Bug thread
Someone wanted me to ask you guys to complain about the new format – the things you like and don’t like about it. The reason I went to a front page type of blog is so that I can tell what you’re reading and what you’re skipping over – it’s to make the blog more responsive to what interests you. It’s not some secret plan to get more clicks – how that would benefit me, I don’t know. All that matters in terms of traffic, is your first click that brings you here.
That default picture, is me in Panama. Someone took it from the skid of a helicopter that was extracting us. I could lie and tell you that it was during some secret operation against Communists, but then you’d notice the blank adapter. That’s my buddy, Bob Nagy, flipping the bird, and my roomie Freddie Brooks behind him. You can always spot me in Panama, because I’m always drenched in sweat. I think we’d just got done hacking out an LZ when that picture was taken;
There are things about the new blog that irritate me, too, and I’m not saying that I’m going to fix everything you don’t like, but I’ll change what I can so you feel at home again.
Category: Administrative
Contrast now muy bueno
The sidebar stuff is at the bottom of my Android devices.
Like the new layout. Nothing to complain about.
Aaaaaah – the contrast is muuuuuuch better now. Thanks!
Your house, so do it your way, Jonn. Whatever works best for you, we will adjust to in due time.
But must add a contrary opinion from what has been expressed so far. I am REALLY enjoying the comments NOT being numbered! Much less stuff to scroll through which has nothing to do with the topic. Am hoping that it remains that way, but seem to be the only one. (Or at least the only one who has said it out loud!)
So now all I can see are three comments….
I like it.
I like it – much more streamlined. Good job!
Much better, easier to read!
The look and feel of the new site is great…
The only complaint I have is the ad that pops up in the middle up top of someone’s disgusting ingrown, fungus infected toe nails!!! I don’t think any of us need reminders of how we abused our “dogs.”
We moved to another server. I guess we’re getting too big for our britches.
I don’t know if this is a new format thing but I can’t track activity like before. E.G., I went to the Round Ranger thread to post something and lo and behold there had been some afternoon activity that I never saw in recent comments in spite of my spending way too much time here this afternoon.
I like it. I wish the “Trackback URL” link was at the bottom of the comment string instead of the top (nice way to get back home after following a long thread, like Bernath comments for instance). Also the “Comments RSS Feed” may not be working…. it does not work in the same way that the former layout worked. Glad to see the Venado DZ picture back and being displayed prominently.
Was the blog down for a little bit a few minutes ago? Or am I just dimmer than usual?
I like the new layout but I do miss the menu that ran on the right side that linked to the most recent posts and updates no matter what page you were on. Made it really easy to navigate. Maybe you just moved it and out of habit I haven’t noticed the new spot yet.
I think it was down…I couldn’t get in for about and hour and a half…all’s well now though.
Yeah, we went down and the Lostonthemwebs moved us to a new server. Mike, I added the “Recent Posts” widget for you.
Must be doing something right. I’ve watched the number of people who follow (under follows this blog) here go from my #229 to 345 and I do believe 5 of those are since the new layout rolled in. But if they’re not reading y’all’s Facebooks they’re missing the funny stuff.
All I care about is IT’S BA-A-A-A-ACK! That means I can talk to someone besides Mikey.
All is well in my teensy weensy kingdom.
Tested several times. When I click ‘post comment’, I get a page that says ‘internal server error 400’ instead of a return to the page I was on. Then when I return to the page I was on, click ‘post comment’ I get a ‘duplicate post’ message. I don’t return to the page where I was posting.
I don’t know if that’s happening with other people, but it wasn’t happening yesterday or the day before.
What happened yesterday?
Where did you go?
Don’t ever do that to me again!
I was so scared!
I need a hug!
PS: EX-PH2 same thing happening to me.
What happened yesterday?
Where did you go?
Don’t ever do that to me again!
I was so scared!
I need a hug!
Ok getting messages!
Error 500
The server encountered an internal error and could not meet your request.
Inform the Webmaster of the problem site(s).
Try Again
Glad it was not just me. I felt so… LONELY!
