Quinn McCarthy; embellishing Tucson cop terminated

| February 7, 2014

quinn mccarthy

This is the story of Quinn McCarthy, who was a Captain in the Tucson Police Department and has served faithfully in that department since May, 1994. Prior to that, he was in the active Army and the Army Reserves, and for some reason, he didn’t feel that he had done enough in the military, so he needed to enhance his career in conversations.

He told his brother officers that he had served in Desert Storm, that he had been shot twice in the chest by an AK47 during the conflict, that he made the longest tank kill with his own tank. He had an expended tank round in his office that he told everyone was the first round that he had fired in the war – and it was the first round of the war. McCarthy told folks that he had a “handful of Bronze Star Medals” – because they were “handing them out like candy” after Desert Storm. There were other stories about how he’d been “gassed by Saddam Hussein” and injuries he had suffered as a result of combat against Iraq.

An internal investigation by the Tucson PD revealed that McCarthy had served on active duty from 1984 – 1988, with a tour of Korea, and in the Reserves until 1997. He was assigned to the 8th Battalion, 40th Armor Reserve unit during Desert Storm, and the unit hadn’t deployed to Desert Storm, so it’s a pretty good guess that he didn’t deploy. So, here’s his FOIA;

Quinn McCarthy FOIA

Folks tell me that the Tucson PD has a good record among the veterans who they hire, and for that reason, the investigator and the chief recommended that they should terminate McCarthy, but before they could, he retired. Who can trust someone like that anyway? Apparently, he used his phony stories to win arguments in regards to police training, so you know his expertise was based on being a staff sergeant in a tank unit, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but how much does what tankers do relate to police duties?

Category: Phony soldiers

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So he retired but with any benefits? If so they should be stripped from him. He should have been *FIRED*.


Why. Just why, do that to yourself. I guess I’ll never get it.


So he claims to be an expert but was shot in the chest even though he was a Tanker. Pretty stupid Tanker then. I think most “experts” would maybe get behind the many inches armor in a tank and not get shot by an AK-47.

Just my observation. I am not “expert” though.

Combat Historian

An honorable police/military career ruined by telling a bunch of lies, and for what? To win arguments over police training? That’s just plain stooopid…

Army Medical

The guy was a SSG. he should have just went with what he accomplished…



Just An Old Dog

Betting it was just the tip of the iceberg. If he got slammed with termination and no retirement it was because he had a buttload of other things going on that couldn’t be proven or he had REALLY used that fake ass resume to get advanced.
It’s refreshing to see a phony get it broken off in his ass.
By the way “only” 2 rounds to the chest?,,, He out did James “Manse” Towery, who only took 1, but he’s way behind William Derek Church, who took 6,,,

Green Thumb

This dude is like Phildo except he is/was a real LEO.


Why can’t they just be proud of what they actualy did? I’m perfectly fine with being a regular grunt with a couple of tours in the sand box and no tabs or v devices. Heck, I’m more proud of my VUA and CIB than my BSM.


Even romance author Georgette Heyer, who wrote Regency period romances, did a thorough job of research if any of her fictional characters had anything to do with late 18th or early 19th century warfare. She knew as much about those things as any historian did. She could probably even have quoted the names on the lists of dead and wounded from Wellington’s encounters with Napoleon.

So if someone like her writes fiction and makes it so believable that it puts the reader right in the thick of it, how come these lazy jerks and slimeballs can’t do a better job of faking it?

These clowns want more than just attention; they want glory. We all know that. They just don’t deserve any of it with this crap they pull.

Old Tanker

Apparently, he used his phony stories to win arguments in regards to police training, so you know his expertise was based on being a staff sergeant in a tank unit, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but how much does what tankers do relate to police duties?

What did I do that relates to police duties? Bet I could PMCS the hell out of a patrol car….just give me the checklist!

@6 Airborne – that’s CDAT to you skeet boy!


TPD has a steller record when it comes to veterans and the like. There is also a news story around the locals about an individual, who was recently terminated by TPD and currently awaiting criminal proceedings, who had sexually assualted a suspect in custody in the back of his patrol car.

