good general” didn’t exactly have a good day in court recently.  Yesterday, he pleaded guilty to multiple charges against him – including adultery, possession of pornography, attempted fraternization, solicitation of nude photographs from subordinates, and attempting to impede an investigation.

Yeah, I’d say he abused the hell out of his rank and position, and was preying on subordinates.  Bigtime.

For those crimes, he’s facing a possible sentence of full forfeitures, Dismissal (for an officer, that’s the equivalent of a Dishonorable Discharge), and up to 15 years in prison.  In exchange for his guilty pleas, prosecutors apparently agreed to drop two other charges against Sinclair.

Sinclair’s still fighting the most serious other charges against him – including charges of forcible sodomy and having sex in public places.   He’s also accused of using his rank/position to prolong his illicit affair with his primary accuser through threats and coercion.  If convicted on the remaining charges, he faces up to life in prison.

Preying on subordinates and attempting to subvert lawful investigations isn’t exactly the kind of conduct we expect – and demand – of senior leaders, “General”.  I hope they dismiss your unethical, unworthy ass and send you to Leavenworth for at least a few years.

Thanks to TAH reader SJ for the link to the Reuters story above.


Previous TAH Sinclair articles:

Officers and weird sex

A Sinclair Update

Another Sinclair Update

Sinclair’s PR Site

The Latest on Sinclair

The Latest Sinclair Update

Category: Crime, Legal, Shitbags

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Hondo, can you tag this in the SHITBAGS category too?


This POS deserves to die of old age in Leavenworth.. However, given the number of Officers that were allowed to retire after various shenanigans over the years – you’ll understand if I don’t believe for a second they will fully drop the hammer on this SOB.


If they do let him keep anything, it should be on condition that it be set up as an allotment in a family member’s name so that he’s not getting it. If he is any kind of man, he would try to angle for a longer sentence in the pen in exchange for allowing his family to keep some type of benefits.

2/17 Air Cav

If Herman J. Messkit comments in this thread, it will be a trifecta for me. In my humble opinion, the best tags at TAH are Herman J. Messkit, Pygmy Puncher, and clamsgotlegs. Instant smiles every time!


I hope that in the near future “BG” stands for “Bend over General”


Go to jail, go directly to jail. Do not collect 200 dollars. What a despicable son of a bitch. Thought he was bullet proof. Hope he is proved wrong by a nice long prison sentence.


Nah, you can smell a secret handshake deal being made for Jeffrey to surrender all retirement benefits, and no stockade time….quiet dismissal from Army.

2/17 Air Cav

“Sinclair’s defense attorneys say military leaders trying to look tough on sex crimes have pursued the case despite weak evidence and allegations made by a jilted ex-lover with questionable credibility.” Oh bullshit. That kind of talk makes it sound as if this is overkill. He gets no sympathy from this corner—or any other by the sounds of it. Who can accept that with all of his admitted stupid, insane, and criminal behavior that he is being dogged by a jilted lover for spite?


You are absolutely right Air Cav. This guy is a fucking criminal. The shit he did would see an enlisted man put UNDER Leavenworth. He needs to go away for a long time. If the evidence is so fucking weak, why is he starting to crack and plead to it?? Fuck this turd.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Of course Sinclair didn’t have to help those military leaders by becoming a piece of shit sex criminal.

That rat bastard could have just acted with honor and integrity and this would not have come down on him….

Instead of all those classes on what constitutes sexual harassment maybe some classes on the simple importance of NOT SHITTING WHERE YOU EAT might reinforce the idea that no matter what that sexy coworker says when she wants to be with you, that when shit goes bad she’s going to be a problem that doesn’t go away…one that will cost you a career…

I’ve seen many wondrous things in my life but in all honesty I’ve not yet seen any pussy so wonderful it’s worth your career….plenty of women to fuck who don’t work for you, it’s not really that hard to figure out….but so many of these guys think they are smarter than everyone else and “above” everyone else they are surprised when they discover they are not nearly the smartest guys in the room after all…

A Proud Infidel™

That shit puts him at the very top of my “People it’s impossible to feel sorry for list”. Rank has responsibilities, too, and that includes not letting your dick do your thinking for you!!

Green Thumb

That trademark is cool.

I need to figure that one out!

A Proud Infidel™

I found the secret on a facebook page. You press the Alt Key while entering a four digit code, and… 0153 – ™

It’s fun to play with, and you can do neat stuff like


A Proud Infidel®™

Alt + 0169 = ©
Alt + 0153 = ™
Alt + 0174 = ®


“including charges of forcible sodomy and having sex in public places”.

Some poor low ranking General’s aide is still saying, “man my butt hurts like hell and those men’s rooms at the interstate rest stop areas smell awful!” 😀

Sorry I attempted to inject humor into a serious story.


I wonder how many Officers / NCOs he hammered on fratranization?


yeah knowing him, probably zero. I bet he was partying wtih NCOs who respected him so much for it that they kept quiet about his other past transgressions.

This guy is sick and needed help, he must have put on amazing acts for boards.


Let’s be honest here, we know whats going to happen: He is going to make a plea deal with the prosecutors that he pleads guilty to all the charges, they say that this “shaming” of him is a sentence enough and he will then be allowed to retire at his current rank with benefits.


Hondo, remember ret COL. (fmr BG)Janis “Klepto” Karpinski of Abu Graib fame? Bush 43 had her BG rank “vacated”. I thought officers up to 0-8 were normally subject to a grade determination board for unsatisfactory performance & misconduct issues. Not sure if Karpinski ever faced a GDB…well, I guess pissing off the POTUS is never a good idea.


I would truly like to believe this, but really the only coverage of this or people who know that it’s going on are those embedded within the military circles. There is no real coverage of this taking place in the public sphere, and they know this. Because it’s not a scandal wide reaching like Abu Graib it’s going to be a lot easier to sweep under the rug as a done deal


Sorry, but no way in hell does Sinclair get to retire in grade…if at all. I think some backroom deal cutting shenanigans will keep Jeffrey out of the DB, but the retirement option definitely looks bleak.

Dan Hyatt

Pleas of guilty to lesser charges was a tactical decision to keep some of the worst evidence against him out. As a former JAG and military law practitioner for 15 years, I predict that he will see the inside of the cell block at The DB in Ft Leavenworth, (2 years?) and be dismissed. Just sayin’. He does seem a bit predatory from what I’ve read, but his main accuser will have very little credibility when the smoke clears.


Just FYI, there was a piece in the New York Times about this case yesterday.

It was called “How a Military Sexual Assault Case Foundered” and starts off, “The most important sexual assault prosecution in the military came apart on Monday.”

In case anyone’s interested.


Well, what do you know? Defense is going to argue to allow retirement at a reduced rank. I know it’s their job to argue on behalf of their client but somehow it seems complicity in the injustice of the system. Anyone care to bet he gets it or at least keeps his pension?


Knew it was gonna happen. This man is gonna end up with no prison time, hes going to retire at rank and keep his pay.