Yeah, we outgrew our server and we’re on the cloud now. We’re still having issues, so bear with us.
Not bad, but it’s not the format that brings me here. The content matters, and you’ve got that right. Keep it up!
That said, I’d lose the ACU pattern backdrop. That pattern is like herpes – a constant reminder of a bad decision the Army once made.
I do like how it cuts off older comments unless you want to back and read them. I also like the front page format better as well. The only thing I would like to see differently is the hyperlink back to the source article be a different color as it used to be. It makes it difficult to find the link if one wants to go back to the source article or previous reference posts….
I know it’s all running slow, but our server guy is on the West Coast and we’re waiting for him to get out of bed.
Testing 1-2-3.
Let’s see if THIS one posts OK, then disappears later!
Otherwise, everything looking and working just fine.
Pack your bags, kids, we’re moving again. We’re going to another server, so things may be running weirdly for awhile. Don’t forget to flush your dns cache.
How does one “flush your dns cache”?
Use the plunger.
One does not simply flush the DNS cache.
Dunno about that, Valkyrie – I flushed a whole lotta cash when I was younger . . . . (smile)
Call Phildo.
How does one “flush your dns cache”?
Never mind…Google is my friend: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/ClearingBrowserCache
Thanks for that. It wasn’t a very satisfying flush but it seems to have worked. I am no longer seeing the old Army War College confederate heroes story that appeared every time as the top story.
Seems to be okay now.
Ex. By “now” you mean then b/c right now I think we’ve entered the Twlight Zone. I don’t understand what in the wide, wide world of sports is happening. One minute all is well and the next Rod Serling is showing me Jonn’s unit patches and other stuff of his, as well where threads and comments used to be but aren’t any longer.
2/17AirCav, it was okay, but now it’s forgetting your name/e-mail after you post.
Jonn’s unit patches? Where?!?
They just showed up when, going through the googlemonster, I clicked on TAH. Quite a display.
I went through gooogle-eyes just now and didn’t see them. I NEVER get to see the good stuff. (sniff)
I’ll just leave this here . . . .
SJ. This looks like a two flusher.
So, is it running better now?
Much quicker. However, as Ex-PH2 noted the site seems to be dumping user info between comments for those w/o accounts.
My grandmother had hardening of the arteries. She could remember me and everything I did when I was 5, but she couldn’t remember anything I said 5 seconds ago.
So now, the internet is forgetting who I am but not what I said 5 seconds ago.
I’m so confused. I’m going to start asking myself questions. And answering them.
Better, but it’s forgetting who I am.
Does this mean I have to log in somewhere?
Ex-PH2: login is required to post articles. Jonn runs TAH with open comments – e.g., no login required to comment.
All systems working fine here.
Have I crossed back over? Am I here? Is this real or a dream?
(Hondo. Thanks for the smile. I haven’t seen or heard that Twlight Zone intro in many years.)
Read ’em if you’ve got ’em. Evidently, the server switcheroo dumped a load………..
of comments.
I like that I can comment directly on someone else’s comment and vice versa
The layout is extremely busy whereas the last one was far more simple and less distracting
Oh goody! Was feeling a bit left out because I had no problems. But as soon as this comment comes out of moderation you will read that I also had to reenter my stuff to post.
Not going to worry about it, though. It always takes a few days for everything to settle in. Good thing we are all patient. No cursing or throwing things from any of us. Nope. Didn’t happen. 😉
Things I would like to see return.
1) comments alternating colors ever other comment.
2) comments numbered
3) Article tags like “feel good story”, “Gun grabbing Fascists”, and all the other article tags.
How do I keep my handle and email from disappearing each time as I flip between pages?
Dear Jonn:
I heart you. However, I hate the new format.
The old format was easier to follow, but more importantly, it was more effective in helping us all continue evidence gathering/posting of Stolen Valor.
It is taking much longer to go through the threads with the current reply format with a reply of a reply of another reply…and we have lost WTH the original comment was. Important comments/evidence are getting lost before we even knew they were posted.