Mutual friend of mine went shooting at the range with this guy who claimed to have a SAW and a goverment issued M16A4. He was an interpreter with the USMC, as he spoke fluent Arabic, but as far as owning a SAW or anything like that, I think he s completely off his rocker.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

7.62 round to the chest twice? Was he in a septic tank and not an Abrams?


So it only took police officers 20 years to figure out he was lying?

What a department.

Talk about embarrassing.


Did he mention his skills with a combat assault shovel?

E-6 type, 1 ea

“he made the longest tank kill with his own tank.”

Evidently he was in the British Army, because the longest tank-on-tank kill of the Gulf War (or any war, rather) belongs to a Challenger 1.

What a dipshit.


Shouldn’t be a big hit to him–I’m sure the Pima County SWAT can put him to work.


Wadda dickhead! Nice shot, NH! lmao!


My friends at the PD tell me that now that the truth has been discovered, everyone has a McCarthy story. How McCarthy was able to fool so many people especially his commanders for so long is beyond belief. Some folks I spoke to thought he was going to be the next police chief. I agree with TAH in that he had a fine Army career and so there was no reason to have to lie. It is my hope the TPD can move past this and continue serving their community as they have been trusted to do. There are many veterans (combat and non-combat) working there who have a lot of pride in what they do. I have confidence that they will make note of this and move on. This is not their burden to carry.

Lawrence J. McCarter

Why Lie about Your Army Career and embellish anyway ? He should have just taken pride in what He did and not risk His integrity. We had a guy on our Police Dept that had plenty of stories, He didn’t tell em when I was there, I knew where He was as I was also. There was nothing wrong with what He did do, the fake stories were not needed. He did end up getting fired but not for that.


And now how about Lt Hawke’s non-existent degrees? They are required to be a commander. And Ass. Chief Robinson’s embarrassing outburst at AZPOST offices? What next?


http://sawle.us/TheBoard.html you mean her biochemistry degree?

Rita Reporting

What this man did was not the truth, but who has
done worse? My father served in the 5th army going into Italy, WWW2. He only talked about it when we children took his army bag out and asked for stories. What I DO KNOW is that three men at TPD were up for a promotion. One was very jealous of McCarthy. Jealous man would have been supervised by McCarthy. There is much blackmailing and cover-ups in TPD starting from the chief downward. Internal office wars leave scars also.

ofthe tpdthree men was very jealous of McCarthy and had job authority to bring up this service experience. The jealous man would have been under McCarthy


I myself feel that law enforcement personnel should have integrity just like we expect from our military folks. If you want to bed a cop that had to lie about his military career to get recognized in his (former)current career, more power to you. I suppose that you also won’t mind getting your medical advice from the doctor with the degree from the U of Burundi. What your father did was tell kids bits and pieces of what he went through in WW2 – not flat out make up lies to help get promoted in a military friendly police force or impress loser women such as you. Out.

Wild Bill

Oh Rita Reporting…looks like you missed your ride and have been left at the curb by your fibbing friend. Facts first then I will address your weak attempt to justify Captain McCarthy’s career of lies. Mark Timpf was promoted to assistant chief prior to the police department’s investigation into his fake and I do mean FAKE military career. So attempting to use this as a bunch of jealous men at TPD trying to keep a good man down BS will not fly. McCarthy knows exactly why he did not recently get promoted and it had to do with two things: Women and money (guess we know where you land on this one). The exposure of his fake warrior status was his own undoing. He just could not resist telling story after story until he finally started showing videos of tank battles and then claiming he was in the videos. McCarthy and only McCarthy brought this on!

Now as for your weak attempt to justify why it was no big deal to lie. Your statement “what this man did was not tell the truth, but who has done worse” clearly identifies the level of your integrity which I would put at about a zero. You should move to a foreign country and stay there until you can learn to appreciate the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform from all branches of service and then offer an apology for your lame uniformed opinion about this situation. McCarthy has insulted the family and friends of those of us who have lost love ones in combat and now Ms. Piggy, so have you. Find a hole and climb in. You will not be missed.

Green Thumb


The dude is a sack of shit.

Good advice: get away from this assclown as quick as you can.


