RSSTuesdays with Claymore

Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 24, 2018 | 27 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

Lurking lurkers who lurk Just walk away Classy Fear the crimson tide Trump is far right? Seriously? Carter Page, Kremlin Agent! Clearly it’s not your message Whah whaaaaa James Commie You’re a racist Somewhere, a village in Africa… Oh, it’s so clear now! And by ‘brilliant’, you mean retarded The missing ‘COEXIST’ sticker might have […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 10, 2018 | 21 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

Misfire So are Latino cops racists now? Weak Since you did something in the past, you get a pass Rare sanity? …says the protectors of stupid. In case you forgot….Russia. Blue Wave = Ty-D-Bol Don’t be a Schiff-head Betsy DeVos….child trafficker!! In order to save democracy, you have to be a violent asshole International businessman […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 3, 2018 | 17 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

Willie Brown’s fluffer has something to say Someone else do it Spark of divinity For the Horde! Suddenly the left loves Rick Wilson Swamp dweller Uncivil War Oh hey, did you know that Trump is a Nazi? No wait, he’s a Russian plant Nope, definitely a Nazi Strike out Skinny jeans, vape and IPA’s for […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 26, 2018 | 20 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

Fire up the ovens Chicken little Apparently this tard was asleep from 2009-2017 You say you want a revolution? Detain. Deport. Rinse. Repeat. Jill didn’t do Jack Merry Fitzmas Part Eleventy It’s like 4d underwater chess Thanks a million, Bernie! Dey stole’d it!! Little White Supremacist on the Prairie And how did they get here […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 19, 2018 | 14 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

From the queen of morality Just like Nazi Germany Yep. Exactly like Nazi Germany …like Nazi Germany. Fo’ da’ childs Weaksauce Axis of Morons Mental Again with the Nazi shit. One note. Fake ‘impeach Trump’ encounter is fake Riding that dead horse all the way to the glue factory Trigger the Bernie Bros! There’s no […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 12, 2018 | 18 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

Constructionist = Radical They want a coup Pallets full of cash…to Iran. STFU Consolidated DUmbass Finally, a dictator the left doesn’t like Flim flam, thank you ma’am “The bank’s closed, bitch.” Robert is sorry… Al Franken is a good man Hey, I’d watch that show on Netflix Obama bandages 2020 vision “Bernie Sanders hates black […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 5, 2018 | 22 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

The coveted “gay washed up actor” endorsement Bernie blue Let them eat cake And 30 years ago, leftists loved Russia “I heart Hillary!: Hating bakers who hate …if the Democrats continue to ignore progressives??? Monica who? Yes. Please do more of this. Melania Watch 2018 Screwy But please, bring on the $15 per hour minimum […]

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Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 29, 2018 | 14 Comments
Tuesdays with Claymore

McCain isn’t a real patriot unless he lets Democrats win his seat Whites fear a brown America And apparently, brown people fear Jews Shrug “Woman” Should have gone with RUN-DMC So progressive I guess “Anti-American Commie Doucherocket” isn’t really a platform Liberal’s biggest problem? They’re too pure. Yup. Posting when you’re off your meds Joke […]

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