RSSCongress sucks

AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

| July 12, 2024 | 23 Comments
AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

  Well, if you can’t beat ’em, impeach ’em. Seems to be the theme of the Democrats – if they can’t win by the rules, try to change the rules. Disregarding decades of liberal majority on the Supreme Court, the Dems squealed like outraged shoats when the Court became barely conservative-leaning. God knows Roberts and […]

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Massie, Trump dissing troops

| April 22, 2024 | 27 Comments
Massie, Trump dissing troops

So little space, so much to discuss. Let’s start with the Iranian bombing of Israel. It isn’t bad enough that we have pro-Palestinian demonstrations occurring on campuses of “institutions of higher learning” but we even have support for Hamas in Congress. As Mr. O’Rourke said, “a parliament of whores” indeed. More than a dozen House […]

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Sheila Jackson Lee, a science great

| April 11, 2024 | 59 Comments
Sheila Jackson Lee, a science great

Just ask her. After all, she led the Space subcommittee of the House Science Committee, right?  And we know she never, ever, makes tells a untruth (when her lips aren’t moving.) The latest is, however, noteworthy. “Sometimes, you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that complete-rounded […]

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Iran Official admits to terrorism.

| October 2, 2023 | 13 Comments
Iran Official admits to terrorism.

  Today my mailbox is full of reports about an Iranian Official admitting to sponsoring terrorism. This is like my wife admitting to eating chocolate.  So much derp in all of this  I hardly know where to begin. Iran is not the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world… Russia is and always has been […]

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Defense Secretary Austin’s salary cut to $1 under GOP budget plan

| September 28, 2023 | 24 Comments
Defense Secretary Austin’s salary cut to $1 under GOP budget plan


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Senate Democrats blink

| September 21, 2023 | 23 Comments
Senate Democrats blink

Senator Coach Tuberville (R-AL) has famously been holding up senior DoD appointment confirmations over the DoD’s support of using taxpayer funds for abortions. He’s been clear that he’s not holding up confirmation votes, but he is holding up blanket rubber stamping of confirmations by quick, procedural voice cote. If Democrats want to proceed on confirmations, […]

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Military Abortions? How many/who uses them, $ spent – no one knows

| August 21, 2023 | 92 Comments
Military Abortions? How many/who uses them, $ spent – no one knows

Back about six months ago, DoD announced that service members who needed abortions or pregnancy treatments not available where they were station could get admin time off and support to go get it elsewhere. SEN Tommy Tuberville responded by suspending bulk promotions to high ranks, and the rest is a PR war. As the hold […]

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You gave ’em a raise, and didn’t know it

| April 10, 2023 | 19 Comments
You gave ’em a raise, and didn’t know it

Ah, Congress, one of our favorite groups of people. They do such a great job – selflessly leading us on the paths of  righteousness, transparently leading by example, wisely allowing us to live out own lives with minimal governmental interference, spending our hard-earned taxes parsimoneously… OK,  let’s stop smoking whacky tobaccy and return to reality. […]

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