A police officer with no integrity is scary indeed. An officer with no integrity will submit false information and plant evidence. A police officer with know integrity issues isno use to the prosecuter, while a field day for the defense attorney.


known, and is no.


Makes all of us in that business look bad. Thanks a lot, “captain”.


Like others have said, I too am constantly amazed by those with honorable, worthy careers who then fuck the whole thing off by lieing about it. ESPECIALLY one in a position of public trust like this guy was…

Wild Bill

There is a reason why TAH, Stolen Valor and Fake Warriors organizations need to exist. To stop people like McCarthy from stepping on the graves of our fallen hero’s to make themselves look better. Calling this a “minor infraction” like his attorney did in this news story is equally insulting.
There is a lot more to this story than what was reported. Make no mistake, the reason McCarthy did not respond is because it is hard to talk from underneath the rock where he is hiding.

Proud TPD Vet

I found it interesting that McCarthy would state in his own leadership book; “The key thing that is pertinent to all leadership styles is leader credibility and ability” (p.45). Well, if your ability has been fabricated around your military career which has turned out to be one big lie then what does that say about your credibility? I feel like after all of this, I am a character in the movie the Great and Powerful Oz. Who is really behind the curtain?


I find it concerning and rather disgusting that our TPD union attorney was unable to respond to three of our members that we’re recently involved in a shooting, but is available to defend a lying commander. Who exactly paid for this? Better not be my dues! The FOP is looking better everyday. Unreal…

Career Cop

This guy McCarthy was a master BS artist. All shiny on the outside but hollow. Typical politician type- yap, yap, yap, I’m the greatest, I’m the smartest, blah, blah, blah. Known him for decades. No real experience. I give him credit for experience in DUIs, but even there he was investigated for bad P.C. Long history of poor ethical decisions. Can’t keep his you know what in his pants, disciplined for having his mistress and get this, an ILLEGAL ALIEN in his patrol car on an unauthorized ride-a-long when he as a sergeant. This guy lied and BSed about tins of stuff, not just military service. Adios. Better off without this fake clown…..

Servare Vitas

Wow, the KGUN 9 story fills in some blanks for sure here at TPD. What a complete fraud. …and for the record he was not as smart as the chief said. He was good at reading and regurgitating stuff, but his inexperience was obvious. Very insecure. It all makes sense now. What a fake. Shame on him for disrespecting our true combat vets and for misleading us. Also interesting was how the chief seemed to defend his abilities and even made him chief of staff. When he was our commander he bad mouthed the chief all the time. “He doesn’t know #%^* about leadership! he is wrong! that is bad decision” etc. good for the bosses that called him out before he got someone hurt or killed. Everything with this guy was, “in combat we…, in Baghdad we…, when I kicked doors in Iraq,…, when I was shot with an AK… What a disgrace! Shame on TPOA and their lawyer for defending this fraud.

COT Semper Fi

So this bozo fake taught a leadership class at a High speed City of Tucson leadership and supervision program .

Those that know McCarthy and his proclivities are not surprised I’m sure, but really? Those of us sitting in the class were like, are you kidding me! I’m being taught leadership by this chick. Pretty sure I’ll be purging anything from that class….

Spy v. Spy

So true Servare, he was always bashing the chief and the asst chiefs. Then when he around them he was all kiss ass.

Minus 1

From the Quinn McCarthy book of lies:

Was hit with nerve gas in Iraq. Still suffer stomach issues from that -Lie
Shot twice in shoulder with AK47. That’s why I have this shoulder tic. – No, it’s because you are a sociopathic liar.
We told “Achmed” to wrap his shoulder fired missiles in plastic to help it pierce armor, but it really messed up its navigation. We sat on our tanks and watched them do it and then kill themselves. – Really? Another lie. Where do you come up with this shit?
I have the longest tank shot in US history. – Again, BS
I led the battle of Fallujah. – Not
I have a Bronze Star(s) – Uh, no….
I kicked doors in Iraq. – Again, not so much…
Hey, come look at this YouTube video of tank battles. That’s me. That’s my tank, watch me kill these guys, that’s me again. That’s my buddy Jimmie, here we blow up a village. – nope. Not there. Maybe he was confused. Training in a non-combat environment in Korea or CONUS is similar. Anyone could be confused, right? Geez…..


