Tuesdays with Claymore
Wall to wall Ukraine coverage. Must be eating them alive, cheering for a resurgent Russia while seeing President Teleprompter do basically nothing.
…well at least they didn’t blame Bush.
The “do nothing” Congress emboldened Putin. Yeah, you read that right.
Peaceful defiance…coming to a former Soviet state near you!
DU no longer a “beacon of sanity”. Boggle.
Right wing radicals made Putin do it.
Hey guys, don’t forget about Iraq!
DUer’s care about the military.
Maybe if they moved the battle to the golf course?
Hey, maybe the Russians are just getting bad press….yeah, that’s it.
Ukraine crisis is the Tea Party’s fault or something.
GOP wants to stop women and brown people from voting.
We’re getting real tired of your shit.
Obama’s poll ratings are a lie. And probably Bush’s fault.
War on women who predicted war.
“Thank God we have Obama in charge!”
Making Cheech and Chong relevant again.
And now, the conflict from the socialist perspective.
Occupy movement eyeballs Crimea.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
“Occupy Movement eyeballs Crimea.”
Yeah, I’d like to see that. I believe Putin would make short work of them.
OH, PLEASE let them go there. PLEASE. They’ll never return and we won’t have to smell them any more.
Maybe we can start an “Occupy Crimea” movement and convince all of the “Occupy [whatever]” idiots here to go there and support their “comrades”?
I believe the word/term you’re looking for is “Occutard”.
Sums it up nicely in my book, anyway. 🙂
“But anyway, freedom. And money for the arms merchants, of course.” Did someone take the subjects and verbs hostage at DU?
GOP wants to stop women and brown people from voting.
Right because white guys rule the world!!
In ‘Ukraine crisis’: I got as far as this: ‘a dually elected govt’ right at the start.
I could read no further. I want to keep my head from exploding.
I think these are the same people who celebrated every “election” Chavez.
The latest liberal whining is now along the lines of: Conservatives are hoping that Putin wins because Obama is black.
I have never seen Americans so brainwashed by failure before. It is amazing to me. No critical analysis at all, just blind worship of a failed president and his misguided policies.
The one that I’ve seen today is that conservatives are bitching about Obama being a tyrant over healthcare and about him not being a tyrant in engaging Putin. I’m convinced these people eat their own boogers.
And smell their own farts.