Marine units not deployable

| March 6, 2014

The Marine Corps Times reports that about half of stateside Marine Corps units “were at an acceptable level of readiness last September” as a result of sequestration budget cuts.

The data comes from the Marine Corps’ Defense Readiness Reporting System, said Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Eric Flanagan. The system, established as a concept across the Defense Department at the turn of the century and enhanced with new requirements for the Marine Corps in 2010, collects data on unit resources, training and preparation, which is then reported to the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Flanagan did not specify what the units at unacceptable readiness levels were lacking.

“In total, they were missing some form of personnel, equipment and/or training,” he said via email.

Of course, I don’t have to remind this audience that we’re still involved in a war, with hotspots around the world flaring up. Sequestration was the result of a White House proposal and Congressional spinelessness to cut the federal budget across the board. They can throw fingers at each other, but the blame is non-partisan. And, oh, look at their solution – more cuts to defense.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Military issues

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Add in the fight over wanting to delay Obamacare which was billed as evil etc. Oh wait that is right that was all election year stuff but now that, that is done with we can delay and delay on mandates and other provisions. The damage is done and it is going to take a while to dig out of the hole. Seems memories are short on creating the hollow force as we did in the 30’s, then after WWII, and of course the 70’s. Histroy keeps repeating it self. Only this time there is no one evil threat to ploarize the world into two sides and have people chose us as allies.


Folks, the Administration is putting this country and its military in a dangerously, precarious position. Nothing good will come of this.


I wonder if this was the flexibility he was talking about to Putin.

Either that or the ability to bend over further.

A Proud Infidel™

Meanwhile, B. Hussein 0bama and family have ALL of the luxuries and perks they desire, and B. Hussein 0bama himself NEVER misses out on a game of golf whenever he wants one! Ditto with the pols in DC with their perks as well!

James in Gulf Breeze


sound awake

The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.


Herbert J Messkit

In 1950 many units had 2 line companies per battalion, 2 platoons per company, etc. They pushed deadlined vehicles to the docks and deployed and died in droves. We will once again have to buy time in blood and sweat.

Just An Old Dog

I remember during the Unit Deployent Program that out of a Regiment One unit would be deployed/ready, one would be doing a 6 month work up ( 95% ready) one would be in mid cycle (not T/O or T/E and the one that just returned would have about 50-60% strength because of EAS/ Tranfers etc.