I find that I am not reading the threads as much as I used to because it is too damned hard to follow.
I would even go so far to plege $1000 of MCPO NYC USN Ret’s money as a bribe to go back to the old format. j/k
I’m so lost….the comments for me are really messed up…The reply button was a good idea, but as others stated, the original comment gets lost. I also miss the numbered posts. Having to go back 3 or 4 pages to see where you left off and to see new comments sucks and I still miss stuff.
Wish we could go back to how it was as far a commenting goes..
Well, I shut off the “nesting” function on comments and they showed up in chronological order but with no numbers so I switched it back. Obviously, I’m not throwing away my money that I spent for this new layout. It takes some getting used to, but you folks are adaptive enough to get used to it. I have faith that you all will endeavor to persevere. (Josie Wales reference)
Will comply. I am no RSS expert, but is the rss functioning correctly in regards to comments? If the new rss functionality worked similar to the old, it might help folks (like me) out. So far, everytime i click on the RSS link it merely reload the page.
“And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the (comments function).”
(I mean, if you’re going to go all “Josey Wales” on us, don’t expect us not to fire back the quote. Of course, we might be called the civilized commenters because we are so easy for the comments function to sneak up on).
“I didn’t surrender, but they took my horse and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas I bet”.
It is sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues.
There are no double tongues on this blog. My word is the word of iron.
Your house, your rules, Jonn. No complaint on that at all.
Is there a way to put the “newer comments/older comments” button at the bottom as well as the top, or add a “top” button? That might help us discover which page we happen to be on without all the scrolling.
Yeah, yeah, we will adjust. Not certain that anyone will like the results. I’ve already noticed a lot fewer comments – some of that is good, some of it not so good – as a result of the reply fields not automatically forwarding. I rather like the reduction of chat room type comments if we are stuck with this new format with all the extra places we must search for new comments.
Yes, much is being missed now, and some of us will simply not spend the extra time it takes to find it.
Jonn had to point this out to me, so I pass it on to you. Start at the top of the page and scan down the right hand side. You will see “Recent Comments” “Top Posts and Pages,” and “Recent Posts.” It’s almost like the old format, but for some reason, hard to spot. Also, when you click on a new comment, it will show up at the very top of the screen when the page refreshes. Look there before scrolling, or you’ll lose it.
What … OK … I had NO idea!
If you click on a comment in the “Recent Comment” widget thingie, you’ll notice a comment number in the URL. You only have to roll your cursor over the Date/time portion of the comments until the display in the lower right of your browser matches the number in the URL.
I am even more confuggled now … maybe I am just a freckled faced dumbass who will never amount to much in life!
Yeah, I have seen that, but it takes you back to an odd comment and then you have to go wading through endless more comments.
The box within a box out of a box in a box new box out of box in a box has be bungfuddled!
It is kinda like shopping in a very large Walmart … way too much of everything and no understandable order.
I don’t like change or big shops … I don’t like lima beans either … but it is not my house.
Jonn seems smarter than me so I guess I will suck it up.
Listen up, you whiny deck swabbing wog. If I can adjust to this wacky khaki world, so can you.
That is all.
Yes Theresa … How is the weather in Iowa today?
Hey …I am no WOG. I am a Shellback. In fact I am an Honorable Shellback (crossed multiple times)!
Well, at least you’re awake now.
I never got to be a shellback. I was merely a shore duty puke. I feel so… left out. 🙁
me bungfuddled
Yeah, we’ve averaged about 385 comments/day since the new format. I guess someone is figuring it out.
I have no issues with it.
The advantage is that a dipstick like chevy chevette or bernastypants will find it harder to find this.
Mikey picked up the idea very quickly. But he’s a cat, and they learn what they want to learn.
I live to complain, whine, moan, bellyache, and bitch. That is my birthright, I think. Did I mention I hate, loathe, detest, and abhor change? If not, throw that on the pile. That said, I have to admit that I am adjusting. As I said before, NOT using the Reply button after the first 15 or so comments in a thread helps; otherwise the Thread Monster eats it.