Now TPD can focus on it’s lying biochemist LT U of A graduate… http://sawle.us/TheBoard.html

Capt Murdock

You can’t be fired for embellishing your past, or military career! There was something more then this, but they have you believe it was their small little website tah that got him fired! You make me laugh!


Um, yeah, you can.

Dipshit. And nobody here claimed it was Jonn or anyone else that got this douchebag fired.

RIF, fuckstick.


Especially from a job with Federal/state/county/city governments. Most of those applications have that penalty “I certify that all information herein is true and correct . . . . ” clause on them – and it usually includes an acknowledgement of the fact that one can be fired for lying on the job application.

Green Thumb

Capt Murdock is a clown.


TAH never claimed to have this douchetool fired. He was shitcanned because he was deemed untrustworthy, you know with trust being a requirement in those job. He lied about his military career, what else did he lie about, every case he worked can be in question now as well. Thats the reason he was fired. TAH is just here to point it out and make sure he gets his 15 min of fame.

Green Thumb


And I hope Jay Kerwin is poppin’ that Man-Pussy.

Rita Reporting

WILD BILL….just the type of angry, immature personality, woman-hating male that is the average profile of your probable job as a stressed out law enforcement employee. I have personally known police officers since I was young. As an adult,I have had personal friendships with policemen and I have had one torrid affair with a policeman.
Per numbers in the police field, they have some of the
highest percentages of domestic violence, divorce rates, alcoholism, and lying per occupational groups in the nation.

Wild Bill,we are far apart in educational levels,
We are far apart in understanding of grey areas of our current oppressive government.I lost two uncles to post trauma after IWO JIMA. They were never the same. I lost a boyfriend and great dance partner who went downn on the sub. Nautilus.

I do respect loss. People make human errors and this policeman has paid a price. So why do you keep making horrid comments?????????
I have been to the actual TPD office. Met them all from lowest to highest I also have heard the Tucson city council does not support the TCD. Big internal problems lead to crazy behaviors.
The t-v stoty was over-kill

Wild Bill

Rita, I take back the last part of my previous response. Please do not find a hole and climb in…staying above ground ensures entertainment on our part. You Rita Reporting are an idiot! Keep posting… for example: I have had one torrid affair with a policeman (integrity = ZERO. WOW…WHAT AN EXAMPLE YOU ARE TO EVERYONE). We are far apart in education levels: Correct…you are an IDIOT (obvious from your posting ability and attempt to defend this man’s actions coupled with your inability to fully understand Stolen Valor). Oh, but I do like your description of me in your posting….not bad! Want to hear mine of you?


Rita – You’re trying to defend the “indefensible”. Stolen Valor is a crime of not only legal but moral and ethical per portions! As we’ve found (and looks to be proven by this fart knocker) Stolen Valor is usually just the tip of the ” crime ‘o meter”. I understand your position I’m just worried that you’re chewing on a rectal thermometer while trying to make it.

Never Fooled

So, word around TPD is that former Captain Bullshit, now Mr. Bullshit upon his retirement in lieu of termination, will be at the department awards ceremony tomorrow. His son, also a TPD cop is getting an award. Always an interesting dynamic to see how all of his former co-workers will go up to him and say, ” so good to see you, how is retiremen?, we miss you, etc” the same folks that bash the shit out if him, talk about what a lying piece of shit he was, good riddens, etc. Human nature I guess. Sad part is that ego maniac, sociopathic, insecure ass whipes like fake war heroe boy actually believe these people. Funny. The stories and info that has come out on this guy since his departure is really amazing. The fact that he could keep all of his dirty little secrets secret is surprising. Maybe he will wear his fess greens with all of his bronze stars, Purple Heart and CIB to the ceremony. Let’s hope. It will help Army CID with the case they have open to downgrade his discharge from honorable. It will be especially interesting to see how he interacts with his TPD girlfriend since I’m sure the wife will be there…

Green Thumb

How did this scumbag’s award ceremony go?

Green Thumb

This dude possess that unique level of asshattery and dicksuckery that could propel him into the Unsweet 16 or even further.

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